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A Research Paper

Presented to

The Faculty of the High School Department

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements in English 10



This chapter presents the background of the study, theoretical and

conceptual framework, statement of the problem, significance, scope and

delimitation and definition of terms.

Background of the Study

The computer shop business has expanded all over the world. There has

been a lot of local chain of computer that is been growing all over the country.

(Olandres, 2008)

The idea of internet cafes or internet shops started way back September 1,

1994 in London, England when the worlds first internet shop known as Caf Cyberia

was opened. (EdZee, 2009)

This kind of business attracted a lot of interest from the public and investors

that resulted to its expansion. With its success, this kind of business grew to over 60

similar cafes all over the world by the middle of 1995. (EdZee, 2009)

By late 1990s, the internet shop business reached the Philippines but it was

mainly for playing LAN games and typing services. (Morada,2010).

As technology paces up with time, internet shops in the Philippines also

improved its offered services like net surfing, scanning, printing, laminating, and

even playing online games thus making it more convenient to the customers,

especially students. In relation to this, due to the thought that this could be a great

source of profit, people tend to start this kind of business without thinking the

possible or required security measures it must possess.

Of the total population of Marikina City, 1,070 were victims of different

crimes. Barangay Malanday has the highest recorded victims of crime at 0.7 percent
or a total of 299 invidividuals as of 2012. (Hon. De Guzman) It is not guaranteed

that computer shops are included in this data but this made the researchers focus

on the said area. Malanday also has a population of 40,416 which is the largest

among all the Barangays in Marikina City, thus this study can benefit more people.

(Hon. De Guzman, 2012)

Many teenagers and students frequently go to this kind of place that is why

the researchers are concerned regarding its safety and security measures. The

researchers then intended to study and describe the security measures of these

computer shops and to come up with possible actions regarding the gathered


Knowing the history of computer shops can be beneficial in understanding

how it developed considering its popularity to the consumers who may be highly

affected of the lack of its security. Meanwhile, being aware of the status of crimes

and population urged the researchers to conduct the study for the citizens of

Barangay Malanday.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

In this part of the research, the relevance of Abraham Maslows Hierarchy of

Needs will be elaborated for the need of security in a persons psychological being.

The Theory of Security by Ron Kurtus will also explain more on security and how can

this be a help for this research.

Figure 1: Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

Abraham Maslow (1943) stated that people are motivated to achieve

certain needs. When one need is fulfilled, one person seeks to fulfil another one.

Maslow identified the five motivational needs that people wants to fulfil in a

pyramid. This pyramid is divided into five stages and can be classified into basic

needs and growth needs. Basic needs include the physiological, safety,love and

esteem and growth needs include the self-actualization of a person.

Included in the basic needs is the main concern of this research, which is

the security and safety of people concerning of their environment within computer

shops. It is given in a persons needs to have the sense of security just like what

Abraham Maslow included in his Hierarchy.

According to the definition of safety needs, being secured means being

protected from elements, security, order, law, stability, etc. Security or safety is

knowing that you are out of danger. It is knowing that you are taken care of, no

matter what. (Bronstein, 2013) This explains the reason why people seek security in

a certain environment they currently at.

To understand the aspects of security, Kurtus explained the theory of

security. He said that the theory of security is to know the types of possible attacks,
to be aware of the motivations for the attacks and your relationship to those

motives. The security or defense against such a threat is to make it difficult to

attack, threaten counter-measures, or make a pre-emptive attack on a source of

threat. This theory can help the research to understand the process of security in

computer shops.

Possible Protect Defense

Attacks Motivations Make it

on person difficult
Attacks Threaten
on counter-
properties attack
Attacks on Pre-emptive
organization attack
Figure 2: Ron Kurtus Theory of Security

Kurtus theory can be understood as a three way process with different

aspects below it. In terms of the security of computer shops, some of these aspects

can be covered.

