Tempo and Rhythm TG

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Tempo and Rhythm

A common misconconception with lazzis that as the tempo increases,

so does the speed of the
rhyhms'This wotrld mean that at a frst the musician would be playing many many notes and
a slow tempo hardly any- As with anything in rnusic at
moderation is **,#st ipproacn.
To begin witb the best way to start ini*ing ofja"rrbrtfrm

l.At a medium swing tempo;

Tripletq and srbdivisions of the tiplas. l-3-r l--.3-r r-t-r r-3-r
(Triplets with some notds taken o"iy
When playing eighr note Iins it is a good idea to
play even eigtrs to provide contrast to the triplet

2. Ata medium up tenopo;

Eight Noteg and suMivisioirs of eight notes.
(Oeasionat tripl*s cm itso be added)
5:e in mind thar an ven eighr note iirel
is better than a smrung feel at this tempo.

3. At a fast tempo;
Playlng quarter notes and creating polyrfuithms
(conmonty groups of three against'th; r.rir prisel
create the most forward motion at fast tuurpor.
Eighth notes can also be pl+yed
rf you are on th9 edse {rorte dt th, chops to do ir.
technique fito*tiog-drr*; th"
quarter note polyrhythms ard tlrc dghth notes is o; beg idea.

2W4 O Josh Hindmarsh

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