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Biological Control of Plant Diseases: The

European Situation


Impact Factor: 1.49 DOI: 10.1007/s10658-005-0233-0


107 3,463


Claude Alabouvette Christian Steinberg

AGRENE French National Institute for Agricultural R


Available from: Claude Alabouvette

Retrieved on: 17 February 2016
European Journal of Plant Pathology (2006) 114:329341 Springer 2006
DOI 10.1007/s10658-005-0233-0

Biological control of plant diseases: the European situation

Claude Alabouvette*, Chantal Olivain and Christian Steinberg

INRA, UMR Microbiologie Geochimie des Sols, Bp 86510, Dijon Cedex 21065, France; *Author for
correspondence (Phone: +33-380-69-30-41; E-mail:

Accepted 20 December 2005

Key words: biofumigation, compost amendments, cultural practices, microbial antagonism, natural
products, systemic induced resistance


The most common approach to biological control consists of selecting antagonistic microorganisms,
studying their modes of action and developing a biological control product. Despite progress made in the
knowledge of the modes of action of these biological control agents (BCAs), practical application often fails
to control disease in the elds. One of the reasons explaining this failure is that the bio-control product is
used the same way as a chemical product. Being biological these products have to be applied in accordance
with their ecological requirements. Another approach consists of induction of plant defence reactions. This
can be done by application of natural substances produced by or extracted from microorganisms, plants, or
algae. Since they do not aim at killing the pathogens, these methods of disease control are totally dierent
from chemical control. Although promising, these methods have not been suciently implemented under
eld conditions. A third approach consists of choosing cultural practices that might decrease the incidence
or severity of diseases. These methods include the choice of an appropriate crop rotation with management
of the crop residues, application of organic amendments and the use of new technology such as the
biological disinfestation of soils. Biological control practices need an integrative approach, and more
knowledge than chemical control.

Introduction Many dierent denitions of biological control

have been proposed. Before reviewing biological
Biological control is a strategy that was proposed control practices, it is important to dene these
half a century ago. Indeed, a symposium held in terms. According to Cook and Baker (1983)
Berkeley in 1965 was entitled: Ecology of soil- Biological control is the reduction of the
borne plant pathogens; prelude to biological con- amount of inoculum or disease producing activity
trol (Baker and Snyder, 1965). Forty years later, of a pathogen accomplished by or through one or
biological control of plant diseases is still in its more organisms other than man. Based on this
infancy, and only a few biological control agents broad denition of biological control, organisms
(BCAs) are available on the European market. At and procedures involved include: (i) avirulent or
the same time there is a demand from society for hypo-virulent individuals or populations within
healthy foods with less chemical residues, and a the pathogenic species, (2) antagonistic microor-
great concern for preservation of the environment. ganisms, and (3) manipulation of the host plant
It is therefore interesting to review progress and to resist the pathogen more eectively. Biological
failures in biological control research and their control may be accomplished through several
implementation to avoid repeating the same mis- approaches including mass introduction of
takes as in the past. antagonists, plant breeding, and specic cultural

