May 2016

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May 1-31, 2016 Official Publication of the UPLB College of Agriculture Volume 5 No. 5

CAs National Scientist The AUNQA team, headed by Dr. Tone e P.

is among top 100 ve Commi ee (ExeCom) and former members of

Asian scientists theteam,whoexchangedinsightsamongthegroup

to further enhance the content of each report.

D r. Ramon C. Barba, a Na onal Scien st Though it s ll needs renement based on the com
(NS) and alumnus from the Crop Science mentsandsugges onsgeneratedduringthepresen
Cluster,CollegeofAgriculture(CA)leadstheFilipi ta on, the team targeted to submit the full report
no scien sts in the maiden Asian Scien sts 100 onthe20thdayofJune2016.(Rachel B. Bau sta)
listreleasedrecentlybyTheAsian Scien stmaga
zine. CA faculty & staff
undergo orientation

Ranked third on the list, Dr. Barba is a dis n

guishedhor culturistknownfordevisingawayfor
mangotreestoproduceowersregardlessofsea on eUP info systems
he faculty and sta of the College of Agri
culture(CA)a endedageneralorienta on
The three other Filipino scien sts are: NS An on eUP Informa on Systems last May 10 at the
gel Alcala (7th place), NS Edgardo Gomez (9th ICOPEDauditorium.

place), Project Noah Director Mahar Lagmay and
With no less than Dean Enrico P. Supangco and
NS Gavino C. Trono, Jr. (12th place). (Apolinario L.
some cluster directors in a endance, the half day
Lan can, with info taken from, May
orienta onfocusedonHumanResourceInforma on
1, 2016)
System (HRIS); Student Academic Informa on Sys
tem (SAIS); Financial Management Informa on Sys
CAs AUN-QA team tem (FMIS); Supplies, Procurement and Campus
reports to ExeCom ManagementInforma onSystems(SPCMIS)andEx
ecu veInforma onSystem(EIS).

he ASEAN University NetworkQuality Assur Ruel P. Madriaga, Sarah Salvio, Rafaela Anne Ri
ance(AUNQA)teamoftheCApresentedthe vera and Angelo Labuguen from UP Diliman served
SelfAssessmentReport(SAR)ina mockpresenta as facilitators/resource persons in the said ac vity.
onlastMay13inBaguioCity. They discussed the aforemen oned systems in line

The11criteriareportwaspresentedbasedon with the eUP Project ini ated by President Pascual.

the Guide to AUNQA Assessment at Programme (AL Lan can)
Level version 3.0. The criteria are: (1) expected
learning outcomes, (2) programme specica on, CPC entomologists named
(3)programmestructureandcontent,(4)teaching as UP Scientists
academicstaquality,(7)supportstaquality,(8) merCropProtec onCluster(CPC)DirectorCe
studentqualityandsupport,(9)facili esandinfra liadR.Medinawererecentlyconferredthe tleScien
structures,(10)qualityenhancement,and(11)out st1bytheUPSystem.The tlesofthesefacultyand
put.Thepresenta onwasdonetogooverthecri entomologistsfromCPCtookeectfrom2015to2017.
teriareportsandseewhatneedstoberened. (Ruby G. dela Cruz)
Page 2 CA Monthly Newsletter

IPB to turn 41 NCPC turns 40

T he Ins tute of Plant Breeding (IPB),
Crop Science Cluster will celebrate T
he Na onal Crop Protec on Center (NCPC), a
UPLBpestmanagementresearchins tu on,cel
its41stanniversaryonJune23byconduc ng ebratedits40 anniversarylastMay19.

a forum, a family day, and an alumni and The fes ve celebra on was highlighted by a farmers
friendshomecoming. eld day sponsored by the Carrageenan project of the

On the rst day, a forum on Inclusive PhilippineCouncilforAgriculture,Aqua candNaturalRe

Business Models to Move Agriculture For sources Research and DevelopmentDepartment of Sci
wardwillbringtogetherscien sts,entrepre enceandTechnology(PCAARRDDOST),undertheleader
neurs and other members of the academic shipofDr.GilL.Magsino,CropProtec onCluster(CPC)s
and agribusiness community. The guest of Informa on Management and Technical Services head
honor will be George T. Barcelon, president andextensioncoordinator.

