PXE Everywhere Installation Guide

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PXE Everywhere v2.

2 Installation Guide
PXE Everywhere v2.2

Copyright and Trademark Notices

All rights reserved. No part of this document or of the software (the software) to which it relates shall
be reproduced, adapted, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without permission from 1E Ltd. It is the
responsibility of the user to use the software in accordance with this document and 1E Ltd shall not be
responsible if the user fails to do so. Although every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this
document, 1E Ltd and the authors assume no responsibility for errors or omissions, nor shall they be
liable for damages resulting from any information in it.

EVERYWHERE , DROWSY and DROWSY SERVER are trademarks belonging to 1E Ltd. 1E is registered in
the UK, EU and the US. The 1E device is registered in the UK, EU, Australia and the US.
NIGHTWATCHMAN is registered in the EU and the US. Nomad is registered in the EU and the US.
DROWSY is registered in the UK. DROWSY SERVER is registered in the US.


MANAGER, INTERNET EXPLORER are all trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and
other countries.

Macintosh is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

PXE Everywhere v2.2 Installation Guide Page ii

Table of Contents
1. Welcome ......................................................................................................... 4
2. Introduction ................................................................................................... 5

2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 5

Who is this guide for? ......................................................................................... 5
Key benefits ...................................................................................................... 5

Installing PXE Everywhere ................................................................................... 5

2.2 What is PXE Everywhere? .................................................................................... 6
PXE Everywhere Components .............................................................................. 6

Where to install PXE Everywhere .......................................................................... 6

Setting up PXE Everywhere local host ................................................................... 6
PXE Everywhere Workflow ................................................................................... 7

3. Prerequisites .................................................................................................. 8
4. Installation ................................................................................................... 10
4.1 Installation ..................................................................................................... 10

4.2 Installing PXE Everywhere central server ............................................................. 10

Installation steps ............................................................................................. 10
UpdateBootImage.exe ...................................................................................... 11

PXE Everywhere central installer command-line switches ....................................... 11

4.3 Installing PXE Everywhere local host ................................................................... 11

Installer steps ................................................................................................. 12

CreateBCD.exe ................................................................................................ 12
PXE Everywhere local installer command-line properties ........................................ 13
Post Installation Configuration Steps ................................................................... 14

Post installation steps ....................................................................................... 14

Setting up the PXE Everywhere local TFTPROOT directory ...................................... 14
5. Troubleshooting ............................................................................................ 18

5.1 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................... 18

5.2 Installation Problems ........................................................................................ 18

The installer takes 30 seconds (or more) to appear ............................................... 18

MSI Installation log .......................................................................................... 19

5.3 Post-installation checks for PXELiteCentral.MSI..................................................... 20
5.4 PXE Local hosts may see SOAP errors when contacting Central webservice ............... 22
5.5 Contact 1E support .......................................................................................... 22
Creating a technical report ................................................................................ 22

PXE Everywhere v2.2 Installation Guide Page iii

Section 1 - Welcome

1. Welcome
Welcome to the PXE Everywhere v2.2 on-line documentation, here you can learn about how PXE
Everywhere works.
Installation Engineers can find out about the prerequisites for installing PXE Everywhere and check
Installing PXE Everywhere central server and Installing PXE Everywhere local host.
Systems administrators can find out about Configuring PXE Everywhere central server and Post
installation steps.
PXE Everywhere v2.2 works in conjunction with Nomad v5.2.

The Installation Guide Page 4

Section 2 - Introduction

2. Introduction
2.1 Introduction
PXE Everywhere provides the ability to deploy a new OS to bare metal machines residing on a branch.
Using PXE Everywhere removes the overhead of supporting dedicated PXE servers on branch networks.
This version of PXE Everywhere is for use with ConfigMgr only.

Who is this guide for?

This guide is aimed at network administrators who intend to employ PXE Everywhere for applying OS
images to bare metal branch machines.

