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upgrade, which allows villagers to gather resources from crates much extra damage.

NAPOLEONIC ERA: faster, the Berry Pickers upgrade, which allows villagers to gather faster
from berries, or the Vineyards upgrade, which allows villagers to gather
TAD EDITION faster from berries and crates. NEW CIVILIZATIONS
IMPROVED IMPERIAL AGE AND REVOLUTION Napoleonic Era includes several new European or European-style
All European civilizations now have access to additional Imperial Age NEW BUILDING civilizations: The Austrians, the Italians, the Polish, the Prussians, the
technologies at their Capitol and University. Revolution provides each UNIVERSITY Swedish, the Swiss, and the United States.
civilization with more different options for shipments. In the Napoleonic Era, all European civilizations have access to the new
University building. This building is available starting in the Industrial AUSTRIA
Capitol Technologies: Industrialism, provides a player with additional
Age, and provides special random upgrades. It contains a special CIVILIZATION CHARACTERISTICS
XP for more shipments. Intelligence Service, upgrades Spies and provides
additional line of sight for buildings and units. Artillery Regiments,
Imperialism upgrade for all civilizations, which costs a shipment, but
Austrian villagers are much cheaper than those of other civilizations,
makes it free to revolt or cheaper to go Imperial. In addition, it provides
greatly reduces artillery unit train time. Urbanization, increases Town some unique upgrades for each civilization. Finally, universities can be and they become cheaper by each age.
Center build limit. The Field Marshal upgrade is available after taking the used to buy special elite units in the Industrial Age and beyond. These The Austrians have access to powerful cards for improving their native
Peerage and Knighthood upgrades. It upgrades the Explorer's damage and units only come in limited batches, and cost shipments in Imperial.
line of sight, and allows him to grant a small bonus to nearby military allies and mercenaries.
NEW UNITS The Austrians have a politician system which provides a similar array of
Saloon Technologies: An Imperial upgrade for Outlaw units is All existing civilizations gain access to additional units. Some units are options at each age-up: Either resources, settlers, mercenaries, or
available. Industrial and Imperial upgrades for Mercenary units are unique to existing civilizations, others are shared among several. Four defensive buildings.
available. Also, the Bounty Hunter upgrade is available; this upgrade new units are especially strong, and generally only available in the The Austrians have special unique fortified buildings for defense.
improves heroes (such as Explorers) against outlaw units and guardians, Industrial Age, through University upgrades: The Conscript, the
Sharpshooter, the Chevauxleger, and the Swashbuckler. Only France has UNIQUE UNITS AND BUILDINGS
and increases the amount of XP they gain for killing enemy units. Finally,
depending on the map, another upgrade is available, which improves the access to all four of these; other civilizations generally only have access to Grenzer: This ranged infantry unit is fast and tough, and is good against
Saloon itself in some way. two of these four Industrial Age units. siege troopers and artillery, as well as other infantry units.
Special Note: All infantry and cavalry units available to Napoleonic Era
Revolution: Four new shipments are available to players who revolt: A civilizations in the Colonial and Fortress Ages are based on Colonial Age Line Infantry: This long-ranged heavy infantry unit has a bonus against
mixed force of Hussars and Chevauxlegers, a mixed force of Skirmishers base statistics. This includes pre-existing units, such as Cuirassiers, all cavalry with their ranged attack.
and Sharpshooters, a mixed force of Explorers and Swashbucklers, and an Lancers, Oprichniks, and Halberdiers. This does not affect their veteran-
upgrade card for all revolution units. Watchtower: These buildings replace Outposts for Austrians; they are
level statistics, but it does make their upgrade levels somewhat weaker
than you might be used to. cheaper and available in greater number, but weaker.
NEW TECHNOLOGIES Keep: These smaller forts are available an age earlier than forts are, and
Most technology buildings yield one or more additional technologies for SHARED UNITS can be rebuilt by the Explorer if they are destroyed.
players in the Napoleonic Era. Mostly, these are shared technologies, but These units are available to several different civilizations, but not to all UNIQUE TECHNOLOGIES
each civilization also has access to one or more technologies which are civilizations.
