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Station 1 Name:__________

Please circle the statistical question below, and explain how it has variance.

What is for hot lunch today? Vs. What are you having for lunch?

Did you brush your teeth this week? Vs. What toothpaste do you use?

What channel news do you watch during study hall? Vs. What news channel do you
hear about the most?

Part 2
Create a data set for the same questions using at least 10 pieces of data and
explain how the data represents variability in data.

What is for hot lunch today? Vs. What are you having for lunch?

Did you brush your teeth this week? Vs. What toothpaste do you use?

What channel news do you watch during study hall? Vs. What news channel do you
hear about the most?

Part 3
Pick two topics to create a question and data set that represents statistical
Sports Food School Travel Television

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