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1- What kind of situation would make you run away from home ?

Suggested answer :

Sexual abuse


2- Do you think running away is the best decision?

Why ?

Suggested answers:

Yes , it could be immediate response to some cases such as abuse, peer

pressure, family problems

No , it doesnt solve the problem but it will create more problems

3- How old do you think the persona is? Why do you think so ?

Suggested answer :

5 years old

Every time the persona asked her mother about Lulu , the mother doesnt really
answer her

4- How old do you think Lulu is ?

What evidence can you find in the text ?

Suggested answer :

17 years old- She plans her own finance

5- Why do you think the mother crumpled the note and threw it in the fire ? What do
you think Lulu wrote ?

Suggested answers :

Her mother was angry because she didnt tell her mother the truth, instead
she left the letter and ran away

She no longer wanted to live in the house because of she wanted to follow
her boyfriend and to have her own life

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