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Daniel Budge


English 2010

Mrs. Bown

Sustaining the Utah Prairie Dog - Commentary

There is no doubt that the Utah Prairie Dog should be protected - the economic

and environmental evidence to that end is unsurmountable. There is doubt, however,

about who should manage the protection of the UPD. Currently, there is a battle

between the State of Utah and the federal government over this issue. There is also

battle between property rights activists and environmentalists. I maintain that State

control is optimal in all scenarios.

State run UPD protection is better for those living in UPD territory. As Bruce

Hughes, an affected property owner told KSL News: "We had dealt with the federal

government for 40 years and had made zero progress and spent millions of dollars,"

said Hughes, a tax accountant. "With two years of state control, we have basically

solved our problem. I can run over them with a tractor and I won't be arrested.

Hughes would have faced prosecution or fines for removing or killing UPDs under

federal control. He can now develop his property. This is why the People for the Ethical

Treatment of Property Owners (PETPO), as well as the the general public, is generally
behind the State managing the Utah prairie dog. The public feels that the Federal

government is aloof, beurocratic, and inefficient.

Contrary to what Hughes statement would imply, State control does not mean

unrestricted slaughter and population reduction of the UPD. In fact, the UPD population

has grown more rapidly in the past two years under State control than it ever had under

Federal control. One of the biggest challenges to managing Utah prairie dogs are

federal rules that do not allow biologists the flexibility they need to do whats best for the

species and for the people who live in areas where prairie dogs are found. Greg

Sheehan, director of the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources told KSL News.

The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Utah Prairie Dog Recovery Biologist,

Adam Kavalunas, corroborates this. .We gave ourselves more flexibility with when

we can move prairie dogs, how many people could build on top of prairie dogs, that kind

of thing because we wanted it to be very community supported. But at the same time

also provide for recovery of the species, weve moved more prairie dogs over the last

couple of years than weve moved in a long time so were helping to bolster those public

land populations where the animal has full protections.. Were definitely disappointed

to see the ruling go the other way. I trust the boots on the ground when it comes to

complex biological, environmental, and statistical issues such as this. I dont believe

there is any way the federal government, without placing federal employees in southern

Utah, could intelligently manage this issue.

Due to a recent ruling, the federal government is set to take over on May 20th.

The Pacific Legal Foundation, the legal counsel for PETPO, is expected to appeal this

ruling. Until then, the best thing we the public can do is talk to our State representatives

about this issue. Inform them of the issue and the publics interest in it. I urge everyone

to take this action.

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