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Learner Profile Reflection Sheet

Parent Teacher Conferences, Fall 2016

Name: _________Matthew Hammonds____________________________

IB Learner Profile Attributes

Caring Communicator Inquirer Knowledgeable Principled

Reflective Risk-taker Balanced Thinker


My strongest Learner Profile Attribute is ___knowledge_____________________ because ____

___I have a high GPA. _________________________________________________________.

The Learner Profile Attribute I need to grow in the most is _____Risk-taker____________

because _________I dont speak out much in


The class in which I show the strongest LP Attributes is ______math______________.

This is demonstrated when I __________know a lot of the different


The class in which I need to better demonstrate LP attributes is ___ap human geo______. I

can do this by _____answering more complicated questions


The class I am the strongest in academically is ________math_____________________.

This is because _______I have a 103 in that


The class I struggle with the most academically is ________science__________________.

This is because ________its a bit difficult to talk out loud in front of the
Student Led Conferences Reflections Worksheet

1st period: 2nd period: 3rd period:

Student will: Be more creative Student will: Answer more Student will: Will participate
with ideas. questions in class. more in my sports.

Parent will: Parent will: Parent will:

Teacher will: Teacher will: Teacher will:

4th period: 5th period: 6th period:

Student will: Know how to talk to Student will: Will participate in Student will: I will be able to be
crowds. equations more. better at understanding

Parent will: Parent will:

Parent will:

Teacher will: Teacher will:

Teacher will:


Academic: What I will do to have more success in my most challenging class(es):

Learner Profile Goal: Which LP Attribute I will work on in order to support my academic goal:

Student Sign: ______________________________ Parent Sign: _______________________

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