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Samantha Valtierra Ramrez A01372963

First Particial essay book The perfect storm

Academic writting and public speaking. Group 2
Elizabeth Clemente
February 10th, 2017.
A touching story on the sea

The mistery on the Andrea Gail remains in the minds of the people, not because of

the boat, or the crew in general, the main reason is that, the Andrea Gail witnessed

the tempest that may have happened once in a century, but didnt get the chance

to tell. The perfect storm, the work of Sebastian Jung, to recognize this baffling

story about six men on the sea, that even on hindrance, they prove that people can

join together and work along to get the best solution for survival. Because it is well

known, that when everything is on your favor, you can not think about the worst.

The Andrea Gail crew was feverish because of getting the best load of fish ever,

working as a team. The captain Billy Tyne was decided to get a better load of fish

than the last trip. The crew was so frustrated about the small cargo and the little

cash they got paid. The captain of the twin boat of the Andrea Gail, the Hanna

Bodden, Linda Greenlaw, got such a cargo of fish, that Billy come to a decision,

and told his crew they would return to the sea. The crew conformed by Bobby

Shatford, Michael Moran, Alfred Pierre, and Dale Murphy were notified of the new

trip. A new crew member was added that same day, Sully. At the beginning Sully

didnt get on well with the crew, as well as the other men, he was only there to

make money. By the time they where on deep sea, Sully and Murphy have a
problem, leadind to a small fight, captain Billy and the crew tells both of them to

shake hands if neither wants to be kicked out of the boat. When they finally reach

the sowrd fish zone, they start fishing. Together they latch on as much fish as

posible, making this the biggest load of sword fish on history for the Andrea Gail.

The boat has an expectant load of sword fish. Which will make the apprehend

amount of money.

Then the worst changes their plans. By the time captain Billy Tyne decided to take

a chance and set sail to catch sword fish, Glinda Greenlow, told him that the

weather in October is not the best to go on sea. Avoiding her words, captain Billy

and his crew proceeded to navigate deep sea, going through the grand banks of

fish. When they catch the most of fish they could, they rejoice the achivement. Due

to this reason, the crew is thrilled,. But then, captain Billy gets a fax, where the

meteorologists notify a hurricane forming among the sea, and two cyclons coming

too. Meantime, Michael discovers that the ice machine for keeping the fish fresh

has just broken down. With this being informed, captain Billy gives everybody two

options, they will continue their trail, and croos through the storm or they can

unload the fish and come back home. The crew being cautios of their next words,

decide that, this is a lifetime opportunity of getting a record, and tell Billy not to be

pesimistic, and that they will get through the storm. But they were not aware, that

all the combination of factors were creating what could not posibbly have been

worse. By the time they new, they were exactly in the middle of heavy winds, and

waves of about 40 feet long.

The crew fight together until death. Great teamwork is the only way we create the

breakthroughs that define our careers (Pat Riley, Pricrevense). It was October

26th, when the storm hit the Andrea Gail. Captain Billy decided to stop fishing, and

take a chance to go back to Glaucester. Both Billy and Bobby tried to breake the

deadliest waves with the boat. The rest of the crew were outside the cabin

maintaining the boat complete so it doesnt undo at the middle of the sea. The six

members in the boat tried hard, they make an effort to stay strong, to be together. It

was October 28th, when a transmission of the Andrea Gail was made, captain Billy

s words were Shes coming on boys, and shes coming on strong. The next

second, a wave of a hundred feet long, drown the Andrea Gail along with its crew.

It was October 30th, when the search of the Andrea Gail was suspended. The tail

still remains an enigma. But even though the Andrea Gail didnt survive, it gives the

story and example of chivalrous men, that together give everything to return home

save, taking gamble decisions on the perfect storm ever. The Andrea Gail crew is

still remembered.

Junger, S. (1997) The perfect Storm. (299) New York, US. Harper Nonfiction.
Riley, P. (n.d) Picrevise. From

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