practices aimed at modifying the microbial Rhizoctonia solani has been extensively studied
balance. (Chet and Baker, 1981). It involves specic recog-
In this review we will consider not only micro- nition between the antagonist and its target path-
biological control, which is the use of populations ogen and several types of cell wall degrading
of specic BCAs, but also cultural practices which enzymes to enable the parasite to enter the hyphae
contribute to decreasing disease incidence or dis- of the pathogen. Other mycoparasites such as
ease severity. We will not present strategies of Coniothyrium minitans (Jones et al., 2004a) and
plant breeding or plant transformation for resis- Sporidesmium sclerotivorum (Adams and Fravel,
tance, which deserve full reviews by themselves, 1993) are eective in controlling diseases caused by
but we will discuss the strategies used to induce Sclerotinia spp. and other sclerotia-forming fungi.
systemic resistance within the plant using micro- Two strains of Coniothyrium minitans have been
organisms or natural elicitors. Although the prin- developed as biological control products and are
ciples of biological control are similar when available on the European market. This type of
considering aerial diseases or soil-borne plant antagonism, which causes the death of the target
pathogens, most of the examples presented below organism results in a decrease of inoculum density.
will be taken from our own eld of interest which However, parasitism of fungal pathogens by viru-
is biological control of soil-borne diseases. ses or virus-like particles such as dsRNA induces
hypovirulence. Hypovirulent strains of Crypho-
nectria parasitica are used in practice to control
Microbiological control chestnut blight. Hypovirulence is contagious, since
dsRNAs can be transmitted from a hypovirulent
During the three last decades there has been a trend strain to a virulent compatible strain, and under
to screen for eective antagonists and to develop favourable conditions hypovirulence can spread
them as BCAs. Biological control has been often naturally in diseased orchards (Milgroom and
limited to massive applications of products con- Cortesi, 2004).
taining a BCA. In contrast to the many published Antibiosis is the antagonism resulting from the
papers dealing with the modes of action of the production by one microorganism of secondary
antagonists, there are only a few papers dealing metabolites toxic to other microorganisms. Anti-
with application of the bio-control products. biosis is a very common phenomenon responsible
Obviously, before developing a product based on for the activity of many BCAs such as uorescent
an antagonistic microorganism, it is necessary to Pseudomonas spp., Bacillus spp., Streptomyces
understand its modes of action, but production, spp. and Trichoderma spp. A large diversity of
formulation and strategies of application also need molecules has been described and their role in
to be carefully addressed (Burges, 1998). Antago- suppression of several plant pathogens has been
nistic eects responsible for disease suppression documented (Fravel, 1988; Loper and Lindow,
results either from microbial interactions directed 1993; Weller and Thomashow, 1993). They include
against the pathogen, mainly during its saprophytic not only antibiotics sensu stricto, but also bacte-
phase, or from an indirect action through induced riocines, enzymes such as cell wall degrading en-
resistance of the host plant. zymes, and volatile compounds with an antifungal
activity. A given strain of a BCA may produce
Microbial antagonism several types of secondary metabolites having
dierent functions and eective against dierent
Microbial antagonism implies direct interaction species of fungal pathogens. For example, the
between two microorganisms sharing the same strain CHAO of Pseudomonas uorescens pro-
ecological niche. Three main types of direct inter- duces siderophores, phenazines, 2,4-diacetylphl-
actions may be characterised: parasitism, antibio- oroglucinol and cyanide, a dierent combination
sis and competition for nutrients. of these metabolites being responsible for the
Parasitism of a plant pathogen by other micro- antagonism expressed against Gaeumannomyces
organisms, including viruses, is a well known phe- graminis var. tritici and Chalara elegans (Defago
nomenon. The parasitic activity of strains of and Haas, 1990). To clearly establish the role of
Trichoderma spp. towards pathogens such as these secondary metabolites in the activity of a

given strain of a BCA one must use biotechno- non-pathogenic F. oxysporum. Evidence that
logical tools enabling the production of mutants competition is one mode of action of BCAs is
that are decient for the production of a given provided by study of quantitative interactions be-
molecule. Such an approach was proposed for the tween the pathogen and the BCA. Determining the
rst time by Thomashow and Weller (1988) who growth parameters of strains of F. oxysporum
demonstrated the role of phenazine in the bio- competing for the colonization of disinfected soil,
control activity of a strain of Pseudomonas uo- Couteaudier and Alabouvette (1990) established
rescens against Gaeummanomyces graminis var. that some strains of non-pathogenic F. oxysporum
tritici. Strains of Trichoderma spp. produced many were more competitive than others and should be
types of secondary metabolites (Sivasithamparam selected for biological control.
and Ghisalberti, 1998) including antibiotics Competition for minor elements also frequently
(Howell, 1998) and cell wall degrading enzymes occurs in soil. For example, competition for iron is
(Kubicek and Penttila, 1998; Lorito, 1998) whose one of the modes of action by which uorescent
roles in biocontrol activity have been clearly pseudomonads limit the growth of pathogenic fungi
established. and reduce disease incidence or severity (Schippers
It is important to emphasise that a single anti- et al., 1987; Bakker et al., 1991; Lemanceau and
fungal metabolite generally does not account for Alabouvette, 1993; Loper and Henkels, 1997).
all the antagonistic activity of a BCA. Dierent Competition also occurs on root surfaces. Mandeel
secondary metabolites produced by a strain of a and Baker (1991), studying interactions between
BCA might be responsible for the antagonistic pathogenic and non-pathogenic F. oxysporum,
activity towards dierent pathogens, as illustrated postulated that the root surface had a nite number
above with the example of the strain CHAO of of infection sites that could be protected by
Pseudomonas uorescens. Therefore one must increasing the inoculum density of the non-patho-
avoid any generalization from one patho-system to genic strain. Only recently, the use of strains
another patho-system, and from one BCA to expressing dierent reporter genes enabled the
another BCA. visualization of interactions between pathogens and
Competition for nutrients is a general phenome- BCAs at the root surface. Bolwerk et al. (2003)
non regulating population dynamics of microor- showed that in the presence of uorescent pseudo-
ganisms sharing the same ecological niche and monads the fungal growth was restricted at the
having the same physiological requirements when surface of the tomato root. Following the same
the trophic resources are limited. Competition for approach, Olivain et al. (2006) observed intense
nutrients occurs at the leaf surface where it can colonization of the surface of tomato roots by a
prevent the germination of fungal spores and re- strain of non-pathogenic F. oxysporum, that com-
duce infection (Fokkema, 1996). Competition for peted with a strain of F. oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici.
nutrients, especially for carbon, is common in soil Depending on the respective concentration of the
which is an oligotrophic milieu; it is considered two fungi, the growth of the pathogen could be
responsible for the well-known phenomenon of greatly restricted, but never totally suppressed.
fungistasis (Lockwood, 1977) describing the Although very common, competition between
inhibition of fungal spore germination in soil. BCAs and pathogens is a phenomenon dicult to
Although dicult to demonstrate rigorously, exploit for biological control.
competition for nutrients is certainly one of the
modes of action of many BCAs. Systemic induced resistance (SIR)
One of the best documented examples concerns
competition for carbon between pathogenic and Any plant reacts to stresses from biotic or abiotic
non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum. Having origin by elicitation of defence reactions. The plant
demonstrated that competition for carbon on one reacts to: (i) physical stresses such as heat or frost,
hand and populations of non-pathogenic Fusarium (ii) inoculation by pathogenic or non-pathogenic
oxysporum on the other hand were involved in the organisms, (iii) chemical molecules from natural or
mechanisms of soil suppressiveness to Fusarium synthetic origins, by expressing defence reactions
wilts, it was hypothesised that competition leading to systemic induced resistance (SIR). This
for nutrients was one mode of action of phenomenon has been intensively studied at the