The Austrians have technologies which allow them to train settlers at
unique to that civilization. Arquebusier: This archaic heavy infantry has a short ranged attack with
their Keeps, and which allows them to construct an extra Keep.
ARSENAL a bonus against heavy infantry.
Arsenals in the Napoleonic Era can provide players with new upgrades. Fusilier: This advanced heavy infantry unit has a powerful ranged FRENCH (GRANDE ARMEE)
Windlass, which improves crossbowman damage and range, Heavy attack and is a very mobile unit. CIVILIZATION CHARACTERISTICS
Sabres, which improves the melee damage and damage bonus of light
cavalry against heavy cavalry, Demi-Lancers, which improves the damage Conscript: These heavy infantry units are good in large numbers. They French units train faster than those of other civilizations. This bonus
bonus of heavy cavalry against infantry, Iron Sights, which improves the are especially weak against artillery. improves as they advance in age.
damage infantry does against light cavalry and Eagle Knights, and Camp-
Sharpshooter: These powerful skirmishers feature a very powerful The French start with 7 Settlers, allowing them a powerful start along
Volant, which improves the speed of light cavalry.
attack against enemy heavy infantry, but they must take careful aim, with their training rate bonus.
CHURCH reducing their mobility. They can also use a crackshot attack. The French have access to a number of elite units that can only be
Churches can provide the State Religion upgrade in the Industrial Age, Chevauxleger: These powerful heavy cavalry units inflict area damage accessed in limited numbers, including a wider array of University units
which upgrades priests and similar units. in melee and also have a very powerful ranged attack. than any other civilization.
MARKET Swashbuckler: These fast light infantry units feature the ability to make
Depending on civilization, markets can provide either the Warehousing a devastating sweep attack. They will occasionally land critical hits for Chasseur: This ranged heavy infantry unit is a fast and tough elite
musketeer, but is only available in limited quantities.
Condottieri: These heavily armored cavalry units are tough, but they maneuver.
Grognard: This elite grenadier is only available in limited quantities. adhere to an archaic code of honor when fighting other hired soldiers. Partyzant: These archers are dismounted for battle, but they can mount
Garrison: These buildings train counter-infantry, have a weak ranged Utili: These early gunpowder cavalry units are good against enemy when necessary in order to gain greater mobility, at the expense of their
combat ability.
attack, and can garrison infantry and villagers. cavalry, and have a relatively strong melee attack for a light cavalry unit. UNIQUE TECHNOLOGIES
Academy: These buildings train heavy infantry and provide a small UNIQUE TECHNOLOGIES
The Polish have access to technologies which allows them to train more
measure of healing. Italian Moneylending technologies at the market allow them to use coin
Pancernis, and which allows their farms and plantations to hold more
UNIQUE TECHNOLOGIES to gain back a greater amount of coin later. They can upgrade the build gatherers and spawn some resources.
The French have technologies which upgrades their elite units, and rate of their architects for buildings, especially Town Centers, as well as
the population provided, hitpoints and line of sight of houses. They can
which allows them to create an early blockade (at the expense of their upgrade the rate at which Merchants and Trading Posts provide experience PRUSSIA
own team's ability to acquire new upgrades). CIVILIZATION CHARACTERISTICS

ITALY At the Basilica, Italians have access to technologies which allows them The Prussians gain free military units when they build a barracks, stable,
artillery foundry, or outpost.
CIVILIZATION CHARACTERISTICS to train more Nuncios (and makes Nuncios take up less population space)
and which improves the speed of their warships. Prussian military units regenerate hit points.
