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Barangay: Mintal, Davao city

Purok: 2
House No.


Family Members Age Sex Civil Relationship Position Residece of each

Status to the head in the family member
of the family family
1. Amihan, Bartolome Jr. 41 y/o M Deceased
2. Amihan, Joenalyn C. 38 y/o F W 1 Purok 2, Tapay St.,
Mintal, Davao city
3. Amihan, Joven C. 15 y/o M S S 2 Purok 2, Tapay St.,
Mintal, Davao city
4. Amihan, Khevin Jay C. 13 y/o M S S 3 Purok 2, Tapay St.,
Mintal, Davao city
5. Amihan, James Llyod C. 10 y/o M S S 4 Purok 2, Tapay St.,
Mintal, Davao city
6. Amihan, Je Anne C. 8 y/o F S D 5 Purok 2, Tapay St.,
Mintal, Davao city
7. Conde, Cloe J. 7 y/o F S A-D 6 Purok 2, Tapay St.,
Mintal, Davao city

Type of family Structure: Single parent family

Dominant family member in terms of decision-making, especially in matters of health care:
Joenalyn Conde Amihan

Descriptive Essay:

The Amihan Family is currently living at Purok 2, Tapay St., Brgy. Mintal, Davao city. The
familys first house was built near the main road of Brgy. Mintal and they transferred at Tapay St.,
because Mr. Bartolome Amihans mother who is gave the lot to him.

Mr. Bartolome Amihan, Jr. died at the age of 44 years old due to Hypertension last August
1, 2015. The widowed wife of Mr. Bartolome was Mrs. Joenalyn Conde Amihan, 38 years old. She
was left to take care of their 4 biological offspring and one adopted daughter. She was also the one
who is dominant in terms of decision-making, especially in matters of health care even when Mr.
Bartolome was still alive. Their eldest son was Joven C. Amihan is 15 years old. Next is Khevin Jay
C. Amihan who is already 13 years of age. James Lloyd C. Amihan was the third son and is already
10 years of age. The youngest biological offspring is Je Anne C. Amihan who is 8 years old now. The
adopted daughter is Cloe J. Conde, 7 years old. She was the niece of Mrs. Joenalyn C. Amihan. Cloe
was adopted because her mother died due to heart attack the day after giving birth to her. The
Amihan family is now composed of 6 members and is a Single parent family structure with teenage

Single parent family is a family with children headed by a parent who is widowed or divorced and
not remarried, or by a parent who has never married. Having single parent family structure has
both disadvantages and advantages. According to the Single Parent Families Magazine (2014), there
are key disadvantages of single parent family this include, time. In time, many aspects of parenting
are far better if two of you were doing them, and things which are timing-based like trips to and
from school, after-school sport and recreation things like dance classes or karate are much harder
to do as a sole parent than in conjunction with another. In disciplining it is often more difficult
because the complaints and protests of the children are unrelenting. Additional financial burden,
this is one of the disadvantages of a single-parent home is the likelihood of a greater financial
struggle. Census information shows that most single-parent households are headed by a mother. A
Bureau of Labor Statistics report from 2009 found that single mothers are more than twice as likely
to face unemployment and poverty, leading to a deeper struggle on behalf of the children who are
thought to be at an increased risk of poverty and dropping out of high school themselves. Research
supported by the National Institute of Child Health & Human Development, however, has indicated
that stable single-parent homes may not lead to the same downfalls. However, the said structure has
also advantages. Children who have experienced growing up in this type of home can be a very
positive experience for children, who often have a close and special relationship with the parent.
Sometimes children envy their friends in two parent households, but it may help them to know that
all families have their ups and downs. Another advantage is about money. Spending money on the
children is often a source of conflict between parents, but when you are alone you do not have to ask
your partners permission to spend money on your child.