Key benefits
PXE Everywhere solves problems in key areas of rolling out OS images to bare metal machines:
PXE Everywhere now provides the most scalable solution available for PXE-booting bare metal
machines on branch networks. The PXE Everywhere Local Host gets installed to all suitable
clients on the branch and for each PXE boot request the local hosts then elect among themselves
the machine most suitable to handle the request. This enables bare metal machines to boot
using PXE without the need for a specifically configured local WDS server. PXE Everywhere load
balances between the PXE boot requests across all the PXE Everywhere Local Hosts, thereby
maximizing scalability.
Integrates with ConfigMgr to apply OS images to PXE-booting bare metal machines.
In conjunction with Nomad, PXE Everywhere helps minimize WAN usage by ensuring that locally
cached Packages are used wherever possible when deploying an OS image.

Installing PXE Everywhere

This online guide contains full details on PXE Everywhere Prerequisites, installation of the two main
components: PXE Everywhere central server and PXE Everywhere local host as well as how to create PXE
Boot Images on ConfigMgr 2007 and ConfigMgr 2012.

The Installation Guide Page 5

Section 2 - Introduction

2.2 What is PXE Everywhere?

The aim of PXE Everywhere is to enable the local provision of PXE boot images to bare metal machines on
branch networks, reducing network traffic, reducing the management overheads of maintaining a central
PXE server and reducing the need for dedicated hardware PXE support.
This section describes how PXE Everywhere integrates with Microsoft Configuration Manager OS
Deployment Task Sequences to provide support for deployment of new OS to bare metal machines. Using
PXE Everywhere from 1E you can now utilise workstations as designated PXE servers.
PXE Everywhere consists of two main components: PXE Everywhere Central Server, which interacts with
ConfigMgr to determine whether a bare metal machine on a branch should boot into PXE and the PXE
Everywhere Local Host with the ability to boot bare metal machines.
Using PXE Everywhere you assign workstations to act as designated PXE servers, making the whole
solution flexible and low maintenance. Because PXE Everywhere Local is lightweight you can install more
than one at the branch to provide redundancy in case one PXE Everywhere Local machine is shut down.
The following links provide more information on the PXE Everywhere components:
PXE Everywhere Components

Where to install PXE Everywhere

Setting up PXE Everywhere local host
PXE Everywhere Workflow

PXE Everywhere Components

PXE Everywhere consists of the following components:
PXE Everywhere Central Server- this includes a web service and some utility programs. It is
installed on a machine where a ConfigMgr Console resides and determines whether a network
booting machine should be booted by PXE Everywhere Local. It does this by searching the
ConfigMgr database, using the machine's MAC address and SMBIOS GUID, for OS Task Sequence
Advertisements targeted at the machine.

PXE Everywhere Local Host - this is deployed to workstations at the branch and is responsible
for booting the bare metal machine into a WinPE OS enabling it to receive the targeted OS Task

Where to install PXE Everywhere

There are two components to PXE Everywhere installation: PXE Everywhere Central Server and the PXE
Everywhere Local Host. These are installed to the following locations.

PXE Everywhere Central Server installed to a machine on the core network where a
ConfigMgr console has been installed. See Installing PXE Everywhere Central Server for more
PXE Everywhere Local Host For maximum scalability the PXE Everywhere Local Host should
be installed on all suitable clients on the branch. See Installing PXE Everywhere Local Host for
more details.

Setting up PXE Everywhere local host

PXE Everywhere is deployed on all clients on the remote branch subnets and the most suitable candidate
is dynamically elected to serve the PXE boot images at run time. A specially modified version of WinPE is
used to boot any bare metal machines on those subnets. The WinPE Boot Images are created using
ConfigMgr and then copied using a custom Task Sequence to a specific location on each PXE Everywhere
local machine. We recommend that the transfer is performed using Nomad in order to get the full
benefits of bandwidth efficient transfer of large files to branch office networks. PXE Everywhere supports
any number of PXE Everywhere Local hosts as they elect amongst themselves the host that is most
suitable to respond to a PXE boot request.
See Post installation steps for more details on configuring PXE Everywhere local host after installation.