There are criminals who might have possible attacks on person, properties,

or organizations. Possible attacks on computer shops may be on person and

properties. Attack on individual can cause physical or emotional harm according to

Kurtus. Disorganization on computer shops may lead to this kind of attack to the

customers. Meanwhile, attack on properties means destroying or stealing other

properties. Due to the value of the equipments in computer shops, it is prone to

stealing or other kinds of crimes.

To protect oneself from any harm, one must secure himself against any

threat. Kurtus said that by relating the motives of criminal-mined people to your

own situation, you can often determine the real threat to your security. It is also said
that there are properties that are vulnerable to attack. By using your common sense

and strategic knowledge, you can examine those areas and do some action.

Lastly, to be defended from any harm, mechanisms or security measures

must be in place. Rapid response to an attack is important. Make it difficult to the

attackers to do some action. You must show authority to those who provokes any

harm in the area.

This theory can help the researchers understand, evaluate and take action in

the safety of computer shops in Barangay Malanday, Marikina City.

Conceptual Model of the Study

Based from different studies, the conceptual framework was established. The

framework designed was shown in Figure 3.

Security Measures of Promote Effective

Computer Shops in Satisfactor Security Measures
Barangay Malanday, y
Marikina City Perceived
by: Needs Coordination with
A. Customers Improvement Barangay Captain and
B. Owners Owners
C. People Nearby
D. Bantay Awareness
Figure 3: Conceptualized Relationship Among Variables

The research model for this study presented how the safety of computer

shops in Barangay Malanday, Markina perceived by the customers, owners and

nearby establishments or people in the area concerned served as basis of the

researchers action plan. An assessment concerning the safety and security

condition of these shops were gathered by the researchers. As a response to these

perceived security measures, the action plan was made. The researchers action

plan depends on the satisfaction of the safety of the computers in Malanday

perceived by the mentioned respondents. When the results are satisfactory,

promotion of the gathered effective security measures will be acted upon through
the use of social networking sites. However, if the computer shops need

improvement, the researchers will coordinate with the Barangay Captain and

owners of the shops concerned to inform them the conditions and improvement

needed. Awareness campaign also through the use of social networking sites will be


Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to determine the safety of computer shops in Barangay

Malanday, Marikina City. Particularly, this research aims to answer the following


1. What are the rules implemented by the computer shops in Malanday that

customers know?

A. Do costumers abide by these rules and regulations set?

2. What are the problems and crimes encountered or observed by the

customers and people nearby within the computer shops in Malanday?

3. What are the security measures implemented by the computer shops in


4. How satisfied are the customers in the safety of the computer shops?

Significance of the Study

The researchers have observed the computer shops in Barangay Malanday,

Marikina City and how this research can benefit the following stakeholders:

To the Computer Shop Owners. This study served as a guide on how can they

aggrandize the security of their shops. This can help them know what is needed to

ameliorate in terms of the safety of the customers. To help them know how they can

avert crimes by using proper security measures. To be aware of the people who are

using the computer and to be sure that it is appropriate with their age.
To the Students.This study serves as a guide of what could they encounter when

they would go to an internet cafe. This could help them know how to behave and be

aware of his or her actions, So that they would be aware of what they will see when

they enter the cafe.

To the community. This study can help them to provide further research and study

to ensure the safety of the computer shops. This will help them find ways on how to

also spread awareness with the shops in their vicinity.

To the Local Government. This study can help them to monitor the computer

shops present in their handled locality. The information that the researchers

gathered can be helpful in making a law or action to the places concerned. This can

also be a stepping ground to ensure and be strict about the shops proper


To the Parents of the Minor Customers.This study will make them be aware of

what environment can their children encounter in computer shops. This can also be

a basis in identifying if the shops are safe for their children for studying and playing.

This can lead to proper actions or guidance concerning their children.

To the Future Computer Shop Owners. This study can help the future owners to

apply the information they got to have a more secured business. This can also be a

guide to help them make a better and more consumer friendly atmosphere.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to measure and describe the security measures of

computer shops within the locality of Barangay Malanday, Marikina City.

