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Urgency for a More Conducive Environment

for Refugees in the United States

By: Sophie Haiman

English 138 T/TH Rhetoric and Civic Life

Dr. Babcock

16 April 2017


Everyday millions of people are living throughout the world in situations where they are
oppressed and lacking the necessary conditions to survive. Therefore, this class becomes
dependent on higher powers, such as developed nations, to take them in and provide them with a
place of refuge. The United States historically has led the process of accepting these individuals
and creating a conducive environment for them to live. Recently, American policy has shown
backlash towards this progression. The recent backlash has led to a negative atmosphere for
refugees. Therefore, in order to create a better situation for this class, America must implement
new educational programs for both refugees and Americans. From the perspective of a refugee,
one on one education can allow for more growth in terms of assimilation and an easier transition.
Americans need to be educated as well to garner an understanding on refugees and how they
differ from other foreigners. Every problem can be solved from the ground up, and in this crisis,
the solution begins with education.
The Current State of Affairs Depends on the U.S.
To understand a situation in its entirety, comprehending the rhetoric used within the
discussions is an imperative. Before discussing the complexity of the current refugee crisis, one
must grasp the stark differences between refugees and immigrants. Within America and across
the globe, these two terms have a tendency to be used interchangeably. The biggest disparity is
the persons choice; an immigrant has the ability to choose to leave their country of origin while
a refugee is forced to leave their home country1.
Therefore, the inability to choose, leaves refugees with the need for outside help. Help
which is often granted by developing countries such as the United States. Currently, there is an
overwhelming amount of people around the globe begging for this aid. As reported by the UN
Agency on Refugees, wars, conflict and persecution have forced more people than at any
other time since records began to flee their homes and seek refuge and safety elsewhere.
Additionally, this trend is estimated to continue to increase with more than half of these
refugees being children. Countries across the globe continue to engage in conflict, with no
outside hand finding the ability to stop them. As a result, the people within each of these
countries face the consequences.
With these increasing numbers, there is a global urgency to provide aid for people who
are being forced to flee their homelands. Although unable to find a way to stop these conflicts,
the United States has previously been a country to open its arms to those directly impacted.
But, the current state of affairs of the United States prevents many refugees from entering into
the country and creates a negative environment for this group of people within America. The
implementation of a more receptive education system would allow the United States to take a
huge step forward in addressing these issues by working from the ground up.

Martinez, Michael and Miquel Marquez. "Whats the Difference Between Immigrant and
Refugee." CNN Politics. Last modified July 16, 2014. Accessed April 13, 2017.

Historical Strides
Resettlement Programs Enacted
History shows that the United States has previously tried to create more conducive
environments and has been more accepting to refugees. In 1980, the Refugee Resettlement Act
was signed, creating huge strides to aid this community. The Refugee Resettlement Act
provided aid to help refugees establish economic self-sufficiency and resettlement across the
United States. A part of the economic self-sufficiency help granted by this policy includes
assistance finding employment opportunities, subsidies and English training sessions.
Additionally, this document includes clauses ensuring the location of refugee placement are in
areas where affordable housing is accessible, employment and public or private resources.
Public and private resources specified include education, healthcare, and mental health
services. 2
Constitutional Rights Confirmed
Prior to the Refugee Resettlement Act, Yick Wo v Hopkins in 1886, advocated for
refugees as well. Under this Supreme Court decision, the 14th amendment was extended to all
people regardless of whether or not they are United States citizens3. By extending the rights
under the 14th amendment to non-citizens, this class of people were also granted other
freedoms outlined within the Bill of Rights. Before this decision was made, these rights were
only protected for American citizens. Rights such as freedom of speech, religion, the right to an
attorney, and the right to an impartial jury were now established. This decision is extremely
influential because it protects refugees and their rights while on American soil. Therefore, as a
result, there is now a precedent in place establishing the rights of refugees and non-citizens as
constituted by the Bill of Rights which is used even today.
Protection Against Threats
As expected, Americans have fears about people from outside of the United States
settling on their soil. A constant fear, voiced by many throughout history, has been that
Americans believe that these aliens will be a national security threat. Therefore, in 1952 the
Inadmissible Aliens Law was passed by Congress. The law outlined restrictions for providing
aliens visas. Restrictions included keeping refugees out of the country for diseases endangering
public health, lack of vaccinations, physical and mental health problems deemed to pose a
threat, a history of drug abuse or addiction, aiding and abetting in criminal acts, and criminal
convictions. 4As a result of the restrictions within the document, this law allowed these men
and women to settle in the United States while ensuring the security of nationals.
Simultaneously, this law prevented this group from being targeted as a threat to others due to
the strict limits placed on the issuance of their visas into the United States.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. "The Refugee Act." The Office of Refugee
Resettlement. Last modified August 29, 2012.

Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 356 JUSTIA 118 (May 18, 1886).
Inadmissible Aliens Act, S. 1182 (2012).

Current Policy Backlash
Discriminating Executive Orders
Although the government is previously understood to have been moving in a forward
progression in regard to refugee policy, this is not the case currently. Although, this pattern of
advancement is consistently received with backlash and then the cycle goes back to progression
again. A cyclical pattern in refugee progression can be highlighted throughout history.
Recently, the national government has enacted an executive order exhibiting extreme
xenophobia and anti-Muslim dissent in the United States. Although from the surface level the
immigration ban seems to only impact immigrants coming into the United States, there are a
few clauses which directly impact refugees. The Immigration Ban suspends the US Refugees
Admissions Programs from nationals of the 7 Middle Eastern countries for 120 days as of the
point of enactment5. These countries include: Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia.


Each of these countries is predominantly Muslim, and President Trump has previously shown
opposition to this community. Therefore, this clause expresses yet another way President
Trump is trying to push back against this community. Additionally, to further these actions, the
executive order allows for the prioritization of refugees on the basis of religious based

Dan Merica. "Trump Signs Executive Order to Keep Out Radical Islamic Terrorists." CNN
Politics. Last modified January 30, 2017. Accessed April 13, 2017.

prosecution6. This means that the Department of Homeland Security can prioritize an
individual if they are a minority religion from their country of origin. As a result, the Trump
administration can alienate the Muslims while favoring refugees whom are Christian. President
Trump is allowed to do so because in many of the countries the refugees are coming from, the
majority religion is Islam. According to the Trump administration, these actions will protect
Americans from terror. As shown above, the basis of President Trumps security policies express
that the Muslim community is a threat to American safety. These are empty assumptions being
released by the administration. In a recent study by the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill,
the results showed that attacks by Muslims accounted for only one third of one percent of all
murders in America in the last year7.


Another clause of the executive order directly impacting refugees was the acceptance rate cap.
Previously the United States was accepting 110,000 refugees yearly, but now in tandem with
the other policies of the bill, the refugee limit has been capped at 50,000 people. As a result,
the United States can only accept less than half of the amount of refugees during this fiscal year
versus prior years.
Intolerant Local and National Policies
The negative backlash as a result of the forward progression for refugees can be
highlighted on the local and state levels in America. States such as Missouri, Tennessee, and
South Carolina have expressed the most extreme push against refugees. Each of these states
have passed at least 6 laws with the sheer intention of discriminating against this group of
people. In Missouri, congressional leaders in the House have acted with the sole purpose of
pushing refugees out of the state. House Concurrent Resolution 97 denied all funds supporting

Sanchez, Ray, and Madison Park. "What to Know about Trump's Visa and Refugee
Restrictions." CNN Politics. Last modified January 30, 2017. Accessed April 13, 2017.
Kurzman, Charles. Muslim-American Involvement with Violent Extremism, 2016. University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC: Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, 2017.

Syrian refugees and completely restricted the settlement of these refugees into the state8. With
six in every ten refugees coming out of Syria, this House bill is extremely significant due to the
amount of refugees it will impact9.