According to European Journal of Public Health (2013), children with single mothers
showed an increased risk regarding parent-reported poor health status which are psychological
problems, overweight, and asthma. Adjusting for socio-economic factors attenuated the strength of
the association of family type with child health. Although environmental factors were associated
with most health outcomes investigated and children of single mothers were more often exposed,
these environmental factors did not alter the differences between children with single mothers and
couple families. In addition, In mother-only families, children tend to experience short-and long-
term economic and psychological disadvantages; higher absentee rates at school, lower levels of
education, and higher dropout rates (with boys more negatively affected than girls); and more
delinquent activity, including alcohol and drug addiction. Adolescents, on the other hand, are more
negatively affected by parental discord prior to divorce than by living in single-parent families and
actually gain in responsibility as a result of altered family routines (Demo and Acock 1991).
Children in single-mother homes are also more likely to experience health-related problems as a
result of the decline in their living standard, including the lack of health insurance (Mauldin 1990).
Later, as children from single-parent families become adults, they are more likely to marry early,
have children early, and divorce. Girls are at greater risk of becoming single mothers as a result of
nonm In mother-only families, children tend to experience short-and long-term economic and
psychological disadvantages; higher absentee rates at school, lower levels of education, and higher
dropout rates (with boys more negatively affected than girls); and more delinquent activity,
including alcohol and drug addiction. Adolescents, on the other hand, are more negatively affected
by parental discord prior to divorce than by living in single-parent families and actually gain in
responsibility as a result of altered family routines (Demo and Acock 1991). Children in single-
mother homes are also more likely to experience health-related problems as a result of the decline
in their living standard, including the lack of health insurance (Mauldin 1990). Later, as children
from single-parent families become adults, they are more likely to marry early, have children early,
and divorce. Girls are at greater risk of becoming single mothers as a result of nonmarital
childbearing or divorce (McLanahan and Booth 1989). Although the research findings are mixed on
long-term effects, the majority of children adjusts and recovers and do not experience severe
problems over time (Coontz 1997).

Family Member Education Occupation Income Place of work

Elementary Deceased
1. Amihan, Bartolome Jr. Level

2. Amihan, Joenalyn C. High School Bread Seller 250 (everyday) Relocation Area of
Brgy. Mintal

3. Amihan, Joven C. Grade 8 Part-time 250 (every Tugbok

farm boy Sunday)

4. Amihan, Khevin Jay C. Grade 7 N/A N/A N/A

5. Amihan, James Lloyd C. Grade 3 N/A N/A N/A

6. Amihan, Je Anne C. Grade 2 N/A N/A N/A

7. Conde, Cloe Jovita Kinder 2 N/A N/A N/A

Descriptive essay:

Mr. Bartolome Amihan has only completed elmentary, however when he is still alive, he
used to work in a bakeshop as delivery boy at Mintal Public Market with a daily wage of Php 350.
Meanwhile, Mrs. Joenalyn Amihan only graduated secondary education. She is currently working
as an employee of the same bakeshop where his husband used to work. She is receiving a daily
salary of Php 250. Joven C. Amihan has already completed his Grade 8 and is presently a Grade 9
at Mintal National High School. Every Sunday, Joven works as an all-around farm boy at Tugbok,
Davao city and can earn at about Php 250. Next is Khevin Jay C. Amihan. He has previously passed
his Grade 7 and now studying as Grade 8 student at the same school his brother is currently
enrolled to. James Lloyd C. Amihan is the 3 rd son of Mrs. Amihan, who is also currently studying as
a grade 4 student at Mintal Elementary School. Je Anne C. Amihan the youngest biological
offspring of Mrs. Amihan who have passed Grade 2 and presently studying as a grade 3 student
same school to his brothers. Lastly Cloe Jovita Conde is the adopted daughter Mrs. Amihan and
now studying as grade 1 student at Mintal Elementary School. Though the family has low income,
the clothing and foods of the family adequate and enough for each family member. Mrs. Amihan is
the one who makes decision about the money and how their money is spent. Mr. and Mrs. Amihan
are both Bisaya from South Cotabato. The family has a religious affiliation of Roman Catholic. In
terms of the Awareness of Community Organization, the head of the family Mrs. Amihan
recognized some organization like GKK. Although Mrs. Amihan is not part of any organization yet
shes still aware of an existing organization in their community. Mrs. Amihan also subsidized
donations to the organization of their community.