The researchers include the bantay, people nearby the shop and owners

as the interviewees for the set of questions made. Giving of survey questionnaires

to the customers is limited to a total of 65 respondents from 25 different

establishments. This is composed of five customers per shop within ten different
computer shops with an additional of 15 customers also from 15 different

establishments. These customers are the ones spotted within the vicinity whether

they are renting computers or not.

Definition of Terms

The following lists of words were defined as it was operationally used in the


Malanday- Barangay in Marikina area within Metro Manila

Computer shop - It is the Filipino slang term for internet cafe where you can rent

computers for use.

Bantay- It is what the customers call the people/person manning or timing the

customers of the computer shop.

Online Games- Video games that are played over the computer with the use of

internet to communicate or play with other players



This chapter presents the literatures and related studies in connection to

the study.

Internet Caf started out in the late 1990s as LAN Shops- a center in which

computers are networked in order to play LAN Games.Internet connection then was

dial up and relatively expensive therefore,only a few shops offered internet service.

The bulk of their service back then was gaming and typing services for students.

(Morada, 2010)

Safety means a lot to the costumers. Someone would not enter an

establishment if he knows that he will not be safe. Safety as defined is the absence

of injury or harm. The factors that may put a costumer in harm are possibility of

crimes, bad habits of other costumers, low quality of facilities in establishments,

lack of cooperation of costumers in following the rules, and low security in the

establishment. These problems can only be answered by setting up security

measures. Security measure as defined is a preventive action for accidents or harm.

One kind of security measures that a computer shop may implement is setting

rules. Rules in a certain area are placed to control the behaviour of the people. As a

result, untoward behaviour will be prevented. The rules set by the management will

be useless if the costumers themselves are not abiding by the rule. It is also

important that each and everyonedoes their part in maintaining peace and order in

the establishment. The environment of a place also tells if a shop is safe or not.

Since environment pertains to what kind of people and surrounding to expect in a

certain place, environment includes the behaviour of all kinds of people that a
costumer may interact with within the area. This can only be known by knowing

ones motive in coming to the place. (Shanmuk,2013)

A study conducted by Mr. Moore talks about how to maintain a computer in

computer shops. The main point in the study is to know if it is advisable to buy

second hand computers for the computer shops, if you will be running one.

According to Mr. Moore, its a big NONO. Computer shops must maintain the

quality of the computers that they let other people use. As a part of the costumers

safety, it is part of the owners responsibility to satisfy costumers to avoid untoward

behaviour during its stay in the shop. (2010)

LGU classifies the internet cafes as an entertainment and recreation center

along with the billiard halls. As a result, it became a vice for the students usually in

secondary education. The government knew this would happen. The implemented a

law that states that students are also not allowed to go to computer shops during

school hours according to House Bill no. 2473 by Rep. Peter M. Unabia. Its due to

the reason that Youth as young as 7 years old would spend 8 hours a day at cyber-

cafes playing online/offline games instead of using the internet to do their

homeworks. (Morada, 2010) Minors are mostly seen in computer shops still wearing

their school uniform during class hours. Some are said to skip school just to go

there. This means that minors are the ones attracted by this kind of business thus

strict security is really needed.

In addition, most of internet shops have problems like noisy environment, poor

lighting, weak air conditioning, uncomfortable chairs and unstable connection. Even

though costumers encounter problems like that they still go to internet cafes

especially the kids to play games. Security of computer shops are not only focused

on crimes, it also covers the minor aspects of it like physical injuries due fights

because of the uncontrollable behaviours of the customers. Security in terms of

behavioural aspects should also be noticed since this can be adapted. The
researchers can use the mentioned news to set broader awareness of crimes that

may occur in a computer shop.

In 1972, B.F. Skinner, a Harvard behaviourist-psychologist, published his

book, Beyond Freedom and Dignity. Skinner argued that mans free will is not based

on his sovereignty as a costumer instead, its controlled by external influences.

