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Candace Stewart

E-portfolio essay

My Renaissance

The purpose of this course is to challenge students to think critically,

undoubtedly challenging many students beliefs along the way. However, it is
important to go into this course with an open mind. I gained life-changing
knowledge and I do not regret taking this course. I found every topic
discussed in this course fascinating. Many reading assignments made an
impact on me and really opened my eyes to understanding many of the
controversial subjects in the world. However, a select few really was life
changing and changed how I think and how I view the world today.

The very first reading assignment introduced in this class, Critical

Thinking by Edward Engh, was the start of my renaissance. This reading also
prepared me for every other reading assignment that was later given in this
course. Every other reading assigned afterwards tied into this reading, which
allowed me to understand everything discussed so much better. I was
stunned and even a bit distraught at how much I could relate the concepts
and problems discussed in the reading to the world around me. Engh
discussed how many people in the world are not able to distinguish
nonsense from reality, resulting in illusions. This is a result from a lack of
critical thinking skills, known as error detection, which is essential to think
rationally and learn about reality.

Edward Engh discussed how a lack of critical thinking affects many

aspects in life including business, politics, philosophy and religion. False
assumptions and beliefs play a big role in the making of all of these aspects,
and Engh stresses that this needs to change, as they shall. Reading this

Candace Stewart
E-portfolio essay

made me think about the many people around me that have had or still have
a lack of critical thinking skills, and even how I, myself, has had a lack of
such skills as well.

When I was young, my family and I started to become very involved in

a religious organization. However, as of age fifteen or so, our attendance
came to a halt resulting from becoming educated about some truths of the
organization and use of critical thinking. By looking back, I recognized that
before I learned of my cold reality, I had a major lack of critical thinking skills
resulting from the ways of thinking and morals taught while part of this
religion. Many elements of my life were based off these beliefs, resulting in
much nonsense and misconception perceived. It makes me a bit bothered by
the things I experienced by being part of this deception at the time, though
now I see it as an advantage to have gone through this, for doing so was the
reason that my family and I gained critical thinking skills and knowledge of
the world, being able to detect it as well.

However, I did not fully recognize much of this advantage of error

detection until I was aware of this reading. Nor was I able to fully detect
other misconceptions of others. Following the reading, I am now able to look
at the situations that take place in the world around me relating to these
aspects and notice the nonsense in each. Edward Engh states that real
knowledge can be obtained only through study and experience, until then,
such assumptions should not be mistaken for facts. (Engh)

Many political decisions and religious standards are made according to

personal beliefs and morals, without much consideration of diverse culture or

Candace Stewart
E-portfolio essay

knowledge of the world. People do not realize that this way of thinking is
irrational. It is recognizable to me now that many people do indeed mistake
unproven, personal beliefs for facts that affect everyday life and even large
decisions that does not include only them, but other people who may not
share the same beliefs. People are uncomfortable addressing the unfamiliar,
and do not look at the scientific facts. I honestly witnessed this in myself and
the people around me while I was religious, though still do to this day in
people around me. I am able to detect false situations and am more aware to
do so now that I have been educated on this topic.

Now, by being able to detect errors, I am able to make practical

decisions. Engh also describes the benefits to staying calm and
dispassionate, in order to prevent emotions from interfering with decisions to
avoid errors in reasoning. Thus, I always try to keep this in mind when facing
big situations, either if it is with considering if something is real or making a
rational decision, since even if something is cogent, people still have a
tendency to let emotions or familiar beliefs hinder the thought process.

I am not trying to disrespect any individual and the beliefs belonging to

any religious organizations, but only describing my personal experience on
how this course, or more specifically, this reading assignment, helped me
start to think rationally. I learned that even how painful it could be, it is
important to know the truth about all aspects of life. Until then, no one can
truly be happy or have all knowledge of the world. Before taking this course
and reading this particular assignment, I was not even aware of all the
misconception in the world around me. Many people hold onto false
assumptions, even if shown the assumption is indeed false. I will use the

Candace Stewart
E-portfolio essay

knowledge I gained from this lesson throughout my life, and hopefully help
others learn the importance of critical thinking as well.

Works Cited
Engh, Edward G. "Critical Thinking." (2016). Web.

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