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It is an honor to present this updated Version V.2.0 of collection of papers /articles /essays termed as Study
Notes and prepared under the auspices of The International Summer School for Jain Studies. These
distinguished scholars, who are the experts in their field of activity, are the faculty members of the school
during the last three years and have contributed to these notes.

The entire academic program of the school is designed to give a comprehensive experience of all aspects of
Jain philosophy, history and way of life. This syllabus is being continuously updated based on the feedback
received from the visiting scholars attending the school since its inception in 2005. The curriculum designed
keeping the needs of learned scholars from countries like USA, Canada, Russia, Thailand etc. attending the
summer school and adopted for ISSJS2008, is made a part of these essays to give a complete overview of
the academic program. We earnestly hope that the curriculum meets the aspirations of the visiting scholars
turned aspiring students of Jain academic studies and the visiting scholars become conversant with Jain
culture, religion, philosophy, and society etc. and take steps to do further research and contribute to the
knowledge on Jainism. References for further research are provided at the end of each paper. We have used
diacritical marks, placed at the beginning of the notes, to present Hindi / Prakrat and Sanskrit words and
verses in original form with English translations

These essays reflect upon the Jain wisdom rather to say the essence of Jain way of life. Jains claim their
religion to be eternal with its first trthakara Lord dintha and the most recent Lord Mahvra showing
the path to attain liberation /salvation. Jain religion had been revived from time to time by a series of 24
trthakaras/ omniscient lords. Keeping in view this aspect, we have included essays on Jain religion,
philosophy- cosmology metaphysics psychology and ethics along with papers on Jain history, culture,
preceptors, evolution of different sects, rituals, art and paintings, pilgrimages and their importance.

This collection is not yet complete, as few papers from some faculty members have not yet been received.
We expect to complete and update this collection by giving handouts from time to time and compile the
final edited version by December 2008.

It is expected that this collection of essays will succeed in its aim and give the message of Jain spiritual
prowess, Jain way of life, its practical approach to non-violence, vegetarianism, international cooperation
(parasaparopagraho jvnm), Live and let live to all the living beings (kliteu jveu daydrbhvam) and
friendship with all (satveu maitri).

This note will be incomplete without expressing our heartfelt thanks to the authors and faculty members of
the school who have on a voluntary basis taken the time to prepare and present these papers. Also, we thank
you, the visiting scholars from overseas to the school, as you are the sole aim for which these papers are
compiled. Kindly do provide your valuable suggestions to make these papers worth your and future
attending scholars time.

New Delhi Dr Shugan Chand Jain

Curriculum for ISSJS
Module 1. Introductory and background information (6)
1.1 Orientation program (Facilitation, Introduction to program, places, Dos and Donts, Jain salutations,
navakar, travel, socialization, dress code) (2)
1.2 Jain Disphora (USA, Europe and India)
1.3 Uniqueness of Jainism (2)

Module 2. Jain history, culture, preceptors, literature, arts, pilgrimages, festivals, evolution of sects,
thinkers and rituals (24)
2.1 Historical background (archeological, literature, pre-historical, historical, tradition)
2.2 Evolution of Jain sects and sub-sects; major differences. (2)
2.3 Tirathnkars, shlaka purushas, (Bharat, Rishabh, Nemi, Parasva)
2.4 Mahavira life and penance, special features
2.5 Jain arts incl. paintings (wall, caves, paper etc., idols, temple architecture (5)
2.6 Literature. Evolution of canons and present canons of two major sects, commentaries, puranas,
poems/devotional songs etc. (2)
2.7 Language of Jain literature and its importance.(2)
2.8 Jain literature in English, other western and modern Indian languages
2.9 Jain acaryas, thinkers and their contributions (3)
2.10 Culture. Emphasize spiritual purification, classless society, non-violence, elimination of gender bias and
evil habits.
2.11 Pilgrimage. Importance, important pilgrim places.
2.12 Festivals / celebrations / parvas
2.13 Influence of other philosophies on Jainism and vice versa.
2.14 Anthropological studies (2)

Module 3. Ontology & Metaphysics (7)

3.1 Nature of reality; Six substances
3.2 7 verities (tattvas) and 9 entities (padarthas).
3.3 Cosmology
3.4 Soul empirical and pure (2)
3.5 Matter (2)

Module 4. Karma theory (5)

