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My Vision for My School

Physical Appearance

My school is a vibrant institution of highly engaged scholars and

leaders. As you enter our gate, you will see a sign that leads you to the
parking lot. You will notice, our parking lot has designated areas for
visitors, car riders and staff. From the parking lot, you will see a sign
that leads you to the front office. At the main entrance, you will notice
how clean the surroundings are. You will see a flower garden that is
carefully-maintained by our beautification club, headed by one of
teaching staff and students. The students in my school are learning
about gardening and planting which is why they are involved in the
schools beautification efforts. On several occasions, staff, parents and
members of the school alumni, community volunteers come to help
maintain cleanliness within the school building.

Main Entrance/School Lobby

As you enter our school building, you will be greeted with a welcoming
smile by our office staff. As a visitor, you will be politely asked to sign
in and wear an ID. The students and staff you meet at the front office
are warm and friendly.
Our school lobby depicts the wonderful things that our students are
engaged in. You will see bulletin boards exhibiting student work. Our
school vision simply put as Where great things happen... are
expressed in all the corners of our building. You will see bulletin boards
depicting that our students will graduate from college. At the front
lobby, you will see a bulletin board containing feedback/comments
from our stakeholders. I believe that getting inputs and feedback from
our stakeholders will help us improve our service to our students.
Likewise, there is also a board for our Irreplaceables pictures of all
teachers and staff in random order. Beside the Irreplaceables Board
is another bulletin board exhibiting Staff recognition i.e. teacher of the
month/employee of the month. There is a bulletin board for student
recognition. At our school, students are recognized not just for student
achievement i.e. academic performance but also for their character,
citizenship and, leadership skills


The teachers and staff at my school work collaboratively with their

peers. Teachers within the grade level teams participate in professional
learning communities. Teachers showcase and model lesson that they
have successfully implemented in class. My teachers share
instructional practices that engage students. The teachers model
positive attitude towards their peers and students. Teachers stand by
the door and warmly greet their students as they enter the room.
Teachers assigned as hall monitors also warmly greet the students as
they walk in the lobby.


The students at my school look forward to coming to school each day.

They are excited about learning. They feel that the school is an
extension of their family. They feel secure and safe inside the school
building. They are inspired and empowered to be successful regardless
of their status and background. Students are treated with respect.
When students leave their house to ride the school bus in the morning,
the bus driver warmly greets them. As they enter the school building, I
warmly greet them as well. I talk to them and call them by their first
names. Since we are a PBIS school, students follow and display the
behavior expectations on the bus, hallway, cafeteria, bathroom,
gymnasium and classrooms.
While in class, students are engaged in rigorous activities. They are
learning integrated concepts in math, science and social studies.
Students are allowed to sit on the carpet or on the couch while working
on an assignment. Students also practice 21st century skills such as
self-direction, personal responsibility, and accountability. That is why
you will see our students working collaboratively in groups and
workstations. You will see these behaviors across all settings and
disciplines. The students create norms and rubrics about student
participation in group work. Our students also utilize technology like
iPads and laptops. They also engage in blogging and skyping with other
classes in any parts of the world. Students also engage in project-
based learning activities.

Literacy in the Classroom

Each classroom has a mini library containing literacy pieces of different

genre. We get support and funding from community business leaders
to purchase books and magazines. Students from all grade levels are
encouraged to read independently. Students keep weekly reading logs
as well.

Daily Routine

We conduct short morning announcement to recognize students with

positive referrals i.e. students caught doing good.. As the school
principal, I will reiterate high expectations for students and to remind
them the purpose of schooling and to make the right choice and
decision. The tone I set for the day will literally affect the climate for
the day.


Students are served healthy breakfast and lunch in the cafeteria. The
students eat healthy menus such as grilled chicken and veggie
burgers. Fried foods such as French fries and fish sticks, etc. are not
available in the cafeteria. Students are also served with fresh fruits
instead of baked sweets for desserts. Students help maintain
cleanliness in the cafeteria. The students are given copies of the
menus being served.

Extra-Curricular Activities

Our school vision is Where great things happen.. means that there
are lots of exciting things that students and parents can look forward
to as members of a vibrant school community. There will be thematic
activities lined-up each month. During these times, the school will
organize an essay writing contest, spelling contest, extemporaneous
speaking, art contest, quiz bowl, and science fairs that students can
participate in. There will be talent show/presentations as well.
Intramurals are also being held everyday for the last 45 minutes of
class. Each teacher will be responsible for holding one intramural.
Students can freely choose to go which intramural they want to
participate in. Intramurals are not limited to athletics. Examples of
intramurals are as follows: Wifi Caf, Garden Club, book Club, Film
Club, The Zen Club, etc. Our school will also have a dress up day once
a month and this is based on a theme as well.


Our school follows a flipped-classroom model. As such, there will be

days where students will be required to watch a short video lecture
created by the teacher or any video-content from school-approved
online classroom library. This video is a preview of a lesson, which will
be used during in-class instruction. This is also an anticipation that
students have access to internet at home. Otherwise, students will be
given USB to save downloadable content on their flashdrive.

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