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Course Syllabus

Odd Semester 2014-2015

Faculty of Pharmacy
University of Surabaya

Course : Academic English for Pharmacy Students

Credits : 2
Time : 2 X 50 minutes
Lecturer : Sulistyaning Edi, M.Pd.
Meeting : Thursday, 07.00 08.50
Email :

Course Description:

This course is concerned with integrated TOEFL learning which consists of

English reading passages in the field of Pharmacy study, vocabulary
enrichment, English structures, and listening comprehension.

Learning Objectives:

This course is aimed:

1. To introduce the students to integrated TOEFL learning for Pharmacy

students of University of Surabaya.
2. To have Pharmacy student be familiar with Pharmacy reading
passages as well as the vocabulary enrichment.
3. To have the students practice more covering the English structures
and TOEFL listening comprehension.

Instructional Strategies/Methods:

The method of instructional strategies will be 14 meetings of lecturer, 4

time-quizzes, discussions, reading assignments, group work, structure
exercises and use of technology.


Class participation and attendance is critical in this class. There will

be class discussion and questions which will require your participation. If

you miss a class you will be responsible for finding out the session
materials as well as any required assignment.

Quizzes will be held four times during the semester. The schedules will
be attached on the course syllabus. It requires your preparedness due to
the best achievement. There will be no make-up quizzes if you fail to
attend the day it is held.

Tutorial programs will be conducted by tutors at Ubaya Language

Center. You are responsible to attend each tutorial session at ULC. For
Pharmacy students, it is conducted on the 2nd to 3rd week of the
semester, 1st September to 12th September 2014.

This class will also require you to prepare before each session starts by
reviewing at home.

Assessment and scoring system:

1. Participation in class (10%)

2. Quizzes (each 20%)
3. Midterm test (70%)
4. Final-term test (50%)
5. Tutorial programs (10%)


1. Choliludin. 2009. The Technique of Making Idiomatic Translation.

Jakarta: Visipro
2. Davy, Elizabeth and Karen Davy. 2002. Reading & Vocabulary
Workbook for The TOEFL Exam. New Jersey: Thomson Arco
3. Elbaum Sandra N. 2006. Grammar in Context 2.Boston: Thomson
4. Wilis, Dave and Jon Wright. 2003. Collins Cobuild Elementary
English Gramar. Great Britain: Harper Collins Publisher

_____________ ____________
Lecturer, Student 1
Sulistyaning Edi (211169)

Student 2


Pertemua Topik Sumber/ref.

1 Drug abuse EP, Unit 1 pp.1-6
- Reading
- Vocab
- Grammar and translation
2 Lanjutan EP, Unit 1 pp.1-6
3 Quiz 1 Unit 1 (Basic
Vitamins sentence pattern)
- Reading EP, Unit 2 pp.7-10
- Vocab
- Grammar and translation
4 Lanjutan EP, Unit 2 pp.7-10
5 Quiz 2 Unit 2 (noun phrase
Propanolol + noun modifier)
- Listening EP, Unit 3 pp.11-13
- Reading
- Vocab
6 Anorexia EP, Unit 4 pp.14-18
- Listening
- Reading
- Vocab
7 Review Unit 1 -4
8 Salt EP, Unit 5 pp.19-27
- Reading
- Vocab
- Grammar and translation
9 Lanjutan EP, Unit 5 pp.19-27
10 Quiz 3 Unit 5 (Passive voice)
Subway syndrome EP, Unit 6 pp.28-31
- Listening
- Reading
- Vocab
11 Exercise and Diet EP, Unit 7 pp.32-37
- Reading

- Vocab
- Grammar and translation
12 Lanjutan EP, Unit 7 pp.32-37
13 Quiz 4 Unit 7 (adjective
Health Cost clause)
- Listening EP, Unit 8 pp.38-42
- Reading
- Vocab
14 Review Unit 5-8

EP= English for Pharmacy

Surabaya, 28 Agustus 2014
Tim dosen bahasa Inggris
Fakultas Farmasi
1. Yenny Hartanto, M.Pd.
2. Sulistyaning Edi, M.Pd.
3. Dra. Sri Ariani

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