cellular and molecular levels. Elicitation of plant to inoculation with germinated conidia of patho-
defence reactions involves an early recognition of genic and non-pathogenic strains of F. oxysporum.
the aggressor by the plant. This molecular recog- They showed that the non-pathogenic strain
nition immediately initiates a cascade of molecular induced in ax cells some of the physiological
signals and the transcription of many genes. This reactions (increased pH, hydrogen peroxide pro-
results in the production of defence molecules such duction, Ca2+ inux, and cell death) associated
as phytoalexins, pathogenesis-related (PR) pro- with SIR in other plant-pathogen systems.
teins and reinforcement of cell walls (Van Loon, Many BCAs have been reported to induce sys-
2000). The build up of barriers such as cell wall temic resistance in plants. This is the case for the
thickenings and wall appositions contributes to uorescent pseudomonads selected for their plant
slowing down the progression of the fungus. A growth promoting capacity (Kloepper et al., 1993;
specic and well-documented case of SIR is that of Van Loon et al., 1998) and for Trichoderma species
the hypersensitive reaction induced by a virulent (Harman et al., 2004b). Since SIR is a general
pathogen on a resistant plant cultivar. Among phenomenon that can protect the plant against
other reactions, the hypersensitive response results several pathogens it sustains more attention today
in the death of the infected cells; this stops the that any other mode of action of BCAs. However,
development of the biotrophic pathogens. it must be said that SIR and other modes of action
SIR classically occurs when an inducing agent, are not mutually exclusive; SIR might only exert a
pathogenic or not, is applied prior to challenge complementary eect to microbial antagonism.
inoculation with a pathogen, resulting in reduced
disease in comparison to the non-induced control. Advantages and limits of microbiological control
Kuc (1987) reported the rst evidence of systemic
protection of cucumber against Colletotricum Despite the many research eorts dealing with
orbiculare after pre-inoculation of the cotyledons biological control of plant diseases, application of
of the plant with the same pathogen. It is also well microbiological control is limited. Today there are
established that the pre-inoculation of a host-plant only four strains of BCAs (Ampelomyces quisqu-
with an incompatible forma specialis of F. oxy- alis, Coniothyrium minitans, Paecilomyces fumos-
sporum results in reduced disease severity when the oroseus, Pseudomonas chlororaphis) on Annex I of
plant is inoculated with the compatible pathogen EEC directive 91/414, that is the list of strains that
(Biles and Martyn, 1989). More and more studies may be used in the European Union. Even if we
are devoted to SIR in the host plant after appli- add the two dozen products which were registered
cation of biological control agents. Where soil- in dierent European countries before application
borne pathogens are concerned, papers report of the directive, there is still only a limited number
experiments where a non-pathogenic strain applied of products available for growers. The use of
to some roots of a host plant can delay symptom microbiological products to control plant diseases
expression induced by the pathogen when sepa- is more common in some other countries, espe-
rately applied to other roots (split-root system) or cially the USA, Australia and New Zealand (see
directly into the stem of the plant (Biles and below).
Martyn, 1989; Mandeel and Baker, 1991; Kroon The main criticism made of microbiological
et al., 1992; Olivain et al., 1995; Fuchs et al., 1997; control is the lack of consistency. Several reasons
Larkin and Fravel, 1999). Since there is no direct can account for this. One claimed advantage of
interaction between the two microorganisms, the biological control is the narrow specicity of the
observed disease reduction is attributed to in- BCAs. Their application will not aect the non-
creased plant defence reactions in response to root target organisms and therefore will respect the
colonization by the non-pathogenic strain. Fuchs environment better than large spectrum molecules.
et al. (1997) attributed the biocontrol activity of But in practice, the population of a pathogenic
the non-pathogenic strain Fo47 to SIR in tomato, organism presents a certain diversity and a single
correlated with an increased activity of chitinase, given strain of a BCA might not have the same
1-3 glucanase and 1-4 glucosidase. More re- ecacy on all the pathotypes present in the pop-
cently, Olivain et al. (2003) characterized the early ulation (Schisler et al., 2000). Moreover, the cli-
physiological plant defence reactions in response matic conditions most favourable for the