Skinner is in favour of control in mans behaviour. He said that human behaviour

can be shaped through behavioural engineering like a biological process. This

developing science of control aims to change the environment rather than the


A feasibility study was conducted by Ms.Llaguno that proves that allowing all

sites will increase the amount of costumers visiting a computer shop. They were

able to prove that it is really a good business plan for a computer shop but they

found out that this kind of business plan is a danger for the youth. According to

Ms.Llaguno, the youth are always full of curiosity and giving them free will in

opening any sites, would lead them astray. They are tempted to open sites not

suitable for their age-pornographic sites. This is another problem that Ms.Llaguno

saw in her study since it affects the young minds of the youth. (2012)


This chapter elaborates the method of research used, sources of data, data

gathering instruments, data gathering procedure and data analysis procedure.

Research Design

The researchers decided to use the descriptive method for the study to

present the safety and security measures of computer shops in Barangay Malanday,

Marikina City. This method relies solely on objective perception. According to Key

(1997), descriptive research is utilized to gather information concerning the current

situation of a phenomena to describe what exists in accordance to a given

condition or variable.

The researches made use of two approaches qualitative and quantitative

for a more comprehensive study. The qualitative approach includes interviews to

gather personal insights for basis while the quantitative approach includes surveys

to gather numerical data.

Primary and secondary data were used in the study. The researchers

collected primary data from respondents through conducting interviews and giving

out survey questionnaires. The researchers also obtained secondary data from past

studies, articles, and news about computer shops their safety and crimes involving

them in Barangay Malanday, Marikina City as basis.

Research Locality

The focus locality of the study was Malanday, a barangay within Marikina

City. Specifically, the research was conducted on Barangay Malanday because the

area has the highest reported crime victims in the said city and crimes may affect

the safety of computer shops. Researchers observed, when they visited the place,

that the main streets of the area was composed of one to three computer shops and

even streets that are not that exposed to main roads has at least one computer

shop; which is a lot compared to other places in Marikina City. Considering also that

the areas population is the largest in the said city and there are a lot of problems

concerning computer shops coming from the area.

Research Participants

The respondents of this study are the customers spotted within the

computer shops visited whether they are renting computers or just merely

observing since they are receivers of the services offered by the computer shops.

Included in the respondents are the owners and the so called "bantay" or

the person whom reminds the customers of the length of time to which they would

be renting a particular computer since they are the ones managing the daily routine

of the shop. People who are living nearby the shops were also interviewed to take

note of their observations and opinions in order to avoid biased answers.

Research Instruments
The study used the following instrument in gathering the needed data.

Questionnaire. A two-page questionnaire was designed for the use of this

study. This consists of closed-ended questions which are multiple choice and scaled

questions. It also includes two parts. The first part has multiple choice questions

about the computer shop itself and the customer answering the survey while the

second part has both types of questions concerning the respondents observation

and opinion about the orderliness, safety and problems of the area. The second

part emphasized on rating of how often things happen in the shop. This part also

seeks to weigh the degree of agreement of the respondents to different given

statements like how agree are they that a shop is safe and if the management does

its job to maintain order. The set of questions were answered by the customers of

the shop whether they are often in the shop or not.

Structured Interview. An interview schedule was conducted with the

computer shop owners, the people nearby, and the people manning the shops or

bantay. The said instrument was utilized wherein the people nearby and the people

manning the shops gave their responses on a set of questions given to them which

includes their observations in the computer shop, reactions or insights about the

safety measures of the shop. On the other hand, the computer shop owners were

given different set of questions wherein their observations, experiences, and goals

were included. The researchers were to know the situations on the different

computer shops and identify the needed improvements. They were also to know the

different perceptions of the respondents about the security measures of the said


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers used the survey method, interview schedule and self

evaluation of the area using the set standard in gathering data. The researchers

first asked for the permission of the computer shop owner before conducting the
study. When the permission was granted, the survey and interview questions were

carefully made. The researchers distributed the survey questionnaires to the

computer shop users. A set of interview questions were asked to the owner of the

computer shop. After collecting the survey questionnaires and summarizing the

answers of the owner, the researchers prepared some set of standards. The

researchers observed the area and evaluated based on the set standards. The

observations gathered were recorded. The data gathered from the survey

questionnaire, interview questions, and observations were carefully analyzed.

