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Spanish 3: La salud

Date: 2/15/17

Strengths of the Class:

B5: Almost all students arrive on time; almost all students participate in activities, group and individual work;
all are respectful to the teacher and each other.
B7: Almost all students arrive on time, almost all students participate in activities, group and individual work;
all are respectful to the teacher and each other.

Unique Needs of the Class:

B5: Since this is third period class, right before lunch, its important to have activities that will keep students
engaged. Theres often a one or a few students that are absent so I need to make sure that these students have
access to make-up work.
B7: Since this is the last class of the day, it is important to have activities that will keep students engaged.

Unit: La salud

Curriculum Standards:
NH.PS.6 I can present basic information about things I have learned using phrases and simple sentences.
IL.PS.3 I can present information on plans, instructions, and directions.

Turn in before class (homework from previous class): No

Content Objectives for the Lesson: SWBAT use commands to give advice. SWBAT talk about their eating

Learning Objectives for Students: SWBAT talk about health. SWBAT practice and use commands using the
new vocabulary on health to give advice.

Language Objectives for Students: SWBAT use health vocabulary by reading and writing about their eating
habits and comparing them to choose my plate. SWBAT to use positive and negative tu commands by reading
about advice on healthy eating, by listening to comprehension questions about the reading, by talking about
their eating habits and by writing a goal for themselves about their eating habits.

Starter: (10 min) Students will have 5-10 minutes to fill in a survey about their eating habits. Students will be
able to use their phones to do the survey. If students dont have a phone to use, they can fill it out on the
computers in the back, I will also ask if students with phones could share them with their neighbor after theyve
done the survey.

Class Procedures (Class Work/Activities):

1. Starter: (10 min)
2. Reading and comprehension: (15 min)
a. Students will read Activity 5 (R3, pg. 117) on their own (5-10 min).
b. They will then separate their desks and we will do an illuminate quiz, where students will be
given 5 phrases and they are to decide if they are true or false, based on the reading. When
theyre done, I will collect their quizzes. We will then go over the questions together.
3. Survey analysis: (20 min)
a. Students will now analyze the survey responses, which was based on the reading. To do so,
they will answer the following questions (which will be projected on the screen; students are to
answer these on their own sheet of paper):
i. La _____ (mayoria/minoria) de la clase no come 3 o ms frutas al dia
ii. La _____ (mayoria/minoria) de la clase no come 3 o ms vegetales al da
iii. _____ (mas/menos) estudiantes beben agua que bebidas con azcar.
iv. Cual estadistica te sorprendi de esta encuesta? Por que?
b. Students will now look at their plates, the survey responses, and the sheet where they wrote
what the meals they eat on a typical day, and ask themselves if they eat healthy (specifically for
dinner). To do so, they will talk with their partner by following these sentence frames:
i. A: Comes saludable en la cena?
ii. B: ______ (si/no) porque ______ (como/no como) ______ (i.e. frutas, verduras,
lcteos, etc).
iii. I will then ask for a few volunteers to share if they eat healthy or not.
c. Finally, students will write a goal for themselves to help them eat healthier:
i. Yo comere mas ______. They will write this on the front of their plate.
d. I will refer back to the reading, project it, and ask students what form the consejos are written
in. They will then say that they are written in the imperative form. I will then have them come
up and underline all the commands found in the reading.
4. Tu commands quiz: (10 min) Students will take a short quiz on tu commands
5. Graphic organizer: (10 min) We will start a graphic organizer in which we will write negative tu and
usted commands. This organizer is to help students understand these different ways of writing
commands in light of their performance assessment where they will have to give health advice to the
6. New grammar concept: I will introduce usted commands through a PowerPoint presentation. I will start
by showing them something they already know, the present tense. I will ask students how to say to eat,
to walk, to write. I will write them on the smartboard, I will then ask students how to say you eat, etc. I
will write these down. I will then ask students to put these into tu command form.

Plans for Enrichment (i.e., What is my plan for students who finish early?): We will add to our graphic
organizer the usted commands.

Plans for Remediation (i.e., What is my plan for students who need additional support?): Students will be
working in partners so that they can help each other out; I will also be walking around, helping students if they
need the help.

Plans for Assessment:

Formative: The illuminate quiz, their survey analysis
Summative: Students are being prepared for a presentation in which they will present advice on health
and nutrition.

Turn in at the end of class: Illuminate quiz, survey analysis

Homework assigned: Study vocabulary

Plans for English Language Learners: Every student is a language learner.

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