development of the pathogen might not be the mode of action in relation to application dose. The
same as the conditions required for maximum strain Fo47, which functions mainly through
expression of the antagonistic activities of competition, is only eective when it is introduced
the BCA (Nicot et al., 2002). It is necessary to at concentrations 10100 times higher than the
carefully study the eect of inoculum type, appli- pathogen concentration, whereas strain CS-20,
cation rate and time of application to ensure e- which incites induced resistance, can signicantly
cacy of biological control (Jones et al. 2004a, b). reduce wilt incidence in tomato when the pathogen
Finally, both the diversity of the natural popula- population is up to 1000 times greater than that of
tion of the pathogen and the climatic conditions in strain CS-20 (Larkin and Fravel, 1999).
nature are much more variable than those used in Thus, theoretically the most interesting mode of
the laboratory to study the modes of actions of a action should be SIR. Indeed, after elicitation, the
BCA. Other constraints result from the diverse resistance will be expressed in several if not all plant
modes of action of the BCAs which have dierent tissues and at a great distance from the point of
consequences on the population density and inoculation of the BCA. But in practice, it is not so
activity of the target pathogens. clear. One must remember than in nature a plant is
When antagonistic activity results in a decrease permanently submitted to stresses of dierent ori-
of the inoculum density, as for example with the gins. Application of a microbiological control
parasitism of Coniothyrium on Sclerotinia sclero- agent might add some degree of resistance to the
tiorum, the practical ecacy directly depends on already expressed level of resistance, but this might
the quantitative relationship between inoculum not be enough to fully protect the plant. Moreover,
density and disease severity. When ascospores as clearly demonstrated with several models, plant
produced by apothecia formed by sclerotia are reaction depends on the plant species and even on
responsible for plant infection, even a 95% the plant cultivar, on the physiological stage of the
reduction in the number of surviving sclerotia plant and on the environmental conditions (Van
might not be sucient to signicantly reduce the Loon, 2000).
infection rate of the plant. It is our opinion that in order to make micro-
To be eective, a BCA with a mode of action of biological control more reliable, much more re-
antibiosis has to be applied at the right place and search should be devoted to the conditions
the right time. Indeed the secondary metabolites required for the expression of the benecial eects
are not produced in great quantities and might not of BCAs under eld conditions. Unfortunately,
be transported a great distance. Thus it is necessary this type of eld-oriented research is not supported
to place the antagonist in the infection court to be by research institutions, and many potentially
certain of contacting the pathogen. One example is interesting BCAs have never been tested under
that of Pseudomonas chlororaphis used as a seed eld conditions.
dressing to control some soil-borne diseases of
barley. This strain is eective through the produc- Association of several modes of action
tion of 2,3-deepoxy-2,3-didehydro-rhizoxin (DDR)
but does not actively colonize the rhizosphere of To improve consistency of biological control it
the plant. However, it is eective against fungi would be useful to associate several modes of
which infect young seedlings because there is a action, expressed simultaneously or successively.
good spatial and temporal coincidence between the As stated above, most of the eective BCAs possess
activity of the pathogen and activity of the BCA. several modes of action and may be responsible for
When competition is the main mode of action, the control of dierent diseases on the same host or
the population of the biocontrol fungus must be at the same disease on several hosts (Pseudomonas spp
least as large, if not larger, than that of the path- or Trichoderma spp). Thus, one can expect a better
ogen population in order to achieve control. This ecacy and/or a better consistency if complemen-
can be done easily in laboratory experiments but is tary modes of action are expressed simultaneously.
much more dicult to reach under eld conditions Two ways have been explored to associate sev-
where the inoculum density of the pathogen is not eral modes of action in the same product: associ-
known. Non-pathogenic F. oxysporum provides a ations of several BCAs or association of several
good example to illustrate the importance of the modes of action in the same strain of a BCA.