Data Analysis Procedure

After gathering all the collected results from the questionnaires given to

the respondents, the summarization of the responses will be obtained, graphed, and

tabulated. The things about the shop or the first part of the survey will be graphed

to visually show the descriptions applicable to shops surveyed and the reliability of

the data gathered. Graphical analysis displays data in visual formats to see the

summarized identities of the data gathered. Scaled questions will be tabulated in

frequency tables which will cover the possible responses, total number of

respondents and the percentage of respondents who chose a certain answer. In

determining the frequency, the researchers tallied the respondentsanswers to a

certain question then sorted according to the statement of the problem. This will

then be divided to the total number of respondents took the survey and multiply it

by 100 to get the percentage.



This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data gathered to answer

the questions of the study.

6; 8%
5; 6% 1; 20%
4; 8%

2; 23%
3; 34%

4; 9%
1; 32%

3; 31%

2; 28%

The researchers measured the

frequency of how often do the 65 customers or respondents surveyed go to the 25

computer shops in Malanday and how long do they stay there to determine the

reliability of the gathered data.

Graph 1: Frequency of the Respondents Graph 2:

Respondents Length of
to Computer Shop
Time in Computer Shop
RULES AND REGULATIONS Frequency Percentage
Bawal Manigarilyo at Uminom sa 48 75%
Bawal Pumunta sa Porn Sites 35 54.7%

Bawal ang Estudyante (Sa oras ng 35 54.7%

Bawal Magdala ng Patalim at Armas 34 53.1%

Ingatan ang Kagamitan 31 48.4%

Bawal Mag-away 29 45.3%

Bawal ang Utang 29 45.3%

Bayad Muna Bago Laro 21 32.8%

Bawal Mag-ingay 18 28.1%

Bawal Tumambay sa Loob ng Shop 18 28.1%

Bawal Kumain 17 26.6%

Magsuot ng Maayos na damit 8 12.5%

Bawal ang Trash Talking 5 7.8%

Graph 1 shows that 32% of the customers go to the respective shops always while

28% of them go often and these respondents were already familiarized to the

different aspects of the shop that can make them provide efficient observations.

Meanwhile, some said that they sometimes and seldom go, which is 31% and 9% of

the respondents respectively.

On the other hand, Graph 2 shows that most respondents are within the

shop for three to five hours with the rate of 34%. Meanwhile, almost 50% of them

spend their time there for one to two hours. But there are also costumers whom go

there for six hours up to almost a whole day.

This actually can help the researchers determine whether the respondents

had enough time also to observe and be familiar of the environment of the place.

Table 1: Rules and Regulations Present in the Computer Shop

Table 1 answers the research question, "What are the rules implemented by

the computer shops in Malanday that customers know?" The respondents were

given a questionnaire with the rules that computer shops must be observed to have

peace and order within the shop. These rules were based on the secondary and

primary sources gathered by the researchers. The data showed the results that the

most commonly observed rule in the shop is the "No smoking and drinking policy"

with a rate of 75%, that is 48 votes from the respondents. However, the policy

"Students are not allowed during class hours" and "Visiting pornographic sites are

not allowed" were the next in rank, having the same number of votes (35 votes) and

percentages (54.6%). On the other hand, trash talking and wearing improper

clothing were the least given importance of the owners of the computer shops with

7.8% having 5 votes and 12.5% having 8 votes respectively.

