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New Mexico State University: College Health and Social Services Building

In New Mexico State University there is the College of

Health and Social Services building that is located in
International mall (imall). This college offers various
bachelors degrees including, Bachelor of Public
Health, Bachelor of Science in Nursing and Bachelor
of Social Work. The College of health and social
services building also includes a memorial tower.
The first degree that is offered in the college is the Bachelor of Public Health. The department of
Public Health sciences is accredited by the Council for Education of Public Health (CEPH). The
baccalaureate degree in public health program (BPH) approved by SOPHE/AAHE baccalaureate
program (SABPAC). The students in the bachelor and master degrees in Public Health program
(MPH) can specialize in community health education or health management and policy
(Department of Public Health Sciences, n.d.).
Another imperative degree that the college of health and social services offers is the Bachelor of
Science in Nursing. The BSN degree program offers four degree options to better fit either the
beginning nursing student with a BSN degree, the returning registered nurse (RN) who would
want to complete a BSN. The second degree that is offered is the accelerated roadrunner BSN
this is for those who already have a bachelors degree in another field. These options are
specifically designed for students with an undergraduate degree in another field. The bachelor of
science in nursing at NMSU is approved by the New Mexico Board of Nursing and is accredited
by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (Bachelor of Science in Nursing, n.d.).
The third degree that the college of health and social services offers is the Bachelor of Social
Work. This degree includes the benefit of society through service, education and research puts
an emphasis in the practice of social work practice pertaining to cultural diversity of the
southwest. Graduates of this program find work in a diverse range of setting including child
welfare, correction, services to the elderly and health care(School of Social Work, n.d).
At the heart of the College and Health and Social Services building there is a memorial tower.
The Aggie memorial tower honors alumni and students that were killed in World War II, Korean
war, Vietnam war and Gulf war.
The College of Health and Social Services building is dedicated to provide academic programs
that address issues affecting the quality of life in a rapid changing society. The focus of the
different programs in this college is to improve the lives of individuals, families and
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Degree Program. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2017, from
Department of Public Health Sciences MPH Accredited by CEPH; BPH Approved by SABPAC.
(n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2017, from
School of Social Work. (n.d.). Retrieved April 20, 2017, from

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