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Learning Strand Sub-strand Descriptor Curriculum

Area Point
Humanities Knowledge and Geography Places are The location of Australian states, (ACHASSK066)
and Social Understanding both similar and different territories, capital cities and major
Sciences regional centres of Western Australia and
the location and identifying attributes of
Australia's major natural features (e.g.
rivers, deserts, rainforests, the Great
Dividing Range, the Great Barrier Reef)

English Literacy Creating Texts Plan, draft and publish imaginative, (ACELY1682)
informative and persuasive texts
demonstrating increasing control
over text structures and language
features and selecting print, and
multimodal elements appropriate to
the audience and purpose

Use software including word processing (ACELY1685)
programs with growing speed and
efficiency to construct and edit texts
featuring visual, print and audio elements.

Science Science Understanding Biological Sciences Living things can be grouped on the basis (ACSSU044)
of observable features and can be
distinguished from non-living things

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