The Installation Guide Page 6

Section 2 - Introduction

PXE Everywhere Workflow

After PXE Everywhere installation and setup, during operation the PXE-booting of machines runs through
the following sequence:

1. When a PC on the subnet wants to perform a network boot, it sends a DHCP request.
2. The PXE Everywhere Local Hosts elect the most suitable candidate for servicing the request.

3. The Elected PXE Everywhere Local Host contacts the PXE Everywhere Central Server to find out
whether it should PXE-boot the PC.
4. The PXE Everywhere Central Server checks the ConfigMgr database to see if there are any
scheduled OS deployment advertisements for the Bare Metal machine matching its MAC address
and / or SMBIOS GUID.
5. The PXE Web Service tells the Elected PXE Everywhere Local Host how to react depending on the
result of the search.
6. The actions taken by the elected PXE Everywhere Local Host are as follows:
If any mandatory OS Deployment Task Sequence Advertisement was found for the machine,
the PXE Everywhere Local Host PXE-boots it using the appropriate WinPE boot image. If
there are more than one Task Sequence deployments found, then the machine PXE boots
using the boot image referenced with the last deployed Task Sequence.

If only non-mandatory OS Deployment Task Sequence Advertisements were found, the

machine is presented with an option to boot using a WinPE image. This requires user
interaction at the machine.

If no OS Deployment Task Sequence Advertisements were found, the PXE-boot is aborted

allowing the machine to boot to a local OS, if any.

The Installation Guide Page 7

Section 3 - Prerequisites

3. Prerequisites
The following operating system and software environment prerequisites should be met in order for PXE
Everywhere to be successfully installed and run.
You cannot mix the components from different versions of PXE Everywhere in a single installation.

In the requirements that follow, where an image is used as the alternative to a CD, it will be necessary to
mount the image.

Requirements Notes

General The following requirements should be met before installing PXE

Everywhere on your network.
A working DHCP implementation to enable TFTP boot
image retrieval

Ensure client side firewalls have exceptions for the ports

required by PXE Everywhere, as listed below under PXE
Everywhere Port Requirements.
Ensure the ConfigMgr Client is healthy and functioning
When upgrading we recommend that you update all
versions of PXE Everywhere running on a single subnet at
the same time.

OS PXE Everywhere local host is supported on the following Microsoft

operating systems:

Windows 8.1 (Professional, Enterprise)

Windows 8 (Professional, Enterprise)

Windows 7 (Professional, Enterprise, Enterprise x64 and

Windows Vista (Business, Enterprise, Enterprise x64 and

Windows XP 32-bit with SP3 applied

Windows Server 2012 R2

Windows Server 2012

Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM, SP1

Windows Server 2008 x64 SP1, SP2
Windows Server 2008 SP1, SP2

Windows Server 2003 SP2

PXE Everywhere central server is supported on the following
Microsoft operating systems:

Windows Server 2012 R2

Windows Server 2012
Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM, SP1

The Installation Guide Page 8

Section 3 - Prerequisites

Windows Server 2008 x64 SP1, SP2

Windows Server 2008 SP1, SP2
Windows Server 2003 SP2

Systems Management Configuration Manager 2012 R2

Configuration Manager 2012 RTM, SP1
Configuration Manager 2007 SP2, R2, R3

PXE Everywhere central server To install PXE Everywhere central server the following needs to be
IIS 6.0 or above with ASP.NET enabled
.NET Framework 2.0

Note: PXE Everywhere central server requires .NET Framework

2.0. On Windows Server 2012 this must be explicitly added:
1. In the Server Manager Dashboard choose Add roles
and features. To enable ASP.NET integration in IIS
scroll down in the Role services list until the
Application Development node is showing and
selected the ASP.NET 3.5 and ASP.NET 4.5
2. In the Select features list expand the .NET
Framework 3.5 Features and enable .NET
Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0)

PXE Everywhere local host Requires at least 2MB free disk space for the application,
plus whatever size your boot images require (typically
130MB each).

