Education For Sustainable Development

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1. Choose one strategy in ESD. Identify and discuss possible local strategies that
are applicable to local situation



Facilitating Multi-Stakeholder Networks is one local strategy that is applicable to local

situations. Through this they came up on the creation of ESD Programme. It assists in the
formation, coordination, and development of multi-stakeholder networks with a focus on
Regional Centres of Expertise (RCEs) on ESD. This RCE is a regional network of existing
institutions and individuals, committed to using education and learning as tools for building a
sustainable future. In our country, we have 4 RCEs found in Cebu, Ilocos, Bohol and Northern
Mindanao. For example in Cebu, the RCE in Cebu seeks to utilize the expertise of regional and
local institutions while complementing their respective activities, both to promote a greater
understanding of the role of ESD as well as to initiate projects that specifically address such
issues. With the Cebu College at the University of the Philippines in the Visayas as central node
and secretariat, RCE Cebu will be a multisectoral network of partners and stakeholders from
academe, civil society, youth, differentially abled, local government units and agencies, business
and media among others. The ultimate beneficiaries of RCE Cebus activities shall be all sectors
of society in the Visayas that are or will be affected by or that have an effect upon the
sustainable development of the region. The direct target beneficiaries of the RCE Cebu will be
potential agents of change in the region school teachers at elementary and secondary
schools, university professors, researchers, technical experts from museums, local government
officials, NGOs, community-based organisations, representatives of local enterprises, media
practitioners and others.
To give an example of their activity, one of the three focal projects is the I-WARM-CEBU
(Integrated Water and Resource Management). It is a project to catch and harvest rain water in
response to the current and future water shortage problem. The project envisages each
individual and all sectors and stakeholders to work together and sustainably manage water and
resources today and for all tomorrows. A rain catchment in every home, town and city,
throughout the whole province of Cebu is the vision for the project. To end, it provides a one
good move as well as progress to promote ESD in the lives of the people in the community.

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2. What strategies can be developed to overcome the challenges and barriers to effectively
implement ESD program.

It is important to acknowledge the obstacles on effective ESD program implementation.

This is the reason why we never get tired of developing strategies to overcome the challenges
and barriers. According to UNESCO, Education has been identified as an important social
strategy for the realisation of a sustainable future. Education for Sustainable Development
(ESD) recognises that it is impossible to achieve sustainable development without appropriate
education, training and public awareness for all sectors of society. Education is needed to build
capacity for implementing sustainable development objectives. Education can be integrated into
the NSDS process in different ways.

According to Sherawat (2012), the initial step in launching an ESD program is to develop
awareness within the educational community and the public that reorienting education to
achieve sustainability is essential. This statement confirmed and agreed my idea in mind. If
government officials or school district administrators are unaware of the critical linkages
between educations and sustainable development, reorienting education to address sustainable
development will not occur. When people realize that education can improve the likelihood of
implementing national policies, regional land and resource management programs, and local
programs, then education is in a position to be reoriented to help achieve sustainability. This
awareness forms the essential first step in the reorienting process. Fortunately, at the
international level, ESD is recognized as an important and central to the success of sustainable
development around the world. At the sixth meeting of the UN Commission on Sustainable
Development, delegations from countries worldwide repeatedly mentioned the importance of
ESD in achieving goals of sustainability. It was apparent that they were ready to move forward
with the next steps; however, the importance of ESD must reach beyond the delegations and
permeate the educational community and the general public. Inherent in building awareness are
efforts to outline important linkages between education and more sustainable societies. In large
part, perceiving a need brings about a corresponding change in educational systems.
Unfortunately, the need to achieve sustainable development community. If leaders at all levels of
governance are to make progress, the recognition and active involvement of the education
sector is imperative. (Sherawat, 2012) Thus, escalating responsiveness and importance of esd
is necessary.

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