The Italians have a powerful market, with a better exchange rate and
access to several additional technologies. The Prussians have the largest array of unique military units of any
Italy starts with resources already in their inventory. They also gain their CIVILIZATION CHARACTERISTICS European civilization.
first shipment earlier than other civilizations. The Polish start with an outpost wagon, allowing them to establish early Landwehr: These units replace settlers for the Prussians. They are
The Italians have access to a line of politicians which allows them to age map control.
tough gatherers that are good fighters. They always attack enemy units
up more cheaply to the Colonial, Fortress, and Industrial age, but which All Polish units and buildings have extra line of sight. with a hand attack.
provide no other bonuses.
UNIQUE UNITS AND BUILDINGS The Polish use farms rather than mills and livestock pens, and they Death's Head Hussar: These powerful hand cavalry units are the
Merchant: The basic Italian gatherer, Merchants gather resources gather faster from their farms early on. Their farms and plantations also Prussian light cavalry. They excel at killing enemy heavy cavalry units.
provide housing space. The Polish cannot hunt without using a card to Lange Kerls: These grenadiers feature greater range than ordinary
quickly, especially coin. Economic upgrades at markets and mills for food
enable Settlers to do so.
and wood have a greater effect on Merchants than on other villagers. As grenadiers have, and a bonus against heavy infantry.
long as Merchants gather resources, they also help ensure a faster Polish buildings are cheaper, but weaker than those of other
Schutze: These units are strong, short-ranged skirmishers, good at
shipment rate for Italians. civilizations. Their farms and plantations are especially cheap, though
fighting heavy infantry.
Architect: This hero builds most types of buildings for the Italians. His they have a lower gatherer limit than typical. The Polish can construct
stables in the Discovery Age, allowing them to muster cavalry earlier in Teutonic Knight: These heavily armored archaic heavy infantry units
expert craftsmanship makes most Italian buildings stronger than those of
Colonial than most civilizations. move slowly, but they are devastating in melee.
other civilizations.
Patron Saint and Equestrian Statue: These special buildings take a Uhlan: These hand cavalry units have a high attack value, but relatively
Szlachcic: These gentry units replace the explorer for the Polish. Unlike little hit points. They are strong in melee, but may die easily if not used
long time to construct, but can provide Italians with an extra edge.
explorers, they are trainable and die permanently when killed. They allow with care.
Basilica: This Italian religious structure can be used to grant a steady the Polish to scout the map more quickly. If trained in numbers, they can UNIQUE TECHNOLOGIES
stream of church revenue, or it can spawn priests, nuncios, and inquisitors, allow the Polish a strong treasure-gathering ability. Later in the game,
The Prussians have access to technologies which allows them to rapidly
and also functions as a University for the Italians. Their access to they excel at killing enemy peasants.
train and move units, and which improves the regeneration rate of their
Basilicas means the Italians can only construct a single Factory. Lisowczyk: These cheap lancer units excel at killing enemy infantry. unique units.
Inquisitor: These holy investigators are good against heroes,
Tabor: These war wagons are mobile fortifications. They are good at
mercenaries, native warriors, and spies. They have a large line of sight, SWEDEN
destroying enemy buildings and artillery, they can garrison and carry
they can see stealthy units, and they can go stealthy. They have a weak
infantry units, and they are reinforced by the presence of nearby Polish CIVILIZATION CHARACTERISTICS
healing ability.
infantry. When they enter Fortify mode, they can also strengthen nearby Swedish military units are stronger than those of other civilizations, but
Nuncio: This superior priest unit can only be trained at the Basilica. infantry.
more expensive, and train more slowly. Swedish military unit line
They heal units very quickly, have an aura which boosts allied unit attack, Pancerni: These armored heavy cavalrymen are very tough, and they upgrades are much cheaper than those of other civilizations.
and being sacred envoys, they cannot be targeted by ranged attackers.
gain strength with numbers. They are somewhat lacking in ability to Swedish settlers are more expensive and train slowly, and Sweden is
limited to only 50 settlers. Sweden gains all woodcutting upgrades for free
Reislaufer: These units are a unique pikeman replacement. They cost at docks as well as at barracks. They can charge quickly into melee.
as they age up. In addition, Sweden gains the Hunting Dogs and Placer
coin rather than wood, and their attack has a somewhat greater reach than Mounted Rifleman: These units act as mounted skirmishers.