Based from the results, the computer shops in Malanday are strict in

implementing the rules on the "No smoking policy" inside the shop, "Visiting

pornographic sites are not allowed", and "No students in the shop during class

hours". The people in the vicinity of the computer shops, particularly the customers,

are very much aware on these policies as security measures of the shops. However,

the shops are not particular in implementing the proper dress codes of their clients,

likewise, the shops are not too strict in observing the behavior of the customers.

Table 2: Costumers Obedience to the Rules

Statement Choice Frequency Percentage

Strongly Disagree 2 3.1%

I follow the
rules and Disagree 4 6.25%
regulations of
Agree 24 37.5%
the shop.
Strongly Agree 35 54.7%

Other Strongly Disagree 1 1.6%

costumers Disagree 13 20.3%
follow the Factors Agree Choices 22
rules of the Strongly Agree 27 e 42.2%
shop. Slow internet 66%
Too noisy 37%
Crowded 23%
table 2 Fights 17% answers the
Virus in PC 23%
follow-up Problems Hot environment 32% question if the
encounter Cursing 28%
customers abide by the
ed Unorganized 18%
said rules in equipment table 1. The
Broken equipment 25%
customers or "Bantay" 9% the
Many Bystanders 37.5%
respondents None 6% themselves of
Fight(physical) 42%
the computer shops in
Fight(verbal) 53%
Malanday are Crimes Stealing 33% said to be
Robbery 6%
cooperating Fire 5% with the
Murder 3%
implementation of the rules. 92% of them, in total,strongly agree and agree that

they themselves abide by the rules and regulations implemented by the shop while

a total of 76% also strongly agree and agree that they have observed other people

abiding by the rules and regulations. This data means that the respondent

themselves and other customers based on their observations, follow the rules that

were present in Table 1.

The customers or respondents may have followed the rules but based on

Table 1, the only reliable rule, No smoking and drinking, which has the rate of 75%

can be said that is observed by the respondents. There is also high probability of

following other rules voted as 50% and above but other important rules below the

said rate should be implemented well to really achieve a well-authorized shop.

Table 3: Problems and Crimes within the Computer Shop

Table 3 seeks to answer the second statement of the problems which

includes the problems and crimes encountered or observed by the customers

within the computer shops in Malanday.

Problems encountered in the shop is an important factor since it triggers

the people in the shop and shows the different negative observations of the

respondents that they noticed. Most computer shops are said to be usually too noisy

(37%), crowded (23%), very hot (32%), messy (18%), have broken equipment (25%)

and there are a lot of bystanders (38%) and people cursing (28%). There has also

been a number of fights physically (48%) and verbally (53%) and cases of

stealing (33%). Also, there were instances of customers complaining, usually about

slow internet (66%).This data shows that there are a lot of problems in terms of the

environment of the shop especially in dealing with fights and slow internet


Table 4: Security Measures in the Computer Shop

Security Measures
e Rate
Maintains peace and
order 33% Sometimes
Checks his/her
Banta costumers from time to
y time. 27% Always
Answers the complains
of their costumers 23% Seldom
Enough CCTV camera 60% agree
Enough "bantay" 54% agree
Has security guards 40% Disagree
cashier(excluding the
"bantay") 37% Agree
Prohibited sites are Strongly
blocked 36% agree
Cables are well Agree/Strongl
arranged 45% y agree
Good lighting 52% Agree
Proper ventilation 51% agree
Complete permit 67% agree
Computers and other
things used in the shop Strongly
are well maintained. 45% agree

Table 4 answers what security measures do these computer shops in

Malanday follow. Presence of security measures in the computer shops can help in

determining its overall safety since it aims to prevent any kind of harm. The Bantay

and the shop itself were analyzed through the respondents observation to

determine whether it possess the authority and security measures needed to attain

a shop that is considered safe. These parameters were based from different studies

gathered by the researchers.

Most of the time, the Bantay is the one that is left with the shop to time

their customers thus they have the authority to maintain order and avoid violence.
For the respondents, the Bantay always check their customers by roughly 27%.