Lemanceau and Alabouvette (1991) were the which the plant reacts after elicitation of its de-
rst to propose the association of a strain of non- fence mechanisms by natural products are the
pathogenic F. oxysporum with a strain of Pseudo- same as those cited above in the case of elicita-
monas uorescens to control Fusarium wilts. They tion by antagonistic microorganisms.
had previously demonstrated that competition for It might be questioned if the use of such
iron created by P. uorescens producing sidero- chemical molecules should be considered as bio-
phores reinforced competition for carbon between logical control. There are two arguments in fa-
the pathogenic and the non-pathogenic strains of vour of these molecules. They are of natural
F. oxysporum (Lemanceau et al., 1992). The control origin, and their mode of action targets not the
of Fusarium wilt by the non-pathogenic strain pathogen itself, but the reinforcement of plant
Fo47 was always improved by the association of defence reactions. For us, the rst argument has
a strain of P. uorescens. The ecacy of the no scientic value since a molecule from natural
control depended on the concentration of the non- origin does not dier from the same molecule
pathogenic strain Fo47 since the benecial eect of obtained by chemical synthesis. But the natural
the Pseudomonas strain was not dose-dependant origin of the molecule is required by organic
(Olivain et al., 2004). farmers. The ecacy of these natural products is
The second approach consists of the associa- dependent on the same factors and conditions as
tion of several modes of action in a single those which control the ecacy of antagonists
antagonistic strain, by genetic manipulation. The working through induced resistance: plant species
rst improved strains of P. uorescens producing and plant cultivar, physiological stage of the
phenazine and phloroglucinol have been evalu- plant, inoculum pressure, and climatic conditions,
ated for their improved biological control activity to name a few.
under eld conditions (Thomashow and Weller, A positive selling point for these natural
1996). The association of several modes of action products is that, in some countries, they are not
has also been proposed to enlarge the activity considered plant protection products but plant
spectrum of BCAs. Finally, association of several strengtheners and thus escape the regulations
strains having dierent ecological requirements applying to plant protection products. According
might improve the ecological tness of BCAs to European Regulations, if their intended use is
and thus improve the consistency of biological the control of plant diseases they should be
control under variable environmental conditions. considered plant protection products and satisfy
the same registration procedures as chemical
pesticides. A specic problem arises for plant
Use of natural products to stimulate plant extracts which can be composed of an associa-
defence reactions tion of many dierent molecules. This is the case
for the neem extracts in which 50 dierent
As stated above, plant resistance can be induced molecules may be present. Azadirachtine, which
by stresses of dierent origins and, currently, is one of the major constituents, has already
there is a trend to study the eects of natural been studied and can be commercialized on its
products to induce systemic resistance in plants. own merit. But organic farmers tend to prefer
There is a great diversity of natural products that the natural plant extracts, the composition of
can be used as elicitors of plant defense reactions: which varies depending on the origin of the
they include plant extracts such as neem oil, algal plant and on the extraction process.
extracts such as laminarin, secondary metabolites
produced by microorganisms such as harpin,
essential oils such as geraniol or menthol, etc. Cultural practices contributing to biological control
Some of these products have been used tradi-
tionally in certain countries such as neem extracts Prophylactic methods
in Asia, whilst others are novel extracted prod-
ucts, such as laminarin which was recently put on Prophylactic methods include those that are useful
the market in Europe. The basic mechanisms by for preventing the introduction of a pathogen and

limiting its epidemic development in a given area. soybean, but were higher after maize. But the main
These methods, which are compulsory for quar- eect observed was that of the crop residues. The
antine, are also useful to control widely distributed presence of the maize crop residues dramatically
pathogens. It is essential to start a crop from increased disease incidence, but not the soybean
healthy seeds, or healthy transplants. An interest- crop residues. An hypothesis that needs to be
ing method to keep seedlings grown in peat or conrmed, is that maize is a healthy carrier of
rockwool plugs free of pathogenic organisms is R. solani, which colonizes the plant without
biotization which consists of the introduction of inducing symptoms. The resting structures of R.
benecial microorganisms into the growing sub- solani nd a suitable niche in the crop residues to
strate before sowing the plant. This is particularly survive during winter and favourable nutrients to
important for greenhouse crops, often grown in grow saprophytically until the next season. Soil
soilless substrates free from pathogens at the tillage practices also aect the incidence of Rhi-
beginning of the growing period. More and more zoctonia root rot, take-all and the cereal cyst
frequently, greenhouses are equipped with insect- nematode in wheat and barley in Australia (Roget
proof nets which prevent the entrance of insects et al., 1996). The role of residue management and
responsible for the spread of viral diseases, and other cultural practices in relation to disease inci-
with apparatus to disinfest the recirculating dence has been recently reviewed (Alabouvette et
nutrient solution. It is advisable to eliminate dis- al., 2004); it is dicult to make any generalization
eased plants to prevent the build-up of pathogen from known examples, but it is obvious that much
populations, and to clean equipment before more attention should be given to soil tillage and
entering a new eld. These methods can be quali- residue management in relation to disease control.
ed as good sense methods, but they are too often
neglected. Solarisation