of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and A ertheearlyeldday,par cipatedinbyalmost200

Industry (PCCI), while the panelists will in farmers from Bay, Calauan and Victoria, Laguna, the visi
clude Ambassador Donald G. Dee, honorary torsproceededtothemainNCPCbuildingtoviewexhibits
chairman of PCCI; Roberto C. Amores, chief anda endtheformalprogram.TheUPLBocialsstarted
execu veocerofHiLasMarke ngCorpora theprogramthrougharibboncu ngceremony.Present
on;AlfredoM.Yao,founderofZestOGroup duringthecelebra onwere:Dr.FernandoF.Sanchez,Sr.,
ofCompanies;Hon.NeliaT.Gonzalez,former founderandrstdirectorofNCPC(withwife,Dr.Priscilla
UP Regent; and Glenn N. Ba cados, director C.Sanchez);Dr.EnricoP.Supangco,CAdean;Dr.Jocelyn
ofCenterforTechnologyTransferandEntre E. Eusebio, director of Crops Research Division of
preneurship (CTTE), UPLB. This ac vity is PCAARRD(represen ngDr.ReynaldoV.Ebora);Dr.RexB.
sponsored by the Coali on for Agriculture DemafelisandDr.SusanMayF.Calumpang,ViceChancel
Moderniza oninthePhilippines,Department lorandAsst.ViceChancellorforResearchandExtension,
of Agribusiness Management and Entrepre respec vely; Dr. Romulo G. Davide, CPC professor emeri
neurshipUPLB College of Economics and tusandRamonMagsaysayawardee;Hon.NeliaT.Gonza
Management,andCTTE. les, former Board of Regents member, and Dr. Ponciano

TheseconddaywillbeaFamilyDaywhich M.Halos,formerNCPCteamleaderandresearcher.

will underscore the messages by UPLB o A brief backgrounder about the Carrageenan project
cials and IPB Council of Elders. Keynote waspresentedbyDr.Magsinowhileafarmerusergavea
speakerwillbeDr.ManuelL.Logroo,former tes monialduringtheevent;a erwhich,thewhole me
IPB deputy director and current president of was devoted to exhibit viewing at the NCPC lobby. The
IPB Alumni and Friends Associa on. There CPC exhibit consisted of technology breakthroughs, all
willbeaserviceawardrecogni onandinduc productsofyearsofresearchandhardworkbyNCPCre
on of the new ocers of the Junior Re searchers.GuestexhibitorswereSYNOCHEMCo.,PLANT
searchersOrganiza on.AgameWowowin ERSandCarrageenanofPCAARRDDOST.
will follow, pa erned a er a popular a er

noon TV gamevariety show. At night, the Inthea ernoon,theNCPCstahadagood mebond

homecomingofIPBalumniandfriendswillbe ingwithsomere redpersonnel.Serviceawardsweregiv
held.(Laureno B. Lanosia, Jr.) en to sta who have served from 35 years and above
The College of Agriculture Monthly Newsletter whopassedawayinlineofservice.
is published through the Office of the Dean,

College of Agriculture, UPLB, College, Laguna TheNCPCwasfoundedonMay19,1976throughPres.

Advisers: Dean Enrico P. Supangco
Associate Dean Tonette P. Laude isnowacomponentoftheCPCthatmergedwiththeDe
Editor/Layout Artist: Apolinario L. Lantican partmentsofEntomology,PlantPathologyandWeedSci
Contributors: Erlinda A. Balot, Jeddahlyn S. Baria, Rachel B.
Bautista, Ruby G. dela Cruz, Imelda M. Gesmundo, enceofAgronomyonJune5,2005,asapprovedbytheUP
Laureano B. Lanosia, Jr., and Apolinario L. Lantican BoardofRegents.(Ruby G. Dela Cruz)
Circulation Officer: Venecia B. Batain
CA Monthly Newsletter Page 3

