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******* Run the scripts below to update ROI tables IF AND ONLY IF rcv_shipment_l

ines has 0 records for rcv_transations_interface.shipment_header_id ********

******* IF rcv_shipment_lines returns even 1 row, log an SR for data fix *******
******* IF ROI tables are populated by EDI/external suppliers, reprocess the rec
ord i.e. correct the problem, run the scripts below and rerun RTP **********
******* IF ROI tables are populated by mobile GUI, delete the record through tra
nsaction status summary screen and re-receive through the GUI **************
******* Always validate group_ids before running RTP for reprocessing to make su
re only the erroneous records are processed ********************************

update apps.rcv_headers_interface
set processing_status_code = 'PENDING',receipt_num = null,receipt_header_id = nu
ll,processing_request_id = null,validation_flag = 'Y'
where shipment_num = &Enter_ASN_number

update apps.rcv_transactions_interface
set processing_status_code = 'PENDING',transaction_status_code = 'PENDING',proce
ssing_request_id = null,shipment_header_id = null,
primary_quantity = null,primary_unit_of_measure = null,interface_transaction_qty
= null,order_transaction_id = null,validation_flag = 'Y'
where group_id in (select group_id from apps.rcv_headers_interface where shipmen
t_num = &Enter_ASN_number)
NO NEED TO UPDATE ANYTHING in wms_lpn_interface or mtl_serial_numbers_interface
or mtl_transaction_lots_interface

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