Crop rotation and residue management Solarisation or solar heating is a method that uses
the suns energy to increase soil temperature and
A long-term crop rotation will prevent the build- so reach levels at which many plant pathogens
up of inoculum, especially of the primary inocu- will be killed or suciently weakened, in order to
lum which is important in the case of monocyclic obtain signicant control of diseases. Solarisation
diseases such as most soil-borne diseases. There does not destroy all soil microorganisms, but
are a few exceptions to this general law that modies the microbial balance in favour of bene-
monocropping will increase disease. The best cial microorganisms. Indeed, many papers report
known example is that of take-all decline: after situations where the ecacy of soil solarisation is
increasing during a few years (45) disease severity not only due to a decrease in the pathogenic
will decrease, to such a level that the yield will not populations but also to an increase in the density
be aected by the disease (Hornby, 1998). Most of and activity of populations of microorganisms
the diseases induced by soil-borne plant pathogens antagonistic to pathogens. Several review papers
can be controlled by an appropriate crop rotation describe both the technology of solar heating and
sequence, but today economical constrains force the mechanisms involved in the control of pests,
farmers to repeatedly grow the same plant species pathogens and weeds by soil solarisation (DeVay
on the same land. An experiment recently per- et al., 1991; DeVay, 1995; Katan, 1996). Soil
formed in our laboratory (Guillemaut, 2003) solarisation has a large spectrum of activity; it
illustrates the role of the previous crop and of controls fungi, nematodes, bacteria, weeds,
residue management in the case of sugar beet rot arthropod pests and some unidentied agents, and
induced by Rhizoctonia solani AG2-2. Sugar beets often results in increased yields when applied to
were cultivated in a soil infested by a pathogenic monoculture soils where specic pathogens have
strain of R. solani AG2-2 after soybean or maize not been identied. In this case, solarisation
cultivation. Crop residues from the previous crop probably controls weak pathogens or deleterious
were either removed or left on the soil surface. microorganisms responsible for reducing soil pro-
Where crop residues had been eliminated, disease ductivity, a phenomenon sometimes described as
incidence on sugar beet was greatly reduced after soil sickness (Bouhot, 1997).

