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The greatest benefit of completing this assignment to future courses I

will take in my school career will be the background knowledge I have gained

about the way statistics are calculated and presented. I believe this will be

useful in a variety of different classes, from those that require

experimentation and displays of data such as chemistry, to classes that

require analysis of statistics to make conclusions about a specific subject,

such as social or environmental issues. In completing this project, I was

required to look at data provided to me and to present it in a meaningful and

organized way.
This assignment required that I use the data to create visual

representations of the values in multiple different ways, such as histograms,

frequency histograms, and box plots. A greater understanding of how

statistics are represented in visual form is beneficial because this is

commonly how data is represented in Academic articles. This knowledge can

be used in both my academic career and in applications beyond this.

Statistics also has real world applications in fields such as science and

politics. When scientists complete experiments, their data can then be

applied to statistics because the data comes from observing a sample rather

than a whole population. These statistics can then be used to make

inferences about populations. The same process can be used to apply data

found in polls and surveys regarding political issues to make predictions and

inferences, the same way the data in the project can be used to predict the

amount of a certain color in a bag of skittles.

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