To take the prior bill to another level, in South Carolina, House Bill 4477 bans officials
from supporting Middle Eastern refugee resettlement on both local and state levels10. In turn,
South Carolina intends to push out or block an even greater amount of refugees from finding
settlement in the state. Additionally, it shows the willingness of states to discriminate on the
basis of nationality rather than on the basis of threat or reason. The state of Missouri along
with Tennessee and South Carolina, to name a few, also passed House Bill 2653 which
rescinded a previous decision to offer state funding to programs engaged in the process of
refugee resettlement11. Not only does this show backlash on previous progression in refugee
policies, but this bill also forces refugees from settling in these states. With a lack of
resettlement programs, these refugees are left to fend for themselves economically,
professionally, educationally, and in all other scopes of life.
Many states also have laws which deny refugees the ability to effectively integrate into
American society. Arizonas Senate Bill House Bill 2682 requires those who aid refugees

Missouri House Concurrent Resolution, H.R. 97, 2016 Gen. Assem. (Mo. 2016). Accessed April
13, 2017.
Connor, Phillip. "U.S. Admits Record Number of Muslim Refugees in 2016." Pew Research. Last
modified October 5, 2016. Accessed April 13, 2017.
H 4477 General Bill, H.R. 4477, 2016 Gen. Assem., 121st Sess. (S.C. 2016).
Missouri House Bill, H.R. 2653, 2016 Gen. Assem. (Mo. 2016). Accessed April 13, 2017.

medically to have special licenses12. Therefore, as a result, these people will be less likely to get
the care that they need due to these extra restrictions. Additionally, this shows backlash from
communities, saying to refugees that not only will they not support their needs, but because of
the extra rules that they have set in place, they wont even help them in emergency situations.
Additionally, Missouri House Bill 2652 eliminates all state grants to organizations, public
schools, resettlement programs and non-profits which teach refugees English13. As a result, this
bill hinders their ability to effectively integrate into the America in regards to all aspects of life:
careers, education, social aspects, etc.
Exhibited in the current policy and actions by all levels of government, the United States
is not currently providing an accepting environment for people who are escaping their countries
of origin as a result of persecution, discrimination, and oppression. But, as history shows itself
the United States will soon move into a state of progression yet again. And the time for America
to advocate in favor of this group is now. Currently, around the world, the number of people in
need of a country of refuge has been exponentially increasing to the current all-time high14.
Therefore, this issue has presented itself as an issue in the forefront of American policy debate.
A Solution to Creating a Better Environment for Refugees in America
Education is the most important and impactful solution to this issue. Both sides
refugees and citizens need to be educated simultaneously. There are a few ways in which
education can be improved upon from a refugees prospective. From their prospective, more
one on one education is needed. Many of these people come from cultures which value face-
to-face interactions and the importance of personal interactions. Therefore, they need to be
taught in this type of an environment. This will allow the refugees to feel more safe in
educational settings, not only allowing them to listen more but talk more openly as a result of
the established trust and relationships. In turn, these counselors and teachers can become a
resource to refugees. As seen in Prince Georges County in Maryland, this type of
communication has led to tremendous results. A counselor from the region was quoted on the
matter by a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation report, [Housing] is not the only thing you end
up doingyou end up talking about taxes, health, immigration, everythingyou become a
counselor on everything.15 Additionally, one on one education will allow refugees to integrate
better. By interacting with members in their community, they will be able to pick up on social
ques, and cultural norms better. Another critical benefit these one on one interactions can
provide is a relationship for the long-term. As one can assume, leaving ones home country to

Arizona House Bill, H.R. 2682, 2016 Gen. Assem. (Az. 2016). Accessed April 13, 2017.
Missouri House Bill, H.R. 2652, 2016 Gen. Assem. (Mo. 2016). Accessed April 13, 2017.
Edwards, Adrian. "Global Forced Displacement Hits Record High." UNHCR. Last modified June
20, 2016. Accessed April 13, 2017.
Garrett, Katherine E., ed. Living in America: Challenges Facing New Immigrants and Refugees.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2006. Accessed April 14, 2017.