Another interesting property of solarisation is them are already available on the market, speci-
its long-term eect. Disease control and yield in- cally for biofumigation.
crease have been reported two and sometimes Plants belonging to the Alliacae family also
three years after solarisation. This long-term eect contain molecules with either a direct or an indi-
is probably due to both the reduction of the rect eect on pests and pathogens. Degradation of
inoculum density and some induced level of sup- garlic, onion, and leek tissues releases sulphur
pressiveness of the soil (Lopez-Escudero and volatiles such as thiosulnates and zwiebelanes
Blanco-Lopez, 2001). Obviously, not all pathogens which are converted into disuldes having biocidal
have the same susceptibility to solar heating. activities against fungi, nematodes and arthropods
Although most of the fungi are well controlled, (Arnault et al., 2004). In addition to the eects of
some failures have been reported. Solarisation is these toxic compounds, incorporation of high
eective in warm and sunny areas in the world and rates of organic matter in soil followed by plastic
particularly under the Mediterranean climate. tarping result in anaerobic conditions that are also
However, some interesting data have been re- deleterious to many pests and pathogens which
ported from other regions of the world where so- need aerobic conditions to survive. Block et al.
larisation can be applied under plastic frames or in (2000) reported a drastic reduction in the popula-
greenhouses. tion density of F. oxysporum f.sp. asparagi and
R. solani after addition to soil of either ryegrass or
Biofumigation or biodisinfection cabbage. These promising methods need to be
implemented under various situations to dene
Better adapted to cooler regions of the world, their conditions of use, both their benets and
biological soil disinfection is based on plastic tar- their limits. But their use will probably require
ping of the soil after incorporation of fresh organic some changes in the cropping sequence, since the
matter (Blok et al., 2000). The mechanisms land will not be available for cropping for several
involved in this newly developed technique are not weeks during the year. However, in our opinion,
totally understood. Fermentation of organic mat- these methods will gain popularity since disinfec-
ter in soil under plastic results in the production of tion with methyl bromide has now been banned.
toxic metabolites and anaerobic conditions which
both contribute to the inactivation or destruction Compost amendments
of pathogenic fungi. Based on the dominant type
of mechanisms involved, Lamers et al. (2004) At the present time, European regulations require
proposed the distinction between (i) biofumigation the recycling of wastes. For organic wastes, com-
that corresponds to the use of specic plant species posting is an interesting process since it transforms
containing identied toxic molecules, and (ii) bio- organic waste which can then be used in agricul-
disinfection which refers to the use of high quan- ture. This is a biological process characterized by a
tities of organic matter resulting in anaerobic heat peak which destroys thermo-susceptible
conditions mainly responsible for the destruction microorganisms, resulting in compost free from
of the pathogens. Many species of the Brassicaceae most plant pathogens (Bollen, 1985a, b; Coventry
(Cruciferae) family contain glucosinolates, a class et al., 2004). These composts contain some nutri-
of organic molecules that can be hydrolyzed by a ents, especially micro-elements, which improve soil
group of similar-acting enzymes (myrosinases) in fertility, and most of them possess some capacity
toxic compounds such as isothiocyanates. These to increase soil suppressiveness to diseases induced
compounds, analogous to some chemical fumi- by nematodes (Lumsden et al., 1983; Oyarzum
gants act as biocides in controlling various soil- et al., 1998; Erhart et al., 1999; Widmer et al.,
borne plant pathogens (Kirkegaard et al., 1998; 2002) as well as disease suppression in horticul-
Lawrence and Matthiessen, 2004). Traditionally, tural crops (Cotxarrera et al., 2002; Hoitink and
to avoid problems when brassicas are used as feed Boehm, 1999; Tilston et al., 2002). For example,
for livestock, plant breeders have selected varieties Hoitink (1980) developed a growth medium based
with reduced levels of glucosinolates. On the con- on composted bark to grow rhododendron and
trary, cultivars of Brassicaceae with a high content azaleas. This substrate is suppressive towards root
in glucosinolates have now been created. Some of rots induced by several species of Pythium and

Phytophthora. However, there is no universal rule; assessment of not only the physico-chemical
the level of disease control obtained depends on properties but also the microbiological quality of
many factors such as the chemical properties of the the composts.
parent materials, the composting process, the types
of microorganisms that colonized the compost
after the heat-peak and obviously the type of plant Conclusion
pathogens to be controlled. This is probably why
published results vary considerably regarding the Present status of biological control
ecacy of disease control obtained by compost
amendment of soil. Based on the results obtained Despite progress made in the understanding of the
under the frame of two European supported pro- modes of action of BCAs, biological control of
jects (Recoveg and Compost Management in plant diseases in Europe is still very limited. As
Horticulture) it can be concluded that composts stated above there are only a few products regis-
from dierent origins controlled some diseases but tered in Europe in comparison to hundreds of
not others. The only exception is Fusarium wilt preparations registered in other countries, espe-
which is controlled by almost all composts. Com- cially in the USA. One reason for this dierence in
post addition to a soil always results in a stimu- usage of biological control is the dierence in reg-
lation of microbial activities, reinforcing the ulation. In Europe, the placing of plant protection
phenomenon of general suppression towards products on the market is regulated by Council
pathogens (Cook and Baker, 1983). Therefore Directive 91/414/EEC. Plant protection products
F. oxysporum, which is very susceptible to com- consisting of microorganisms as active substances
petition for nutrients (Alabouvette, 1986), is are submitted to that Directive which has been
controlled by soil amendment with composts modied by Commission Directive 2001/36/EC to
(Serra-Wittling et al., 1996). Other pathogenic specify requirements for microorganisms. First, the
fungi, such as R. solani, which is able to eciently active substance, i.e. the strain of microorganism,
utilize the organic matter provided by composts has to be clearly identied and its biology de-
might be favoured by its addition to soil (Steinberg scribed. Then it has to satisfy toxicity tests to
et al., 2004). Many more studies should be devoted characterize its potential eects on human health
to compost and soil microbial ecology to fully and its eects on non-target organisms. These as-
understand the mechanisms involved and to en- pects are common to the requirements in other
able the correlation of changes in microbial countries such as North America and Australia,
activities with changes in the level of soil sup- and the test guidelines are mostly those recom-
pressiveness to diseases (Perez-Piqueres et al., mended by OECD or USEPA. But in Europe, the
2005). second aspect of the dossier requires demonstra-
To enhance the suppressive potential of com- tion of the ecacy of the preparation, i.e. the for-
posts and thus improve the ecacy of disease mulated product. In European countries, the
control, it has been proposed to enrich these authorization for putting a plant protection prod-
composts with specic strains of BCAs. Although uct on the market is given only for specic use for
promising, this strategy has not yet been success- specic crops. Thus, a preparation should be
fully applied. Composts possess a certain level of evaluated in several experiments, in dierent geo-
suppressiveness towards introduced microorgan- graphic regions, for two consecutive years. This is
isms, so it is quite impossible to establish BCAs in the main dierence between the European regula-
mature composts. The only solution would be to tions and those of other countries. Too often bio-
introduce the antagonists after peak heating when logical control products fail to show a consistent
there is a certain microbiological vacuum in the eect under variable environmental conditions. At
composts. Although often proposed, this method the present time several active substances which
is still not adopted by compost producers, since it have satised the toxicity requirements are still not
is dicult to standardize. One of the main con- registered because they have not shown consistent
straints is the need to produce composts with ecacy. This regulation also prevents a product
constant properties. It is therefore necessary to registered for a given use to be used for another
develop methods of quality control to permit purpose on other crops. For example Serenade,