Meanwhile 23% of them states that the Bantay seldom answers to the customers

complain and needs. While 33% of the respondents said that the Bantay is doing

something to reprimand those who break the rules and disturb other customersto

attain peace and order within.

The customers were also asked on how agree are they that the shop has

enough of the mentioned security measures. The highest percentage seen that the

respondents strongly agree upon was on the security of the shop on making sure

that it has a complete permit in running the shop. This has the highest percentage

Statement Choice Frequenc Percenta

y ge
Strongly Agree 31 48.4%
The shop is safe and secured. Agree 25 39.1%
Disagree 6 9.4%
Strongly Disagree 2 3.1%
Strongly Agree 33 51.6 %
The shop is well-managed. Agree 27 42.2%
Disagree 3 4.7%
Strongly Disagree 1 1.6%
Strongly Agree 32 50%
The shop attends to my needs
and the other costumers. Agree 21 32.8%
Disagree 11 17.2%
Strongly Disagree 0 0
Strongly Agree 29 45.3%
The shop needs improvement
in terms of its security. Agree 23 35.9%
Disagree 11 17.2%
Strongly Disagree 0 0
of 67.19% or a total of 43 votes. The next thing they considered was the presence

of CCTV cameras in the place and this has the second highest percentage which is

60.94% with a total of 39 votes. 54.69% or a total of 35 votes said that there are

enough Bantays in the computer shop. 51.56% or 33 respondents said that there is

good ventilation in the area that could avoid causing fire since overheating of

computers may occur and most of the time customers become hot-headed because

of this. While 45.31% or 29 respondents said that the cables and computers are well

organized and the equipments and facilities were maintained. 52% of the
respondents said that the lighting in the shop is just right. 35.94% or 23

respondents said that there are some sites that are forbidden and were blocked by

the Bantay and the cashiers are enough beside from the bantay. Meanwhile, 40%

disagree that there is enough security guards in the area.

Table 5: Satisfaction to Management and Security

Table 5 shows the opinion and satisfaction of the respondents based on

the security and management of the computer shop which is in support of the

problem statement 4. The regular customers perception of the safety and the

management of the shop can be a basis whether the future customers may also feel

as is. Regarding the safety and security of the computer shop, 31 out 64

respondents strongly agree (48.44%), 25 respondents agree (39.06%), 6

respondents disagree (9.38%), and 2 respondents strongly disagree (3.13%). As for

the management of the shop, 33 respondents strongly agree (51.56%), 27

respondents agree (42.19%), 3 respondents disagree (4.69%), and 1 respondent

strongly disagrees (1.56%). When it comes to sustaining the needs of the

customers, 32 respondents strongly agree (50%), 21 respondents agree (32.81%),

11 respondents disagree (17.19%), and 0 respondents strongly disagree. Lastly,

when asked if the shop needs more security measures, 29 respondents strongly

agree (45.31%), 23 respondents agree (35.94%), 11 respondents disagree

(17.19%), and 0 respondents strongly disagree. Most of the respondents' opinion

regarding the security and management of the computer shop are strongly agree

and agree. The results indicate that majority of the respondents are satisfied with

the security and management of the computer shop.



This chapter presents the summary, conclusion and recommendation of the study.


This study was conducted to examine the safety of computer shops in

Malanday. Specifically, this study aims to answer the following:

1. What are the rules implemented by the computer shops in Malanday that

customers know?

A. Do costumers abide by these rules and regulations set?

2. What are the problems and crimes encountered or observed by the

customers and people nearby within the computer shops in Malanday?

3. What are the security measures implemented by the computer shops in


4. How satisfied are the customers in the safety of the computer shops?

The researchers gathered information from 64 respondents that usually

visit one of the computer shops in Malanday. The research instruments used to

gather information were the survey questionnaire and structured interview. Based

on the data obtained from the survey and interview, the following findings are

thereby presented
1. Among the thirteen rules and regulation given, the rules that is most

implemented is not allowing their costumers to smoke (75%). The following

are ranked as follows; prohibiting students from entering computer shops

during class hours(54%) and restricting porn sites, costumers are not allowed

to bring deadly weapons(54%), to be careful of your belongings(48%), no

fighting (45%), pay before you play (32%), maintain silence(28%), no

bystanders(28%), food and drinks are not allowed(26%), observe proper

dress code(12.5%), no trash talking(7%).

a) 55% of the respondents strongly agreed that they are following

the rules and regulations implemented by the computer shops, while

42% of the respondents strongly agreed that they have observed

other people following the rules and regulations.