Mines upgrades for free.
All Swedish non-archaic units can be upgraded to Royal Guard status.
normal for a melee unit.
Consulate: Americans can make a Consulate, allowing them to ally
Swiss Guard: These strong hand infantry units have an area attack and with civilizations from the New World.
a large bonus against enemy heavy infantry units. UNIQUE TECHNOLOGIES
Torp: This structure combines the properties of houses and barracks, UNIQUE TECHNOLOGIES
The Americans have access to University technologies which upgrade
and grants the Swedish a small trickle of wood.
The Swiss have access to a technology which allows them to transform their Frontiersmen in combat and also for gathering resources, and they
Drabant: These heavy cavalry units are as fast as light cavalry, with a their Bivouacs into wagons, allowing them to move their camp elsewhere. can enable the ability to train Miners at Artillery Foundries. They also
high attack value, good line of sight, and good ranged resistance. The Swiss also have access to additional technologies to upgrade their have the unique ability to revolt in the Imperial Age, rather than Industrial.
Leather Cannon: These cheap artillery units are used for breaking up Forager build limit. SPECIAL NOTE: Frontiersmen and Miners are considered military units
formations of melee units, including hand infantry and hand cavalry. They The Swiss can go neutral, allowing their Foragers to gather resources
due to using tactics, which means they will move along with other
military units if the move all military units button is pushed.
do poorly against ranged cavalry and long-ranged infantry, however. while unassailed and unseen by enemy military, and they can upgrade
UNIQUE TECHNOLOGIES their Tents to provide an aura which impedes enemy cavalry units.
The Swedish have access to a series of technologies which improves all SPECIAL NOTE: Foragers are considered military units due to using UNIVERSAL CHANGES FOR
tactics, which means they will move along with other military units if the
military units depending on how many Torps the Swedish player has, and move all military units button is pushed. NAPOLEONIC ERA CIVILIZATIONS
which can increase the build limit for Torps. All Napoleonic Era civilizations have a few universal gameplay changes:
The Swedish have upgrades at the University which allows them to UNITED STATES Cheaper Trading Posts: Trading Posts cost 200 wood. The first upgrade
improve all unit damage, hitpoints, and gathering rates, as well as convert CIVILIZATION CHARACTERISTICS for trade routes is somewhat more expensive, however, and XP gathered
all their Settlers to Conscripts. U.S. Politicians grant bonuses for aging up rather than units or from trade routes is somewhat less.
resources. At each age, the player also gains an additional Frontiersman. Cheaper Fishing Boats: Fishing Boats cost 80 wood.
CIVILIZATION CHARACTERISTICS The U.S. have several types of gatherers available to them, each with Modified Wall System: Walls cost more (10 wood), but they have more
The Swiss are a mobile army civilization. They require few and different strengths and weaknesses. hit points, and they also have a build limit.
inexpensive buildings, and have few gatherers. Their gatherers can also be The U.S. do not start with an Explorer, but must use their Frontiersmen Canoes, as available through native allies, are somewhat weaker early in
used as skirmishers. They have mobile supply wagons which can drop off to gather treasures. the game.
home city shipments anywhere. UNIQUE UNITS AND BUILDINGS
Some Outlaw units at the Saloon take up less population space and train
The Swiss have early access to Halberdiers, but late access to Frontiersman: These heroes are good at gathering resources from the
Musketeers. They have access to an additional Arsenal-style upgrade for wild, including hunting, chopping wood, and foraging berries. They can
their Halberdier-type units. build military buildings. They are good at fighting treasure guardians, and Veteran unit upgrades cost less wood.