4.1 Concept, karma definition and its importance
4.2 Kinds, 8 grouped in two, Nature and causes of bondage
4.3 States of karma (2)
4.4 Stages of purification of soul, gunasthanas and Salvation

Module 5. Epistemology (8)

5.1 Origin & growth of theory of knowledge
5.2 Types of knowledge and their equivalence to valid knowledge (pramanas)
5.3 Pramanas. Indirect (inference) knowledge discussion.
5.4 Pramanas. Direct (clairvoyance, telepathy and just knowledge)
5.5 Doctrine of Naya, viewpoints
5.6 Doctrine of multiplicity of viewpoints (Anekanta) and relevance (2)
5.7 Process of acquiring and enhancing knowledge

Module 6. Ethics & path of purification (12)

6.1 Path of spiritual purification, spiritual awakening (2)
6.2 Overall basis of ethics Non violence. Worldly and spiritual basis
6.3 Sravakachara (3)
6.4 Sramanachara (1)
6.5 Basic virtues, essential duties (avasayakas) (2)
6.6 Penance external. Internal, meditation, self study (3)
6.7 Sallekhna

Module 7. Special topics (32)

7.1 Non violence (2)
7.2 Gandhi and Jainism (2)
7.3 Vegetarianism (2)
7.4 Social contributions of Jains (3)
7.5 Jain law and justice (2)
7.6 Discipline, Anekanta, self control and philosophy of giving up as the basis of democracy (2)
7.7 Role of women in Jainism (2)
7.8 Environment and ecology (2)
7.9 Modern day issues like Aids, terrorism, sexual promiscuity, society and family, Euthanasia (4)
7.10 Meditation in medical, business and other aspects (3).
7.11 Non possession and economic prosperity of Jains
7.12 Anuvratas as a way of life (2)
7.13 Seminars (4)
7.14 Special topics (self study, tolerance) (2)

Module 8. Canonical literature study (Agamas) (6-8)

