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To whom it may concern:

I highly recommend Carol Castaneda for the position of a Spanish teacher or a math
teacher. As a Spanish teacher at Highland High School in Salt Lake City, Utah, I had the
opportunity to collaborate with and observe Carols teaching practices. She is a driven,
organized teacher who strives to develop personal relationships with her students. She is easy
to work with at a professional standpoint, and collaborates well with other faculty members.
She brings ideas to collaboration meetings and is able to carry out those ideas well.
Carols personality is happy, confident, and inviting to her students. She conducts the
class in an upbeat manner, delivering the content in an interactive way. Her rapport with the
students is positive. While observing Carol, I saw her attentive to students who were less eager
to participate, as well as rewarding those who were eager to participate. She was able to
successfully manage a large class and move the students through her plan for the day.
Carols knowledge of the Spanish language is superior. As a native speaker, she can offer
both the language and the culture of the language to her students because she has grown up in
it. I have seen her use this background in her classes both to the advantage of the students and
for herself as a teacher.
I highly recommend Carol as a candidate for the position of Spanish and or Math
teacher at your school. She is a great choice and be a wonderful positive contribution to any
school faculty.


Kaity Mefford

Spanish Teacher- Highland High School

Ext. # 128

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