Blust Lessonplan1 1

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Get rid of the mice Teacher: Victoria Blust

School: KIN Elementary School

Date: 2-21-17

Class: KIN 355 Equipment Used: Two hula hoops, 16 bean

Grade Level: (3-5) bags, open space with clearly marked boundary
Time: 9 am lines
Targeted NASPE Standard(s):
NASPE Standards 1, 3, 4, 5
Specific Objective: By the end of this lesson, students will be able to exhibit and
identify at least 3 different responsible personal and social behaviors in the PA
setting. EX: following all safety rules, using kind words, not cheating. This will be
assessed through: observation, listening, and a check for understanding at the

Concomitant Objective: The students will participate in a physical activity where

they must work as a team to achieve a goal. They will be staying physically active
while also having fun.
Time Procedures Followed Materials
Warm Up: To get muscles warmed up for running, do 10
30 jumping jacks, and then make the sound of your favorite
animal when you are done.
Transition: Everyone put your toes on the red line
10 Set induction given there.

Set Induction: You and your team are working in a

30 kitchen, but it is filled with mice. Your goal is to get as
many mice as you can out of your kitchen and into the
kitchen of the other team. This game is called Get Rid of
the Mice

Learnable Piece: The main goal in this game is to learn

30 how to show responsibility with yourself and others.
Ways that you can do that are by following all the safety
instructions, using kind words, and not cheating.
Your personal goal is to notice 3 ways that you and your
teammates show responsibility.
Presentation of New Material/Directions:
Get Rid of the Mice is all about getting as many
of your mice out of your kitchen as possible and
into the kitchen of the other team. The mice are
the bean bags, and the kitchen is the hula-hoop.
Each team has a safe side (at the half court line)
and out of bounds lines (the white lines). When
you are on your side, you are safe, if you are on
the other side you can be tagged. You can move
a beanbag from your kitchen to the other kitchen
by taking it from your hula hoop and running it to
the other side and placing it in the other teams
hula hoop. You may only carry one mouse at a
If you get tagged on the other teams side, then
you must take your mouse back to your own hula
hoop. Once the mouse is back in the hula hoop,
you may continue to play.
When you are on the other teams side, you may
throw your beanie bag into the other teams hula
hoop, but if it lands outside the other teams
hoop, you must run after it without getting tagged.
If you make it to the hoop and put your mouse in
the other teams kitchen, then you must walk
back to your side.
There is no jail in this form of capture the flag,
and the only consequence of being tagged is that
you must return your beanbag to your own side.
So, do not be afraid to run to the other side.
You have 5 minutes to get as many of your
beanie bags into the other teams hula hoop and
to stop the other team from putting their beanies
into your hula hoop. When I call time, we will
count the amount of mice in each kitchen, and
the team with the least number of mice wins.

Make sure to run with your head up so you can
watch where youre going.
Do not shove people when you tag them, a light
tap is good enough.
There will be no guarding the hula hoops you
must be at least 2 feet away from the hoop if you
are not chasing someone.
Do not throw your beanie bag at anyone

Check for understanding:

how many mice can you carry at once?
what happens if you get tagged?
Transition: We are going to split off into teams, count 2 hula hoops
60 off by two. 16 beanbags
With your team, go to your side and you have 30
seconds to strategize.
Activity: Gym setting, on a full-size basketball court.
Possible Modifications:
_____ Make it harder: if you get tagged, you must hold onto
your beanie bag, freeze where you were tagged, and
wait for a teammate to unfreeze you. Once un frozen,
you both must walk back to your own side.
Make it easier: put the hula hoop in the middle of the
side it is on instead of at the back of the court.
1 Lesson Review:
Minutes Transition:
I need all beanbags returned to one of the hula
Sit in a circle around the circle in the center of the
Did you guys enjoy the game?
I need 3 volunteers to tell me how they or a
teammate showed responsible behavior while
playing the game.


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