Target machine Minimum specification as required by the target operating

Connection to a LAN 100mbps or greater

PXE Everywhere Port Requirements The following ports must be opened to enable PXE Everywhere to
communicate when firewalls are in place:

TCP/IP default port 2012 (configurable)

The following port must be opened on the PXE Everywhere central

HTTP over port 80

The following ports will need to be open for HTTP and DHCP
communications to work (as would generally be the case):

DHCP / BOOTP listens on ports 67 and 4011

DHCP / BOOTP Client port 68
TFTP incoming over port 69

The Installation Guide Page 9

Section 4 - Installation

4. Installation
4.1 Installation
There are two main PXE Everywhere components to install:
Installing PXE Everywhere central server
Installing PXE Everywhere local host

4.2 Installing PXE Everywhere central server

The PXE Everywhere Central installer must be run on a server. The PXE Everywhere Central installer
installs the following components:
PXE Everywhere Central web service
PXE Everywhere Central Server is installed using the PXELiteCentral.msi file.

Installation steps
The process of installing PXE Everywhere Central depends on the configuration of the server where the
installation is taking place. The steps for the installer and the conditions for which screens are shown are
described as follows:
Sets the scene for the installation. Just click Next to continue.
Select features
This screen lets you choose the components for installation and their location. The features shown are
dependent on what items are present on the machine being installed onto, as described in the following

Conditions Available Features

IIS Present PXE Everywhere Web Service

ConfigMgr Console ConfigMgr Database stored procedure

Administration Tools

IIS Present PXE Everywhere Web Service

No ConfigMgr Console ConfigMgr Database stored procedure

No IIS Administration Tools

ConfigMgr Console

You can set which items from the available features will be installed by right-clicking and setting their
installation status from the context menu. You can change the location for a particular feature by
selecting it and then clicking the Browse button. This displays a file dialog that lets you modify the install
directory. In most cases you would simply leave all the items at their default settings and click Next to
System Center Configuration Manager integration
This screen is only shown when there is no ConfigMgr console present on the target machine. This screen
prompts you to enter the location of the remote ConfigMgr server. This should be entered as the UNC
path to a Server where the ConfigMgr database is installed.

The Installation Guide Page 10

Section 4 - Installation

Ready to install the application

This screen presents a last opportunity to go back and revise your settings before starting the
installation. If you are content with the settings that have been made click Next to start the actual
Confirmation of success
When the installation has completed a confirmation screen is shown to let you know that the items have
been installed successfully. There is a checkbox at the end of the installation that displays the
installation log file. It is good practice to check this box in case of installation errors, see Troubleshooting
Installation Problems for more details.

This executable is used to update boot.wim images for use with PXE Everywhere. It is installed to the
following directory:

C:\Program Files\1E\PXE Lite\bin\i386

PXE Everywhere central installer command-line switches

The following command-line installer switches can be used for silent installation of PXE Everywhere
Central components:

Switch Parameters Description

CMSERVER Sets the name of the ConfigMgr


INSTALLTYPE COMPLETE installs the Sets the type of installation

website, ConfigMgr
database stored
procedure and
administration tools.
the administration tools

4.3 Installing PXE Everywhere local host

The PXE Everywhere Local Host installer is run on a branch machine. For maximum scalability you should
install onto all the suitable machines on the branch, thereby providing redundancy and enabling PXE
Everywhere to load balance the PXE boot requests. The PXE Everywhere local host installer installs the
following components:

PXE Everywhere local is installed using the PXELiteLocal.msi file.