2. The problem encountered are slow internet connection(66%), too noisy(37%),

crowded(23%), fights(17%), virus in PC(23%), hot environment(32%), foul

words(28%), unorganized equipment(18%), broken equipment (25%),

bantay(9%), and many bystanders(37.5). the crimes that were reported

were fighting physically(42%),fighting verbally(53%), stealing(33%),

robbery(6%), fire(5%), and murder(3%).

3. The following security measures are observed by the costumers that are

being followed by the computer shops. The bantay sometimes maintain

peace and order(33%), always checks his/her costumers (27%), seldom

answer complains from the costumers. The costumers strongly agree that the

shop has enough CCTV cameras( 60%), enough bantay(54%), prohibited

sites are blocked(36%), cables are well arranged(45%), proper

ventilation(51%), complete permit(67%), equipments are well

maintained(45%). The costumers agreed that the computer shops has good

lighting (52%), enough cashier(37%) but disagreed that it has enough

security guards (40%).

4. The respondents admitted that the shop is safe and secured (48.4%- Strongly

agree), the shop is well- managed (51.6%- strongly agree), the shop attends
to the needs of the costumers (50%- Strongly agree). On the other hand,

45.3% of the respondents strongly agree that the shop needs improvement in

terms of security.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were


1) The most evident rule implemented in the computer shops of Barangay

Malanday is the one that concerns with allowing the customers to smoke or

drink within the area. Meanwhile, prohibiting students from entering the

computer shops during class hours, restricting porn sites and not allowing the

bringing of deadly weapons are also commonly used rules.

2) Most of the customers follow the rules in the computer shops.
3) Most problems encountered and observed within the shops are slow internet

connection, noisy, hot environment, bystanders, and people who are cursing.
4) Cases like fights- physically and verbally- are also mostly seen in the

computer shops. There are also rare cases of stealing in the area.
5) The Bantay always check his or her customers, sometimes maintain peace

and order and seldom answer the complaints of the customers.

6) The computer shops have enough CCTV camera, bantay, cashier, prohibited

sites, arrangement of cables, good lighting, proper ventilation, permit and

well-maintained equipment but do not have enough security guards.

7) The customers are satisfied with the safety, management, and service of the

computer shops but they still want more improvement in terms of its security.


The following measures are recommended for the improvement of the

safety of computer shops in Malanday, Marikina City as based on the conclusion:

1) The computer shop owners should provide and implement more rules that

would avoid the cases of fights and improve the environment of the shop

especially in dealing with noise. Bystanders and people cursing.

2) Since cases of fights and stealing are mostly seen in the computer shops, the

shop owners should provide ways on how this can be decreased and also help

the Bantay in managing its customers.

3) The Bantay in computer shops should always maintain peace and order and

answer the complaints of the customers.

4) If possible, the owners should hire enough security guards to manage the

computer shops to ensure safety and authority over its customers.

5) Owners should improve the security of their shop for the customers to feel

safe and secured.

For the future researchers who want to know more about the safety of

computer shops in Barangay Malanday, Marikina City, the researchers have set

measures that are recommended for the improvement of this topic. The

researchers recommend the following:

1. There should be an increased number of respondents from one

computer shop to another considering also the number of computer

shops to be interviewed.
2. The survey questions should be easily-answered in a short period of

time and easy to fill-out because customers in computer shops are

also concerned of their time renting the computers while answering.

3. Have a list of how many are the computer shops in the research

locality to be studied.

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