Eirv12n26-19850702 044-Who in The Us Protects Terrorist

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Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 12, Number 26, July 2, 1985

A question to whom it may concern

Who in the U.S. prote.cts terrorists

in Papandreou's government?

In our last issue, one day before the tragic highjacking of a "steady" homosexual relationship with a painter, by the name
TWA flight from the Athens Hellenicon airport, we published Talaganis, who is a hard-core communist who lived most of
the name of the person who assassinated, back in 1975. the his life in Tashkent, U.S.S.R. Tashkent, until 1975, was the
CIA station chief in Athens. We also identified by name those headquarters of the then-exiled Greek Communist Party, and
in the present Greek socialist government of Andreas Papan the originating point of a special spetsnaz'capability now
dreou who are still protecting the.assassin and his accomplices. deployed inside Greece under the command of Gen. Markos
Subsequent to that publication, the TWA highjacking Vafeiadis. Youth Minister Laliotisjs not only an overt sym
occurred under the most exceptional circumstances. Most pathizer of terrorist causes, not only of communist persua
exceptional was the fact that among intelligence and law sion, but also under homosexual blackmail by the GRU-a
enforcement agencies, it was known that this particular hi not inconsiderable odium in macho Greek society, especially
ghjacking was going to occur about one month prior to its when it comes to passive male homosexuals such as the
occurrence. The decision to carry it out was taken in early Youth Minister.
May at a conference of Iranian, Libyan, Syrian, and Le Another ranking passive homosexual under GRU control
banese terrorist leaders under the supervision of East German is the director of the Greek Munitions and Small Arms In
intelligence agents. The story leaked to Western intelligenc:e dustry, one Vincent "Takis" Arsenis, the brother of Minister
agents. of National Economy Gerassimos "Gerry" Arsenis. Another
On May 23, 1985, the First Secretary of the Soviet em high-ranking Greek offidal known to provide "aid and com
bassy in Athens, 44-year-old Sergei Bokhan, defected to the fort" to terrorist groups is Interior Minister Agamemnon
United States. Bokhan, according to our information, had Koutsogiorgas, described as an "intimate friend" of Robert
full foreknowledge of the planned highjacking. He had ex Kealey, designated to become the next U.S. ambassador to
tensive knowledge of the Eastern Mediterranean region, es Athens. The degree and type of "intimacy" of the Koutso
pecially Cyprus and Greece, where he had served under var giorgas-Kealey friendship has not yet been ascertained. Nor
ious diplomatic covers for at least seven years. He is reported are the interior minister's sexual preferences very clear.
to have been an officer of the Soviet military intelligence What is known is that he is providing massive protection
branch, the GRU, rather than the KGB. In this capacity, for terrorist operations in Greece and from Greece.
Sergei Bokhan was the controller of highly trained terrorist
and assassination groups, spetsnaz (special forces) units, as u.s. liaisons
well as military espionage units. The Greek principals involved in this matter, Papan
His style in controlling espionage units was to place heavy dreou, the Arsenis brothers, Koutsogiorgas, and others, have
reliance on the technique of homosexual blackmail. Sergei for many years maintained relations with numerous U.S.
Bokhan's handiwork is evident, for example, in the espio officials and agencies. The Greek embassy in Washington
nage case of seven British Royal Air Force homosexuals at maintains as its legal councel the notorious terrorist attorney
the British high-security installations at Akrotiri and Epis Leonard Boudin. Zbigniew Brzezinski and Robert Mc
kopi in Cyprus, who were arrested in February 1984 and Namara maintained intimate personal relations with most of
whose trial in London began June 14, 1985. The sordid tale the Greek officials in question, even prior to their entering
of drugs, blackmail, and frequent homosexual orgies. now government service. The outgoing U.S. ambassador to Ath
unfolding in British courts, observers believe, had been stage ens is the closest thing to a "boyhood sweetheart" or"Andreas
managed by Sergei Bokhan. Papandreou: the incoming U.S; ambassador, according to
The Sovie First Secretary's penchant for homosexual our information, is probably literally a boyhood sweetheart
entrapments reaches into the bedroom of at least one member of Interior Minister Koutsogiorgas since the days they shared
of the Papandreou cabinet, Youth Minister Costas Laliotis. in the same boys' high school.
A pathetic public figure, the 40-yearold Laliotis maintains a In short, the Greek gClVernment terrorist controllers enjoy