The Installation Guide Page 11

Section 4 - Installation

Installer steps
The steps for the installer are:
Sets the scene for the installation. Just click Next to continue.
License agreement
You need to read the 1E license agreement and agree to its conditions before continuing. To do this click
on the I accept the license agreement option and then click the, now enabled, Next button.
User information
Enter your details and the license key and then click Next to continue. A default 10-day license key is
provided to allow the easy evaluation of the PXE Everywhere product. To run PXE Everywhere for any
longer period the product needs to be licensed. The license key should have been provided with your
purchase. If this is not present you can contact Sales to obtain a suitable key.


Here you enter the URL to the PXE Everywhere Central web service. This enables PXE Everywhere local to
query PXE Everywhere Central when a machine attempts to PXE boot.
The URL is of the format:


where <SERVERNAME> is the name of the server where the PXE Everywhere Central web service is
Destination folder
In this screen you can change the default location for the PXE Everywhere local installation. The default is
set to:

C:\Program Files\1E\PXE Lite\Server\

Ready to install the application

This screen presents a last opportunity to go back and revise your settings before starting the
installation. If you are content with the settings that have been made click Next to start the actual

Confirmation of success
When the installation has completed a confirmation screen is shown to let you know that the items have
been installed successfully. There is a checkbox at the end of the installation that displays the installation
log file. It is good practice to check this box in case of installation errors, see Troubleshooting Installation
Problems for more details.

This program is used to copy an advertised PXE Boot Image to the PXE Everywhere Local cache, creating
a boot configuration database. It is installed to the following (default) directory on a 32-bit host:

C:\Program Files\1E\PXE Lite\Server\i386

and on a 64-bit host with 32-bit CM client to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\1E\PXE Lite\Server\i386

and on a 64-bit host with 64-bit CM client to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\1E\PXE Lite\Server\x64

The Installation Guide Page 12

Section 4 - Installation

See Creating a PXE boot image on ConfigMgr 2012 for how it is used and CreateBCD.exe command-line
switches for a description of the available command-line switches.

PXE Everywhere local installer command-line properties

The following installer properties can be set for silent installation of PXE Everywhere local components:

Property Default value Description

CONFIGSERVERURL Set the URL for the PXE Everywhere Central

web service. The URL is of the format:


where <SERVERNAME> is the name of the

server (or FQDN) where the PXE Everywhere
Central web service is installed.

PIDKEY Set the PXE Everywhere local license key.

This value should be set to a valid license key
obtained from Sales.
The default behavior if this switch is not
defined is to generate a 10 day evaluation
license key.


MAXLOGFILESIZE 10485760 Determines the maximum size for the log file
in bytes.
Once the file reaches the specified size, a
copy will be made with a .lo_ extension in the
same directory as the original file. A new log
file will then be created.

TFTPROOT Sets the location for the PXE Everywhere

Local TFTPROOT directory.

LOGPATH C:\ProgramData\1E\PXELite Location of the PXE Everywhere local log file.

The path will be created if it does not exist.
C:\Documents and

The following example shows a silent PXE Everywhere local installation where the PXE Everywhere
Central web service has been installed on CMServer1, the PXE Everywhere Local TFTPROOT directory is
set to C:\MyTFTPROOT and the license key is set.

msiexec.exe /i PXELiteLocal.msi
CONFIGSERVERURL=http://CMServer1/PXELite/PXELiteConfiguration.asmx PIDKEY=ABCD-1234-5678-
8765-4321 REBOOT=ReallySuppress /qn

where ABCD-1234-5678-8675-4321is the license key obtained from the 1E Sales.

If you change the location of TFTPROOT, you will need to change the location that you copy the additional
PXE boot files to, as described in Post installation steps .

The Installation Guide Page 13

Section 4 - Installation

Post Installation Configuration Steps

To configure PXE Everywhere local host for use you must follow some post installation configuration steps
as described in Post installation steps.

Post installation steps

This section describes how to set up the PXE Everywhere Local TFTPROOT directory.

