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Hello, I am Karina Lingeviciute and I represent the Doctors without borders

As Anne Frank once wrote. No one has ever become poor by giving. Helping people who have
suffered from war, poverty and diseases is the main purpose of ,,Doctors without borders. We have
been reacting to wars, disasters and disease outbreaks since 1968(nineteen sixty eight), and we will
continue to provide help for people around the world who have suffered from tragic events.
,,Doctors without borders helps people all over the world. For instance we have people providing
surgery and basic treatment in war zones such as Syria, also we have people in Mali and Chad (salys
afrikoj) helping people who suffer from Malaria. For now we have treated over one hundred seventy
thousand (170000) children in Mali and Chad combined. We also try to convince people and
encourage them to join us to help others in need.
So how can you help? Well, you can signup and work either in the field (field laukas, tai tipo nu
dirbti gydyti ten visus, o office tai tipo popierius tvarkyt) or in the office. Currently we are recruiting
(priiminejam) medical, administrative and logistical support personel. So you could help us provide
medical care for people in crisis. By doing this people can get a glimpse of what is happening outside
of their comfy homes and what people from poor or war torn (karo isdraskytos) countries have to go
through everyday. If youre thinking about joining us, head to our website and register there!
Overall, Doctors without borders is currently providing food, shelter and medicine to people in need.
Join us, and you could make a huge difference.
What if all of you decided to go and help others? I bet all of you would enjoy bringing happiness to
people who need it the most.
So how about you? Would you join us?
Thanks for listening, and thank you for your support.

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