UNIQUE UNITS AND BUILDINGS can automatically gather food while in pioneer mode to scout the map for Advancing to the Fortress Age takes as much time as advancing to any
Supply Wagon: This mobile wagon produces a constant stream of treasures. In an emergency, Frontiersmen can also act as militiamen. other age.
resources, carries new Foragers into the field, is able to supply the Swiss Miner: Miners are trained from Town Centers, but act as grenadiers. Those mercenary units that are available earlier than normal have
army with crates of additional resources, provides economic upgrades, They can gather coin from mines at a high rate and yield. They can build
trains surgeons, and can act as a mobile dropoff point for shipments. outposts, trading posts, artillery foundries, and saloons. reduced statistics until their proper age is reached.

Forager: These skirmishers gather resources and construct buildings for Slave: These cheap, but weak gatherers cost coin to purchase, and can
the Swiss. They are also strong in a fight, especially when upgraded. only gather from, and build, mills and plantations. They can be bought at
Tent: These cheap, weak structures replace houses for Swiss for the mills and plantations.
purpose of providing population space. Tents provide Arsenal upgrades Lookout: These cheap buildings can be constructed by Frontiersmen. MODIFIED EXISTING CIVILIZATIONS
for gunpowder and artillery units. They provide a measure of line of sight and can garrison a few villagers. None of the existing civilizations have been modified in any way, but
Bivouac: These army camps allow the Swiss to train their infantry and Ranch: These buildings combine the features of stables and livestock there are new NE versions of all European civilizations that can be
unlocked. These civilizations are very similiar to the existing ones, with
cavalry units. Bivouacs provide Arsenal upgrades for hand and archaic pens.
modifications coming in the form of a few units, politicians, technologies,
Marine: These heavy infantry units are very cheap, and can be trained or cards being replaced or added.
UNIQUE UNIVERSITY TECHNOLOGIES BY CIVILIZATION cavalry unit that is good against heavy infantry, treasure guardians and crucial for them to be very careful in picking battles, as they cannot
British: The British gain access to two technologies, one of which natives. The Spanish also have access to the Inquisitor unit. recover as easily as some civilizations.
When constructed in large numbers, Torps can provide the Swedish with a
allows them an extra factory, and the other which allows them to rebuild lot of excess wood. Consider using their Timber Export card to turn it into
destroyed factories. NEW POLITICIANS
All European civilizations gain access to new, unique politicians. These
Dutch: The Dutch gain access to upgrades for their bank gathering politicians replace some of the existing politicians of the civilizations that
Try to make sure Torps aren't positioned so they're too easily attackable by
rates. enemy units, as they perform several crucial roles at once and are very
gain them.
tempting targets.
Germans: The Germans gain access to an upgrade which upgrade their A Swedish player should try to rely on their Explorer's ability to discover
new unique shipment units. SOME ADVICE AND STRATEGY IDEAS new mines rather than plantations in the late game.
Some basics and quick ideas on each new civilization.
Ottomans: The Ottomans gain access to technologies which increases
the damage their artillery units do to buildings and another which AUSTRIANS
The Swiss economy is geared for a strong early and mid-game, but isn't
upgrades their infantry units. Austrians have strong defenses, and a very consistent rate of economic very strong later without using several cards for boosting it.
Portuguese: The Portuguese gain access to technologies which greatly growth. Given the Swiss mobility, they can assume map control and apply
increase Explorer attack and Explorer and Caravel line of sight, and On maps with good natives, Austrians have some very strong options. pressure very early. Using their Supply Wagons aggressively allows unit
another which allows them to train Slaves. Always consider going native with Austrians. shipments to arrive at enemy bases very quickly.
Keeping Swiss foragers close to their army is generally a good idea both
Russians: The Russians gain access to technologies which makes ITALIANS for protecting the foragers, and for the option to reinforce their army.
Blockhouses slow down nearby enemy units, and another which increases Economic upgrades are very important to the Italians: Grabbing them Since the Swiss cannot make walls, this is especially important to reduce
their population cap. early and often is crucial to their economy. the impact of raiding and counter-attacks.