Setting up the PXE Everywhere local TFTPROOT directory

After installing PXE Everywhere Local you will have a TFTPROOT directory which contains the files that
are used to perform the PXE boot. By default, this is created in one of the following locations depending
on the host's version of Windows:



C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\1E\PXELite\TftpRoot

In this directory you will also need to place several utility files from either the Windows Automated
Installation Kit (AIK) or the Windows Assessment and Deployment Kit (ADK), depending on which is
installed. The Windows Kits are normally found on the ConfigMgr primary site server, although they may
be downloaded separately from the Microsoft website. The files described in the following table are
needed for the TFTPROOT folder on the PXE Everywhere Local computers and can be obtained from one
of the Windows Kits.

File Destination Location (relative to TFTPROOT)

boot.sdi \boot.sdi

abortpxe.com \boot\x86\abortpxe.com

bootmgr.exe \boot\x86\bootmgr.exe

pxeboot.com \boot\x86\pxeboot.com

pxeboot.n12 \boot\x86\pxeboot.n12

wgl4_boot.ttf (optional) \boot\fonts\wgl4_boot.ttf

Image directory \images\

The Installation Guide Page 14

Section 4 - Installation

The following script provides an example of how these files may be extracted and copied on a standard
ConfigMgr 2012 R2 primary site server installation with Windows ADK. If the script were saved as
ExtractADK.bat and you have created a folder called C:\WADKFiles to receive the extracted files, the
command line syntax would be:

ExtractADK.bat C:\WADKFiles

The script contents are as follows:

call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment



imagex /unmount "%tmp%\winpe"

rd "%tmp%\winpe" /s /q
md "%tmp%\winpe"
md "%TARGETPATH%\Boot"
md "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\x86"
md "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\Fonts"

imagex /mount "c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Assessment and Deployment

Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\x86\en-us\winpe.wim" 1 "%tmp%\winpe%"

xcopy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows

Preinstallation Environment\x86\Media\Boot\boot.sdi" "%TARGETPATH%\" /y
xcopy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows
Preinstallation Environment\x86\Media\Boot\Fonts\wgl4_boot.ttf" "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\Fonts\"
xcopy "%tmp%\winpe\Windows\Boot\PXE\abortpxe.com" "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\x86\" /y
xcopy "%tmp%\winpe\Windows\Boot\PXE\bootmgr.exe" "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\x86\" /y
xcopy "%tmp%\winpe\Windows\Boot\PXE\pxeboot.com" "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\x86\" /y
xcopy "%tmp%\winpe\Windows\Boot\PXE\pxeboot.n12" "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\x86\" /y

imagex /unmount "%tmp%\winpe"



ECHO Please Specify the path to where to create TFTRoot files

ECHO Example: PXELiteTFTPRoot.cmd C:\temp\pxebootfiles

CD /D %1

The Installation Guide Page 15

Section 4 - Installation

The following script provides an example of how these files may be extracted and copied on a standard
ConfigMgr 2012 SP1/RTM primary site server installation with Windows ADK. If the script were saved
as ExtractADK.bat and you have created a folder called C:\WADKFiles to receive the extracted files, the
command line syntax would be:

ExtractADK.bat C:\WADKFiles

call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment



imagex /unmount "%tmp%\winpe"

rd "%tmp%\winpe" /s /q
md "%tmp%\winpe"
md "%TARGETPATH%\Boot"
md "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\x86"
md "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\Fonts"

imagex /mount "c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment

Kit\Windows Preinstallation Environment\x86\en-us\winpe.wim" 1 "%tmp%\winpe%"

xcopy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows

Preinstallation Environment\x86\Media\Boot\boot.sdi" "%TARGETPATH%\" /y
xcopy "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Windows
Preinstallation Environment\x86\Media\Boot\Fonts\wgl4_boot.ttf" "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\Fonts\"
xcopy "%tmp%\winpe\Windows\Boot\PXE\abortpxe.com" "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\x86\" /y
xcopy "%tmp%\winpe\Windows\Boot\PXE\bootmgr.exe" "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\x86\" /y
xcopy "%tmp%\winpe\Windows\Boot\PXE\pxeboot.com" "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\x86\" /y
xcopy "%tmp%\winpe\Windows\Boot\PXE\pxeboot.n12" "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\x86\" /y

imagex /unmount "%tmp%\winpe"



