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Skyline Middle School - Music Lesson Plan

Class/Ensemble: ___5th Grade_____________ Date: _2/13/2017________

5.11 The student will analyze music by 4. explaining theme-and-variations form.
National Standards:
5. Reading and notating music.
6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.

Whiteboard/Markers, Youtube (, clarinet

Prior Knowledge:
Review of last class in the beginning of class by oral inquiry.

The students will be able to accurately describe theme-and-variations form, Rondo form, ternary and
Sonata form

Time: Sequence:
5 min Students enter and sit down.
Teacher asks review questions and calls students by name.
What are some class rules?/What is Tempo?/What are some Italian
words for tempo?/What is the device that keeps tempo?/What is
Rhythm? (half, quarter, eighth, whole, accompanying rests)/What
are dynamics? (pp,p,mp,mf,f,ff,<,>)
20 min Today we will learn about musical form so we can tie what we know all
Form: refers to the overall structure or plan of a piece of music
Theme and Variations: What is a theme? What is a variation?
Show Twinkle Video. Explain what is happening.
Introduce each form (as time allows)
Sonata/Sonata-Allegro - Exposition/Development/Recapitulation.
Rondo - ABACA (Payphone/Raiders March)
Ternary - ABA (Twinkle Twinkle)
Explain differences.
Compose and play on drums: different forms using 4 beat rhythms made by
5 mins Close: Review. Dismiss.

Ask definition of dynamics and review symbols. Thank students.

Assessment: thumb game, aural responses

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