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Brittany Chastain
Service Learning Questions 1
EDUC 250 Educational Psychology
Type your answers to the following questions.
1. How many students are in your classroom? (1 point)
21 Students

2. What is the ethnic make-up of your classroom? (2 points)

All students are Caucasian.
3. What was the best part about attending your service learning field placement so far? (1 point)
I really enjoyed the overall interaction with the students and my placement teacher
is very cooperative and happy to answer any questions I have.
4. How many of the students in the classroom require accommodations for a type of learning or
physical disability? What are the accommodations? (2 points)
There is one student who has an IEP for general learning and academics and is
directed to a resource room to get extra help and there are two additional students who
have IEPs for motor delays and they have an occupational therapist come in and work
with them on exercises for grasping pens, etc. There is also another student who has an
IEP for emotional reasoning.
5. How does your answer to question five affect the teacher and the classroom atmosphere? (2
The students who have motor delays is something that will affect a teachers
capability to read the students work. I think being able to keep this in mind for those
students and depending on the severity of the handwriting thinking of an alternative
method (i.e. computer) to allow them to type their work as an option could be something to
consider. As for the classroom atmosphere, the students who have learning disabilities are
typically just sent down to a resource room for the extra help and be able to get that one-
on-one learning that would be impossible to do with a class of 21 students.
6. What types of assistance does the teacher receive to help accommodate these students? (2
As stated above, these students with IEPs receive additional help from resource
teachers and the occupational therapists, which ultimately (and hopefully) helps the
students progress which in turn helps the teacher.
7. How does this information change your perspective on what you are going to have to do as a
teacher? (2 points)

Like I stated above, keeping in mind the different types of disabilities is going to be
something to keep in mind. The range of disabilities that can occur in a student is going to
be something that myself as a new teacher is going to have to learn the different methods
and styles that will be able to help these students as I encounter them in the future.
8. Observe a behavior that your teacher MODELS for the students. Tell the behavior and how
you observed the students responses to the modeling. (2 points)
At one point, there was a teachers aide in the room going around helping students
at their desk while the teacher had a group of students and then I had a group myself that I
was teaching. I overheard one student get a little bit hateful with the aide and the teacher
called the student over and explained to him that the way he talked to the aide was
disrespectful and that she was just trying to help him and that as a result of being
disrespectful he would get time taken away from the tablet. He accepted his punishment
and proceeded to apologize to the teachers aide. I thought that this was interesting
because instead of a teacher just teaching academics, it gives a side of teaching of morals
and not just academics.
9. Take pictures (get your teacher's permission and do not include children in the pictures) of the
classroom in which you are observing. Insert the image/s below. You may also use the site to create an image of the classroom and paste the screenshot
below. (3 points)

10. List three questions that you have about teaching that you can ask your cooperating teacher
before you submit your next journal. Remember to ask these as you will report back on the
answers for the next journal. (3 points)
a. Do you offer any types of rewards for good performance or behavior? Do you do a
behavior chart?
b. How often are the students on the computers and what types of activities do they
perform on them? Do they have access to internet sites?
c. How do you communicate with the parents of your students?

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