Mrs. Amihan, administer only the amount of 250 a day and when you total it monthly it
only result to P 7750 a month. According to IBON Foundation they estimate that for a family of six
members to survive that the attainment of the parent is only high school graduate, the
breadwinners of the family should earn at least P 500.73 a day. Mrs. Amihan family doesnt meet
the standard wage.

The effects of a family with inadequate income often means to be a child deprived of the
kinds of food he needs to grow to healthy adulthood. It often means living in overcrowded quarters,
with no decent place to play; going without preventive health care; and having little chance for
more than a high school education. A clear relationship between family income and the quantities of
nutrients provided by the diet of nonfarm families was found by the Department of Agriculture in
its 1955 Household Food Consumption Survey.4 For the 8 million or more children on farms, where
income typically is lower than it is in cities, adequacy of diet is less closely related to income. In
seasons of the year when homegrown and home preserved fruits and vegetables have generally been
used up, however, farm diets provide less vitamin A and vitamin C-important nutrients for children
than do city diets.


1. Housing

The total floor area of the Amihan familys house is 19.2 sq. m. Their multi-purpose room
which is the living room is usually used by 5 children and is adequate or not crowded. The house
has three (3) rooms. The Room 2 is occupied by Joven and Khevin Jay Amihan. After the
computation of Total space requirement and compared to the Total Floor Area, the result was not
crowded. Room 2 is just enough for the two person. Room 1 is currently occupied by Mrs.
Amihan herself and the rest of her offsprings and her adopted daughter. After the computation
the room was not and is just enough for the 4 person. Room 3 was not occupied since the one who
use to occupy the room who is their grandfather has transferred to the house of one of his
offsprings. Their multi-purpose room which their living room was sometimes used as their
resting place and all of the family members are able to use the place. After computation, the room
turned out to be not crowded and is enough for the 6 members of the Amihan family.

The floor plan and location of furniture and appliances of Amihan Family:
The Amihans house has a total of four (4) windows, one (1) window in the living room, two (2)
windows in Room 1 and one (1) window in Room 2. To determine if the Amihans house is well-
ventilated, we used the Total Floor Area or TFA and divided it to the Total Window Opening and
multiplied it to 100. The result is 20.8% and turned out be in the range of satisfactory so therefore,
the house of Amihan family is well-ventilated.
There are no signs of presence of breeding or resting sites of vectors of diseases and also any
accident hazards. The lot where their own house was built was given to Mrs. Lucia Amihan, the
mother-in-law of Mrs. Joenalyn Amihan. The house was made of light materials such as hard
woods, bamboo, nipa and cardboard. They have their own electricity from DLPC. They have 4
lighting. There are no common household pests that can be found at the house. The family has
roosters or manok-panabong and owns 2 dogs. Their type of garbage disposal is garbage
collection and since it was reprimanded of the Davao city government that all garbages of Tapay
St., Brgy. Mintal must be collected every Friday and the family uses plastic bags as their container
for garbage.
The owned toilet of Amihan Family is Level III which means the toilet is water carriage type
connected to septic tanks and to sewerage system to treatment plant. Since their toilet facility is in
Level III, their excreta disposal is flush type. However, their drainage system is an open drainage
which means their waste flows through a system of pipes to an open pit or canal. Meanwhile, their
drinking water is on Level II which means they have faucets in their sink and their water system is
connected to a communal faucet, located at no more than 25 meters from the farthest house. They
use plastic pitchers as their containers for their drinking water and is stored in their refrigerator, so
as their foods. The family uses wood in order to cook. Their kitchen is just beside their sink area.
Amihan familys neighbors were also their relatives and can be truly seen since, the children
from other houses would play on the Amihans house. The social facilities present in the community
of Amihan family are internet caf and they also have basketball court for basketball lovers. The
distance or the location of the social facilities in the Amihan Familys community is just along the
road of Tapay Street. Barangay Mintal has government health centers and has health professionals
such as midwives. The family owns a motorcycle which is owned the past Mr. Amihan, but the
Amihan family declared that they ride tricycles when going to school or work.

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