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Dominguez Elementary School

Ms. Hernandezs PE News

A Peek At Our Week November 2015

Welcome to Room
Welcome To Ms. Hernandezs PE
classroom! I am looking forward to having a
good year, and accomplishing healthy lifestyles
while having fun in PE. Personally, I believe it
is important to teach our students how to
become healthy and active. It is important to
include the arts in education for many reasons.
For one, not all students learn with just simply
looking at a text, but learn better visually. Rememb
er to ke
Students can express their feelings while learning. physica ep hy dr
l activi t ated du
y. ring
When using the arts students are able to master
connections, relationships and applications, and
creative expressions, all while learning to live a
healthy lifestyle. With that, lets strive for a good Students are to have 200
minutes of PE within a span of
In PE we can incorporate many
two weeks at school.
1. different subjects, like MATH,
Daily activities to try at
LANGUAGE ARTS. Mon: Do crab walks with your
We can learn cognitively, child. Challenge each other to
2. psychomotor, and affective skills in see who can get to the end first.
Tues: Practice hopping by
jumping like a kangaroo
Number of over weight children is
3. Wed: Try the scarf throw
rising, lets do something about it!
-Reduce amount of television Thursday: Play a game of
freeze tag. Have fun!
watched a day.
Friday: Pick your favorite
-Join a sport! music and dance to it.

-Have an activity day at home once Include music, and healthy

a week. Get moving. snacks to your activities.

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