ECHO Please Specify the path to where to create TFTRoot files

ECHO Example: PXELiteTFTPRoot.cmd C:\temp\pxebootfiles

CD /D %1

The Installation Guide Page 16

Section 4 - Installation

The following script provides an example of how these files may be extracted and copied on a standard
ConfigMgr 2007 primary site server installation with Windows ADK. If the script were saved as
ExtractADK.bat and you have created a folder called C:\WADKFiles to receive the extracted files, the
command line syntax would be:

ExtractADK.bat C:\WADKFiles

The script contents are as follows:

call "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\pesetenv.cmd"



imagex /unmount "%tmp%\winpe"

rd "%tmp%\winpe" /s /q
md "%tmp%\winpe"
md "%TARGETPATH%\Boot"
md "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\x86"
md "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\Fonts"

imagex /mount "c:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\winpe.wim" 1 "%tmp%\winpe"

xcopy "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\boot\boot.sdi" "%TARGETPATH%\" /y

xcopy "C:\Program Files\Windows AIK\Tools\PETools\x86\boot\fonts\wgl4_boot.ttf"
"%TARGETPATH%\Boot\Fonts\" /y

xcopy "%tmp%\winpe\Windows\Boot\PXE\abortpxe.com" "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\x86\" /y

xcopy "%tmp%\winpe\Windows\Boot\PXE\bootmgr.exe" "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\x86\" /y
xcopy "%tmp%\winpe\Windows\Boot\PXE\pxeboot.com" "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\x86\" /y
xcopy "%tmp%\winpe\Windows\Boot\PXE\pxeboot.n12" "%TARGETPATH%\Boot\x86\" /y

imagex /unmount "%tmp%\winpe"



ECHO Please Specify the path to where to create TFTRoot files

ECHO Example: PXELiteTFTPRoot.cmd C:\temp\pxebootfiles

CD /D %1

The Installation Guide Page 17

Section 5 - Troubleshooting

5. Troubleshooting
5.1 Troubleshooting
When troubleshooting problems with PXE Everywhere you should first check that the system meets the
requirements set out in Requirements. If the requirements are met you should then follow through the
process for creating a problem report to send to the 1E technical support team shown below.
Installation Problems
Post-installation checks for PXELiteCentral.MSI
PXE Central and SOAP Errors
Technical Support for PXE Everywhere

5.2 Installation Problems

This section covers problems when installing PXE Everywhere.

The installer takes 30 seconds (or more) to appear

Check to see if the computer has access to the Internet. The MSI files are digitally signed. This signature
is verified during installation. Windows also checks to see whether the certificate used to generate the
signature has been revoked. This requires Internet access, but will time out after 30 seconds.
Possible solutions are:
1. Allow this to happen. This does not affect the installation other than to delay by the time out
2. Connect the computer to the Internet.
3. Re-sign the MSI with your own key. Use one that is trusted by the computer, and does not need
to access the Internet to find the certificate revocation list (CRL).

The Installation Guide Page 18

Section 5 - Troubleshooting

MSI Installation log

In case of problems during installation the PXE Everywhere Central and PXE Everywhere Local Host
installers provide an option to view their installer log file at the end of the installation process. We
recommend that you check the box and keep the log file handy until the installation has been validated.
This way if there are any issues you can easily pass the installation log files on to the 1E Support
department. Here is an example of the final page of the PXE Everywhere Central installer with the Show
the Windows Installer log checkbox shown:

The Installation Guide Page 19

Section 5 - Troubleshooting

5.3 Post-installation checks for PXELiteCentral.MSI

In case of unexpected errors when using PXE Everywhere the following simple checks can be performed
to confirm that the installation has been successful and that the appropriate permissions are present for
the network service account:

Checks Notes

PXE Everywhere installation directory By default PXE Everywhere will install its files to the following
location on 32-bit systems:

C:\Program Files\1E\PXE Lite

And to the following location on 64-bit systems:

C:\Program Files (x86)\1E\PXE Lite

IIS Application Pool An application pool for PXELite is created in IIS Application Pools
and the PXELite web application is using this application pool, as
shown for 32-bit systems in the following picture:

Virtual directory configuration Under Default Web Site, check that there is a virtual directory
named PXELite. It should point to the PXE Everywhere
WebService directory in the PXE Everywhere installation directory
(as described earlier).
Anonymous access and Integrated Windows authentication
should both be enabled. It should be configured to run under
ASP.NET 2.0.50727.

Web service You can use the PXE Everywhere configuration web service to
check for correct installation. To do this run the following steps on
the server where the PXE Everywhere web site is installed:
1. Browse to
You should see a PXE Everywhere configuration web page.
Note: This page is for installation verification only and
is not for customer use.

2. Click on GetVersion and then press the Invoke button. You

should see a new browser window with the result of the
version query listed - note the version number and reference
this when contacting 1E support.

The Installation Guide Page 20

Section 5 - Troubleshooting

web.config The web.config file is located in the following directory on 32-bit


C:\Program Files\1E\PXE Lite\WebService

or the following on 64-bit systems:

C:\Program Files (x86)\1E\PXE Lite\WebService

The web.config file stores the information about the log file and
database location. Depending on the version of Windows, the log
file for the web service will by default be located in one of the
following locations:



C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application


The database location is set in the <connectionStrings> section

of the web.config, you should ensure that this is correctly set to
the location of the ConfigMgr database.

ConfigMgr Database The installer should create a stored procedure, in the ConfigMgr
database, named dbo.1E_GetPXEAction.

Web service/Database permissions If you get a Login failed for user NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK
SERVICEexception, then youll need to ensure that your SQL
Server instance has a login for this user (look under

To fix permissions errors perform the following steps:

1. Under Security\Logins, create the NT

2. On the User Mapping page for this user, ensure there is

a mapping to the ConfigMgr database.
3. On the database, under Programmability\Stored
Procedures, bring up the properties for the
dbo.1E_GetPXEAction stored procedure. On the
Permissions page, ensure that the NT

The Installation Guide Page 21

Section 5 - Troubleshooting

5.4 PXE Local hosts may see SOAP errors when contacting Central
These errors are seen usually when PXE Local hosts contact the PXE Central Webservice while the PXE
Everywhere Application Pool is recycling.
PXE Boots may fail when PXE Local hosts encounter SOAP Errors.
Error messages as follows may be seen in PXE Local host logs:

SOAP call failed:


SOAP call failed:


Disable the application pool recycling for the PXE Everywhere application pool. This can be done by
following the steps mentioned below:

1. Open IIS Manager.

2. In the Connections pane, expand the server node and click Application Pools.
3. On the Application Pools page, select an application pool, and then click Recycling in the Actions
4. Select Regular time intervals (in minutes), and in the corresponding box type 0 (Zero) as time
interval (in minutes).
5. Click Finish.

5.5 Contact 1E support

If you encounter any problems that go beyond the scope of this troubleshooting section the best action is
to contact the 1E technical support team who should be able to guide you through the process of quickly
determining the cause of the problem.
To help 1E find the solution quickly, you should create a detailed technical report of the problem.

Creating a technical report

You will need to include the following in a technical report:

The PXE Everywhere Local hosts logfiles. These are located in either of the following directories,
depending on the platform on PXE Local hosts:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\1E\PXELite


The PXE Everywhere Central service logfiles. These are located in either of the following
directories, depending on the platform on PXE Central server:

C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\1E\PXELite


Version number of PXE Everywhere.

The OS, version number and patch level the machine is running.

You should then email the details of the problem encountered along with the above information to
Support. A technical consultant will then contact you to help find a suitable solution.

The Installation Guide Page 22

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