resettle somewhere completely different cannot be an easy process in the slightest. Therefore,
building relationships and digging roots can make the process much easier on refugees. The
Robert Wood Johnson Foundations research elaborated on this relationship, highlighting the
impact that they can have. Resettlement agencies continue to be a trusted source of
information for refugees even years after their initial arrival to the United States.16
Education does not just solve the problem from the standpoint of the refugee.
Education also helps those who are natives of America. America needs to provide an education
system which incorporates lessons on refugees and immigration. Currently, in the United
States, many have no idea what the differences are or what these terms even mean at the root
of their definitions. By teaching these lessons, people can form an educated opinion on the
crisis at hand. As of right now, many people are having difficulty deciphering between the two
and understanding the full complexity of the problem. This complication is what is causing
tremendous backlash and negative feelings towards refugees. If the education system were to
be reformed, people in government would have an easier time both garnering support and
gathering a feasible opinion on the matter. As a result, these ideologies would be supported by
accurate facts and definitions rather than assumptions. Also, teaching Americans about these
issues will allow them to better integrate with refugees. Often times, discrimination occurs as a
result of misinformation or lack of knowledge. Therefore, educational programs can help
prevent this issue from occurring and focus on positively integrating refugees. The process for
coming into the United States, speaking a new language, and assimilating is already hard
enough; the odds are already against them. As a result, America needs to make it a priority to
take steps to make this process easier for refugees.
Policy takes an extensive amount of time to change. Popular opinion must first show
some support on the matter for the various levels of government to give the matter attention.
Then, it will take weeks and weeks if not months or years to be debated on in the two house of
Congress or other government branches. And, this is before the policy can even be written.
Therefore, in order for the United States to invest their time into implementing these
new educational programs, there must be overwhelming benefits for the United States to do
so. For America, the benefits of creating new policies or changing them to improve the situation
for refugees far outweighs the cons.
America prides itself on leadership. Ever since the end of the isolationist period, they
have led the world in their policies and resettlement of refugees. Calculating all of the countries
in the world together, the United States has resettled more refugees than the entire world
together every year. But, many people became fearful and xenophobic following the attacks of
9/11. As a result, people believed that terrorists would come into the country through
resettlement even though it would the most unlikely path of terrorist entry. Therefore, the

Garrett, Katherine E., ed. Living in America: Challenges Facing New Immigrants and Refugees.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 2006. Accessed April 14, 2017.

deeply ingrained unease is unwarranted and is not sufficient enough reason to give up the
strides America can gain by taking the lead in these settlement programs.
Aside from the benefits of taking the lead in refugee programs, the United States has an
innate responsibility to help these people. The United States is directly linked to the reason
some of these countries are in the turmoil they are in right now. This is specifically the case
with the United States and Syria. As a result of American involvement in Iraq, the Syrian crisis
came about. ISIS infiltration of Syria came about from the fall of Saddam Hussein and the
American destruction of the Baathist army. In prior cases of US involvement causing similar
types of destruction, such as Vietnam, the United States has taken responsibility for their
actions and helped the victims of the aftermath. Therefore, these previous actions by America
should set a precedent for future actions and behaviors.
More than anything, aiding refugees works in the self-interests of the United States.
Previously, the country has seen tremendous benefits from the presence of this population of
individuals. In the Second World War, the assistance of German scientists who fled Germany
were accredited for Americas win due to their innovation throughout the war. Following the
Cold War, Eastern European scholars, who escaped due to the communist threat, were the
foundation for the faculty of American higher education institutions. 17
In order for the United States to maintain its position as a leader in refugee affairs, take
full responsibility in providing aid for refugees and continue to pursue their self-interests, they
need to reevaluate their current policies and systems in place for dealing with this group of
people. Through a modified educational system with a module on refugees, America can
tangibly create more conducive environments for those who are fleeing oppression from their
countries of origin.

How to Repair the U.S. Asylum and Refugee Resettlement Systems. Blueprint for the Next
Administration. Human Rights First, 2012. Accessed April 13, 2017.

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