Spanish: The Spanish gain access to upgrades which grant an increased Italians are very coin-oriented. While their Merchants get somewhat more As long as the Swiss have several Supply Wagons, they can recover fairly
well and quickly. Building Supply Wagons early is also their way of
XP trickle and faster-arriving shipments and another which upgrades their coin out of mines, booming.
Inquisitors. Pay special attention to water-based maps. The Swiss do not have a good
navy by default, but they do have access to good shipments which can
NEW UNIQUE UNITS BY CIVILIZATION The Polish can have strong early map control through their free starting
help them in several ways on such maps.
These units are unique to their civilization. outpost, their Szlachcics, and their cavalry. On the other hand, given their
The card that allows Foragers to plant new berry bushes is always good to
own early reliance on farming, this ability does not always benefit them
British: The British gain access to the Rifleman, an elite long-ranged too much.
skirmisher unit. Szlachcics are a very important bonus for the Polish. They can gather
Dutch: The Dutch gain access to the Geuzen, a hand infantry unit that is treasures (especially if more are trained), stop early forward builders, raid
Make a special consideration of the map's treasures; if it's a map with high
villagers, and construct Outposts, which can help maintain map control
good against other heavy infantry. and an overview of enemy movements. treasure, using your starting Frontiersmen to gather treasure and scout
Germans: The Germans gain access to Saxon Cavalry and Katzbalgers, The Polish economy is fairly mediocre, though they do have some card (always remember to enable Pioneer mode, so they'll autogather food) is a
options which can allow them to expand it quickly. good idea. Also consider taking early market upgrades for villager combat
a powerful hand cavalry with area damage and a bonus against infantry,
The Polish are not very good at playing defensively, given their building ability in this case, as well as the Ohio Company card.
and a powerful hand cannoneer with a bonus against cavalry in melee
penalty and their reliance on Farms and Plantations. The Senate card grants age-up resources/units like most other civilizations
respectively. These units are only available as bonuses from shipments, or
gain, though they are somewhat weaker in Fortress, Industrial, and
at their Reichstag, a unique University. The Reichstag can also train
Settler Wagons in Industrial, and Trosses, a military support unit which PRUSSIANS
Americans have strong livestock options, with cards and politicians and
can construct Field Hospitals and military buildings, and gather wood. The Prussians have a fairly average economy, but can be hard to rush,
their often food-heavy units and Immigrant cards can benefit from this.
given their Landwehrs' fighting ability.
Ottomans: The Ottomans gain the Azap, a strong and fast melee heavy Pay special attention to the combinations of available cards, immigrant
Prussians aren't a very fast civilization, but they can spawn military units
infantry unit. cards, and politician bonuses. Arrayed together in the right way, these can
very quickly once they start to do so. They can also recover well from
become very formidable.
Portuguese: The Portuguese gain the Velas Brancas, a unique fishing enemy attacks, given that they will either have untouched military An American Fortress Age boom with slaves at plantations and mills can
buildings, or the opportunity to construct new ones if they are destroyed.
ship which can transport units and construct docks and outposts. They also be very powerful.
Prussian military units are generally short-ranged, close combat-oriented.
gain access to Cartographers, which excel at scouting and exploration. Frontiersmen should always be trained first at Town Centers if they are
Thus, trapping enemy units is very important. Also, pulling away
Russians: The Russians gain access to the Bardiche Poleaxeman, a wounded units can be a good idea, since they'll recover quickly. below your build limit, since they retrain very quickly.
It's always better to use miners for gathering coin from mines than other
pikeman-like unit. villager types. Making a decent number of miners in Colonial can lead
Spanish: The Spanish gain access to the Aventuros, an archaic ranged SWEDISH into a strong slave boom in Fortress or to a fast Industrial with the Rapid
The Swedish have a weak economy, but strong military. This makes it
Industrialization card.
Immigrant cards can provide powerful boosts, especially along with the
Land Grant card.

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