Carolyn Evaluation

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Urban Institute for Teacher Education College of Education, University of Utah inal Student Teaching Evaluation, Secondary Education Date: 3282017 Teacher Candidate: Carol Castaneda Site Teacher Educator(9: “Carolyn Ebert School: Highland High Content Avea! Spanish University Supervisor: Linda Soreasen ‘This form was filed out by: _ Carolyn Ebert — Distriets—Sal ake Grade): 92 Lessons 01 Please ae each ae below using the following descriptions and 5 point ating eae Teacher Candidate lacks basic knowledge and an ability o meet performance standards Teacher Candidate possesses developing competencies in hister knowledge and ably to met performance standards, “Teacher Candidate displays a general understanding of kage between -Lnowledge and content and executes sound lessons ona consistent basis “Teacher Candidate exhibits exemplary performance, beyond that of «novice 1-2 - Unsatisfctory Practising festive 5—Highly Effective: teacher SECTION 1: LEARNER DEVELOPMENT ‘The Teacher Candidate rates developmentally appropriate and challenging laring experiences based on individual students stengtiterests, and need, The Teacher Candidate collaborates wit amie, colleagues, and other professionals promote stadt srewth and development Carol's commitment co collaboration i exemplary. She worked closely with another Spanish teacher in the World Languages Professional Learning Community to develop Fstcmtal Ot Common Formative and Summative Assessments, snd unit pans, using the Backward Design ‘model. She and I collaborated on the development ofa restaurant unit. She s personable and easy {work with! She kept parents and students upto date on the happenings in er class by updating 8 ‘lass blog daly and updating grades in PowerSchool weekly She learsed the importance of ‘replying na cimely manner to emails from parents and students i very professional inthis regard. : lessons, [saw much improvement in her ability to pick developmentally appropriate activities for her stent. This i skill hat takes me to acquire, as ou get to know ‘your students and hat the different proficiency eves lok lke, Our disctsions and resowres 1 ‘Shared with her will help her continue to becom even mors effective in this area, SECTION 2: LEARNING DIFFERENCES 3. The Teacher Candidate understands individual lear ferences and holds high expectations of students : 3 4. The Teacher Candidate designs, adapts, and delivers instrction to adress students) diverse learning suenats and needs, ‘The Teacher Candidate allows students diffrent ways to demonstrate Jamingsestve to thei multiple experiences and diversity + Candidate creates learning culture that encourages individual learners to ‘The Tes persevere and advance 3 +7, he Tencher Candidate incorporates toks of language development nto planning and instruction for English mnguage learners and supports development of English proficiency. ‘oat sthgh expectations fr stants. She uses diverse methods allowing students mutpe sprees don ine mara She has conden in thir abies and communicates her seein them appropri Seis dvsaping sls in wthng and teaching to earner ‘Museu satin. She ha demonstrate knowledge of the eed to consider laring fitrenen Dut neds ore ime and experience Dcome master in thi area, SECTION 5: LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS. ‘The Teacher Candidate develops leaming experiences tht engage and support students as = ® seifsirecied learners, who interalize classroom routines, expectations, and procedures, 4 9, The Teacher Candidate collaborates with students establish a positive laming climate of openness, respect interactions, support, and inguey 40, The Teacher Candidate ses varity of elassroom management strategies to effectively ‘maintain a postive lering envionment (proximity ung, desist, rte). “The Teacher Candidate equitably engages student in learning by organizing, allocating, and managing the reaurcesof me, space and atention, S12, The Teacher Candidate eteds the learning envionment using technology, media and Toca and lobal resources 4 The Teacher Candidate encourages sues 0 use speaking, listening, reading, wetng, analysis, spmtess, and decision-making sil in various real-world context Comment: ‘She managed to create positive rapport with the students right away, de to her friendly, | !pproachable manner. Her iterations with students are respectful Her classroom is 2 ‘comfortable place for students to learn. Her most effective management skill has been her ‘consistent use of routines so students know what fo expect. She keeps a daily agenda posted om the board ong withthe daly objectives. The Essential Outcomes she has chosen from the Core Curriclum correlate othe objectives she posts Students are aware ofthe purpose of elas and have direction. Making the content relevant and authentie ha built student confidence in her and they respond positively. loved watching her reate a restaurant in clas, with heritage speakers faking turns as the server and the rest ofthe students Visiting the restaurant tread menus, order ate videoclips a associated with an important rite of passage for 18-year od girs in Hispanic elture. They danced Inaetata, ate Paste de tes leces from a local bakery, where she solicited a donation, and net only learned the caltura raditios, But experienced them. Her students exhibited respec fo rch : ‘ultural traditions and gained understanding, Her students came to respect her enough that the final week of her teaching, she felt comfortable sharing an “I any” poem that she wets in the treet age, which made her tear up. Stuns responded with understanding and respect, and many {elt comfortable sharing their own “Tam” poems with her. Finally, she teaches bel (bell Miidiisiii ‘onsstntly and ens her lasses fetively, making every effort o say goodbye t individuals in the target language, as they ent, Carol sa wonder teacher! SECTION 4: CONTENT KNOWLEDGE 14 The Teacher Candie knows th sontent of dsspine nd conveys szeuate information S18. The Teacher Candidate demonstrates an avarees ofthe Ulah Common Core'Care Sc and ferences in shot a og term planning. The Teacher Candidate engages stdents in applying methods of agury and standards of| vance of the disspie The Teacher Case uses mute represetations and explanations of concepts that spare ey ies 418 The Teacher Candidate supports students ering and using seademie guage sscuiely and meaning. ‘Carl sprint, not onl inthe target language, but especially i he ability to present ‘Key concept are note in context then explained, upperted wih a study guide for Stindnts to ep and wae for reference, then practiced, xing a variety of methods, including, fo ‘sample Smart Board activites, One method students respouded wall to involved individuat “cvsles with key concepts on trip of paper Students organized the trips so they made sense, ‘The Kiesthetc mare ofthis atv wax perfec for them in the mide of elas when they needed “shange of sti, Giving aden opportuni fo get out of thelr seats while earning isa ‘Wminat blac achedul Thave already spoken to Car's Knowiedge of the Core Curriclum, ‘ut wil agin emphasize her conscientious effort allow our eurieum map, reaching Framework uni, while preparing stats to meet Essential Outcomes straight from the Core. She achieved great sucess in this area. SECTION S: ASSESSMENT. 9, The Teacher Candidate designs, ane sess pre assessments, formative, and summative “ssessments in varity of formats hit atch eting objectives and engages he eater a ‘demonsting knowledge an kil The Teacher Candie ngagss stent in understanding and oniing the element sity work and provides them wth timely and dexrpive feedback o aide het ropes in producing that work S21. The Teacher Candidate ass assessment methods and makes appropriate ccommdatos for Engh Langage Leavers, stents wih dsaitis aanse Stents and stadents who are not meeting leaning goals S22 The Teacher Candia uses dala to assess the effectiveness of isrtion ato make djstment i planing and insrcton, “The Teacher Candie docament stent progres, na provides dessptive Fetbosk to ‘ine pct and other takeboldrs in vary oF WN The Teacher Candidate provides opportunities fr std to understand ston, am

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