8.1 Bhagwati
8.2 Uttaradhyana
8.3 Tattvaratha sutra
8.4 Bhagwati Aradhna
8.5 Samman suttam
8.6 Rattan Karand Shravakacara
8.7 Panchastikaya
S. No. Ref No Title Author Page No
1. 1.3 Uniqueness and relevance of Jainism Dr. Shugan C Jain 1-9
2. 2.1 Historical Background of Jainism Dr. Shugan C. Jain 10-20
3. 2.1.1 Jain dispora Dr. Sulekh C.Jain 21-37
4. 2.2 Evolution of sthanakvasi sect Dr. Kamini Gogri 38-46
5. 2.3.1 Mahavir Prakrta and Agamas Dr. K.C. Sogani 47-50
6. 2.3.2 Supreme Auspicious beings i.e. Br. Hem C Jain 51-58
Punchpermeshthi, namokar mantra
7. 2.3.3 Mantras and prayer Dr Shugan C Jain 59-63
8. 2.4.1 Teachings of Mahavira Dr. Shugan C. Jain 64-71
9. 2.4.2 Methods of Mahavira for Social Changes Dr. K. C. Sogani 72-82
10. 2.5 Jain Sculpture Dr. R. G. Majumdar 83-86
11. 2.5.1 Jain paintings Dr. Kamla Giri 87-95
12. 2.5.2 Land Marks of Jaina Iconology Prof. Maruti Nandan P. 96-101
13. 2.5.3 Jaina Art and Architecture Dr J.N. Upadhye 102-108
14. 2.5.4 Vastu Dr J.N. Upadhye 109-116
15. 2.8 Some Aspects of Jain Literature Dr. Prem Suman Jain 117-129
16. 2.9.1 Influential Jain Acarya (Author Monks) Dr. K.C. Sogani 130-134
17. 2.9.2 Jain Acarya from South India and Their Dr. Bhag Chand Jain 135-139
18. 2.9.3 Acarya Kundakunda and his literature Dr. Bhag Chand Jain 140-147
19. 2.9.4 Jain thinkers Dr Kamini Gogri 148-157
20. 2.10 Spiritual Awakening: Devotion and Dr. K.C. Sogani 158-166
meditation Jain Perspective
21. 2.12 Jain Festivals (Parva) & Jain Pilgrimages Dr. Shugan C. Jain 167-174
(Teerth Yatra)
22. 2.12.1 Tirthas of Bundelkhand Dr. Shugan Jain, 175-181
Sandeep Jain
23. 2.12.2 Temples of Rankarpura and Dilwara Dr. Kamini Gogri 182-189
24. 2.12.3 Jain worship (puja) Dr. Shugan Jain, 190-197
Sandeep Jain
25. 3.1 Reality (Sat) and Concept of Dravya in Dr. Veersagar Jain 198-208
Jaina philosophy
26. 3.2 Seven Varities (Seven Tattvas) in Jainism Dr. Anekant Jain 209-222
27. 3.3 Jain concept of Reality with special Dr. K. L. Sharma 223-227
reference to Western and Indian
28. 3.4 Concept of soul/self (atma) in Jain Dr. Veer Sagar Jain 228-238
29. 3.5 Matter (pudgala) and Types Prof. M.R. Gelra 239-244
30. 4.3 Karma Doctrine of Jainism Dr. Shugan C. Jain 245-260
31. 4.4.1 Samayagdarshana Right Belief Dr. Sushma Singhivi 261-270
32. 4.4.2 Gunasthana (Stages of Spiritual Dr. K. C. Sogani 271-278
S. No. Ref No Title Author Page No
33. 4.4.3 Lesya and Behaviour Modification: Dr. Vinay Jain 279-285
Outline of a Research Program
34. 5.1 Knowledge Jnana Dr. Shugan C. Jain 286-303
35. 5.4 Omniscience Br. Hem Chand Jain 304-312
36. 5.5.1 The concept of Naya in Jainism Dr. Anekant Jain 313-317
37. 5.5.2 Niscaya (Transcendental) and vyahara Dr. Shugan C. Jain 318-324
(Practical) Naya
38. 5.6 Anekanta Non-one-sidedness 325-330
39. 5.6.1 Anekanta, metaphysical considerations Dr. K.C.Sogani 331-336
40. 5.6.2 Syadvada Conditional dielectic Dr. K.C.Sogani 337-340
41. 6.2.1 Religion and morality (ethics) Jain Dr. K.C. Sogani 341-346
42. 6.2.2 Bio medical ethics in Jainism Dr. D.K. Bobra 347-356
43. 6.2.3 Bio Ethical Issues Dr. Meenal Katarnikar 357-359
44. 6.2.4 Applications of Jain Ethics in Daily Prof. Dayanand Bhargava 360-365
45. 6.3 Sravakacara (ethics of the householders) Dr. K. C. Sogani 366-380
46. 6.4 Sramanacara Part I Dr. D.N. Bhargava 381-393
47. 6.6 Dhyaan (Meditation) 394-397
48. 6.6.1 Samayika Practicing Equanimity Dr. Shugan C. Jain 398-403
49. 6.7 Sallekhana as per Jain texts Dr.D.N.Bhargava 404-406
50. 6.7.1 Relavance of Sallekhana today society Dr. D.S. Baya 407-420
and Euthanasia
51. 6.7.2 Samadhimaran Santhara Sallekhana Justice N. K. Jain 421-425
52. 6.8 Das Laksana or ten virtues Dr.Shikhar CJain 426-435
53. 7.1 Comprehensive concepts of Ahimsa, its Dr. D.R. Mehta 436-449
Application in real life
54. 7.4.1 Jainism Spiritual quest in Global Dr. N. P. Jain 450-460
55. 7.4.2 Global Relevance of Jainism Dr. N. P. Jain 461-469
56. 7.7 Women Ascetics in Jaina Tradition Dr. K. Majumdar 470-473
57. 7.10 Towards a sociology of the Jain Dr. Prakash C. Jain 474-485
58. 7.11 Aparigraha - Doctrine of Non Dr. Kalpana Jain 486-493
59. 7.11.1 Discipline Dr. M.Katarnikar 494-507
60. 7.11.2 Jaina Theory of Tolerence Dr.Meenal Katarnikar 498-502
61. 7.11.3 Jain concept of Law and Justice Dr. M.Katarnikar 503-507
62. 7.13.1 Jain Theism and Gunanuvada Chuck Sapienza 508-517
63. 8.1 Bhagvati Aradhana Smt. Manjusha Sethi 518-523
64. 8.2 Tattvarth Sutra Dr. V.S.Jain 524-530
65. 8.3 Acharang Dr. S.C.Jain 531-535
66. 8.4 Panchastikaya Dr. Anekant Jain 536-540
67. 8.5 Samman Sutta Dr. D. N. Bhargava 541-546
68. 8.6 Rattan Karandak Sravakachaar Prof. Bhagchandra Jain 547-555

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