Department of National FOREIGN TRAVEL*

Defense staff visit CA RaolP.Pamiloza,universityresearcher,CropScience

Cluster (CSC); a ended the interna onal course on:
team of 20 military personnel and ci Bioinforma cs and Biotechnology: Todays Tools for
vilian employees [Philippine Airforce TomorrowsAgricultureinaWorldofGlobalEnviron
(PAF) and Philippine Army (PA)] of the Depart mentChanges;Israel;May7June10
mentofNa onalDefense(DND)visitedCAlast Dr. Rommel C. Sulabo, professor, Animal and Dairy
May20. Sciences Cluster (ADSC); served as resource speaker
during the Olmix 2ndInterna onal Seminar on Health

Headed by Capt. Rowena T. Petrillo

andNutri on;Indonesia;May1518
(administra veocer,PAF),theteamwasable
to get informa on that will further improve Dr. Nestor C. Altoveros and Teresita H. Borromeo,
associateprofessorandprofessor,respec vely;CSC;
DNDs Integrated Business Development Pro
a ended the Interna onal Workshop on Assessing
gramwhereinsomemilitaryidlelandsarebeing resilienceandecosystemgoodsandservicesofGlob
usedmoreproduc vely.Someoftheseprojects ally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems in se
put up by DND is a coee planta on in Camp lectedricesystemsinChinaandthePhilippines;Bei
KibaritaninBukidnonandabambooplanta on jing,China;May1520

Dr. Simplicio M. Medina, associate professor, Agri

ThevisitorsweretouredattheBINHINGPA culturalSystemsCluster;a endedtheTokyoUniver
MANAorganicfarmoftheCropScienceCluster sity of Agricultures 125th anniversary; Japan; May
(CSC)andorientedontheac vi esbeingdone 1922
byPAMANAanditsroleintheCSC.Onething Annalisa L. Aquino, university researcher, CSC;
that caught their interest was, how the fer a ended the Netherlands Fellowship Programmes
Training on Integrated Seed Sector Development;
mented fruit juice (FFJ) and fermented plant
Center for Development Innova on, Wageningen,
juice (FPJ) look like, how they are being pre TheNetherlands;May20June13
pared and what their uses are. Also, since one
Carla Alilie A. Lontoc, university researcher, ADSC;
of them asked why zinnia, cosmos and mari a ended the 2016 Interna onal Conference on Asia
gold are abundant at PAMANA, it was ex Agriculture and Animal; Jeju Island, Republic of Ko
plainedthattheydonotonlyserveasornamen rea;May2227
tals but also as botanicals that a ract pollina Dr. Rodel G. Maghirang, scien st I, CSC; a ended
tors (zinnia and cosmos) and drive away pests mee ngs of the Special Task Force for the ASEAN
(marigold). Standard for Organic Agriculture and Task Force on

A video about the edible landscaping pro ASEANStandardsforHor culturalProduceandOth

ject,itsac vi esandaccomplishment,waspre er Crops; Laos Plaza Hotel, Vien ane Capital, Laos;
sentedtothevisitors.Theyalsovisitedthe s
sueculturelaboratoryoftheOrnamentalCrops Dr. Lo s E. Mopera, assistant professor, Food Sci
ence Cluster; par cipated in the Mul Country Ob
Division of CSC. At the landscape area, they
serva onal Study Mission on Food Safety Manage
weresoimpressedathowthevegetables,fruits mentSystem;Tokyo,Japan;May2229
andherbswerear s callycombined.
Dr. Edna A. Aguilar, professor, CSC; joined the aca
The said visit was made through the ini a demicvisit/focus(cooperate);TaiwanUniversity,Tai
veofFernandoI.Manalo,DNDundersecretary wan;May2427
fornance,ammuni ons,installa onsandma RyanRodrigoP.TayobongandMariaCharitoE.Bal
terials.(Imelda M. Gesmundo) ladares,instructoranduniversityresearcher,respec
vely,CSC;par cipatedasexhibitorandpresenteda
ANNOUNCEMENT* paper tled, Dissemina on of Edible Landscaping
ADSC Training Course: Technology:RoadtoSelfSuciencyatDaegoFlow
Dairy Products Manufacture at Home erShowandSamsungCoex;Seoul,SouthKorea;May
June 27-July 1; P3,000 per person 30June11

For details, call: Tel.# (049) 536-3426/2547/3744/2205
*Prepared by Imelda M. Gesmundo and Erlinda A. Balot
*Information given by Jeddahlyn S. Baria

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