a preparation based on a strain of Bacillus subtilis, warranty, and in most cases there is even no
which is used in the USA against several diseases in experimental data available. In such a situation,
many crops, will be registered in Europe only for how can farmers make a choice between dierent
specic use. products based on Trichoderma? It is our opinion
One could question why products which have that the European regulations might be too strict,
not been able to satisfy the requirement of con- but that evidence of ecacy should be provided
sistent ecacy are used by farmers in countries before putting a biological control product on the
outside Europe. Obviously there is a dierence of market.
approach in countries such as the USA, where the
market is supposed to separate good from bad Future of non-chemical control methods
products, and European countries which are less
liberal in this domain. But scientically, it must be Today, consumers want to buy healthy food,
admitted that the lack of consistency of biological free from pesticide residues, but growers do not
products is a true problem that must be addressed. have the required technologies to control pests
Many more studies should be devoted to the and diseases without the use of chemicals. How
conditions of application required for successful can we solve this problem? We have to look
biological control of diseases. back at the history of research on biological
The category of growth strengtheners which control and try to nd new approaches for its
previously existed in some European countries application.
does not exist anymore at the European level. It In the eld of soil-borne plant pathogens, it is
means that some Trichoderma-based products, interesting to read again the papers presented
largely used in the USA, cannot be registered for during the rst symposium held in Berkeley in
this type of use in Europe. It must be underlined 1965. All the basic concepts were already devel-
that the strain of Trichoderma T22 has been oped. There were two approaches to biological
extensively studied for its antagonistic properties control: enhancement of natural populations of
against several plant pathogens, but almost enemies or antagonists and introduction of se-
nothing is known about its mode of action as a lected strains of BCAs. It appears that the rst
growth strengthener (Harman et al., 2004a). This approach has been neglected and most research
discrepancy between knowledge about the eorts have been devoted to the selection of
antagonistic activity of this strain and its use for eective antagonists and to the development of
a dierent purpose is also raising the following plant protection products based on a single strain
questions for scientists: Does growth promotion of a BCA. Putting a product on the market ap-
result from the antagonist activity of this strain? peared the best way to promote biological con-
If so, why have the mechanisms of growth pro- trol. In our opinion it was a mistake; BCAs are
motion not been studied per se, and are there living organisms and cannot be handled and ap-
unknown modes of action for this strain? plied as chemical pesticides. Progress made in
The European situation might not be so dier- biochemical and molecular technologies have
ent from that in other countries if we consider the made possible the elucidation of the modes of
black market. Indeed, many non-registered bio- action of BCAs at the cellular and molecular
logical control products are used by farmers. levels. Based on this new knowledge it is now
These products are those available in other coun- possible to create improved strains of BCAs,
tries, such as plant extracts or BCAs produced by expressing several modes of action or to transfer
small companies who are not willing or able to into plants some genes involved in biocontrol
fund the studies required for registration. For activity to increase the resistance of the plant.
example, an extract of Renoutia saccalensis gave Although promising, not one of these new tools,
consistent control of powdery mildew on tomato with the exception of Bt maize, is being used in
(Trottin-Caudal et al., 2003), but to our knowl- practice. To utilize BCAs successfully it will be
edge, the company is not willing to register the necessary to put more eort into applied research
product. Many dierent strains of Trichoderma are aimed at understanding the conditions required
available, some of them are reported to have for ecacy under changing environmental con-
good ecacy but without registration, there is no ditions. Until now the tness of these organisms

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proach, we are currently trying to describe with Bolwerk A, Lagopodi AL, Wijfjes AH, Lamers GE, Chin-A-
as many parameters as possible the changes Woeng TFC, Lugtenberg BJJ and Bloemberg GV (2003)
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