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Summer Winrotte

EDCI 566 Project 2

Job Aid Framework
9 April 2017

Send to OneNote

Microsoft OneNote is a personal and/or classroom tool for organization and
sharing of content. Many users do not know of the Send to OneNote feature
that is inherently built in to Microsoft Office. This job aid will introduce the
Send to OneNote feature, which is easy to use but unknown, and will show
how-to examples of use in Outlook 2016, Word 2016, and Adobe.

Intended Audience:
The Send to OneNote job aid is for individual professional development and
reference among the Tecumseh Junior High School staff. The staff is
comprised of administrators, teachers, and various support staff (nurses,
office staff, counselors, etc.). Each staff member has school-issued
computer, which runs Windows 10 and Office 2016. The staff utilizes Outlook
2016 for email purposes. Many teachers utilize OneNote Class Notebooks in
their lessons, and the administration and support staff utilize OneNote for
organization and collaboration.

Instructional Component:
This will be a stand-alone professional development reference guide for
Tecumseh teachers and staff who wish to learn more about the Send to
OneNote feature. Utilizing this reference guide will be strictly voluntarily.
The link for this guide will be sent out in an all-staff email and then will be
accessible through monthly Tecumseh Tech Newsletters.
The job aid will utilize the digital platform Sway. Sway is an online
presentation tool that is sharable/viewable via a URL address. If it is found
that additional information needs to be added in the future or changes need
to be made due to software changes/upgrades the job aid is editable. Many
say that this makes Sway a dynamic presentation tool instead of a static
presentation tool. The associated URL is always current.
Sway Outline:
1. Description of Send to OneNote feature
A. With Heading Card Send to OneNote with audio/narration of
feature description
B. Text Card Create list of applications that this feature might be
used in

2. Example w/Outlook 2016

A. Video Example

(In this manner)

B. Embedded Word Doc that has step-by-step instructions with images
(In this
3. Example w/Word 2016
A. Video Example
B. Embedded Word Doc that has step-by-step instructions with images
4. Example with Adobe
A. Video Example
B. Embedded Word Doc that has step-by-step instructions with images
5. Embedded Form Space for staff to declare addition needs
A. Request for individual face-to-face help
B. Ask questions, with expectation of email responses

(In this manner)

MM Principles:
Multimedia principle Images, video, and narration/audio will be used to
support the information being presented in text format.
Signaling Within the embedded word document, showing the steps to send
something to OneNote, step numbers and titles will be added to cue the
learner to the organization/order in which the steps must occur. Also, within
the utilized images and video, visual cues will be added to draw the learners
attention to a specific/key portion of the screen/image.
Worked Example Principle Each video will provide a worked example for the
learner. The learner may pause the video or rewind portions, or all, of the
example in order to best understand the process/steps to Send to OneNote.

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