44 International EIR July 2, 1985

1985 EIR News Service Inc. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission strictly prohibited.
heavy "clout" in Washington. The question is how much
clout. The answer to this question may seal the fate of those
innocent unfortunates now held hostage in the hands of Shi'ite
terrorists in Lebanon.
The answer to this question is known somewhere inside
the U.S. government. It can, and must be dug out, and here
is how:

How Moscow Plays the

There is no'question that since the defection, induced or
otherwise, of GRU officer Sergei Bokhan on May 23, 1985,
the CIA's debriefing officers received ample information to
indicate to them that the TWA highjacking would be taking
Muslim' Card in the
place soon. The debriefing officers, unless they are assumed
to be total incompetents, would also be in possession of
Middle East
detailed information about the inner working of the terrorist In the past year, have you...
control apparatus inside the Papandreou government.
This information had been obtained by the CIA prior to Suspected that the news media are not presenting
the Greek election of June 2, 1985. Had the information been an accurate picture of SOviet gains and capabilities
made public prior to the election, Papandreou could not have in the Middle East?
possibly won reelection; the Greek ministerial terrorist-con Wondered how far the Khomeini brand of funda
troller apparatus would have been dismantled; the TWA hi mentalism will spread?
Asked yourself why the United States seems to be
ghjacking would not have taken place. Instead, the CIA made
- making one blunder after another in the Middle
the decision to withhold the information.
Well. let me rephrase this: Someone inside the U.S.
If so, you need ElR's I,lew Special Report, "How
government made the decision that the information devel Moscow Plays the uslim Card in the Middle East."
oped by the CIA be withheld from public use so as not to
influence the pre-rigged outcome of the Greek election. This ground-breaking report covers:
Whoever this "someone" is, he bears full responsibility for
the TWA highjacking and for all its dramatic political reper History and Mideast policy of 1he Pugwash
cussions. He is one hell of a "mole," and one of President Conferences, whose organization by Bertrand
Reagan's deadliest enemies. Russell in 1957 involved high-level Soviet par
The larger stakes for which the TWA highjacking was ticipation from the beginning. PugwashConfei
staged involve, primarily, a Soviet-controlled experiment to ences predicted petroleum crises and foresaw
tactical nuclear warfare in the Middle East.
ascertain how low the U.S government can be made to stoop
before it takes forceful action on behalf of its vital interests,
The Soviet Islam .establishment, including
e.g., to protect the very lives of its citizens. The TWA hi
Shiite-born Politburo member Geidar Aliyev, the
ghjacking was the follow-on action to the assassination of
Soviet Orientology and Ethnography think tanks,
Major Nicholson in Berlin.two months earlier. the highjack and the four Muslim BoardS of the U.S.S.R
ing was also intended to shatter the last remnants of U.S.
prestige among Near Eastern and Middle Eastern govern Moscow's cooptation of British intelligence
ments and political groups, and also to cast President Reagan networks (including those of the "Muslim
in the same light of impotent frustration as Jimmy Carter Brotherhood"-most prominent member, Aya

dUring the grueling days of the Teheran hostage crisis. tollah Khomeini) and parts of Hit1's ,Middle
. East networks, expanded after. the war.
As columnists Evans and Novak identified in their col
umn of June 19,IsraeIi and other presumed "allied" intelli
The U.S.S.R.'s diplomatic
and pol,itica1 gains
gence services acted in such a way as to have the effect of
in the region since 1979. SOviet penetration
"stabbing in the back" every effort President Reagan had
of Iran as a case study of Moscow's Muslim card.
made and could have made on behalf of rescuing the hostages The August 1983 founding of the Tc;heran-based
before thy were dispersed to various neighborhoods of Beirut. terrorist "Islamintern," which showed its hand
At the height of this tragic crisis, it was discovered that in the Oct. 23 Beirut bombings.
United States intelligence has been compromised by its pur
ported "allies" and has been blinded by "moles" from within. $250.00. Order from EIR Research, P.O. Box 17726,
Whatever the enemy control points have been from within, Washington, D.C. 20041-0726
they are associated with those within the government who
are running. cover for Andreas Papandreou 's outlaw

EIR July 2, 1985 International 45

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