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Formal: Dear Mr. Sta Maria
Moderate: Dear Mel
Informal: Hi Mel; Mel

GR: One Screen rule -> message should not be long that you have to scroll

Use short paragraphs in block style

-use numbering, bullet points

Regards; best regards
Very truly yours
Thank you

Signature line
full name, firm name, legal disclaimers
subsequent emails, first name acceptable

To inform
To inquire (ask about something);
To ask something from receiver (output expected);
To keep communication lines open for some future benefit (relevant:
communicating with colleagues)

*Dont send confidential information!! MS Word encryption function when

sending it online
*Put definite period on when to reply or comply with the letter (5 days after
the receipt of this letter)

Before replying:
Think and pause
o Reply; reply to all
o Add or delete cc recipients; bcc (Always check recipient)
Subject line
o Are you replying to an old message that has nothing to do with
the current message?
o Be specific
o State or hint at the requested action (e.g. put dates if expecting
an output)

Other tips:
Do not bury important points in a long paragraph
Explain attachments
o Use explanatory file names;
o Make sure files are actually attached
o Avoid using smileys or informal abbreviations like LOL
o Use standard capitalization, punctuation and spelling;
o Edit
o Proofread before clicking send


Indicate the following:
o Date
o Identification number (e.g. Memorandum number)
o Mailing notifications (sent by also by fax?; via hand; By
registered mail)
o Re:
o Cc:
o File Locator

2 April 2017

ABC Corp.
Cc: Marie B. Santos

Attn: Anna Reyes


What is the goal of the client?
State the problem, reason for the complaint, suggested solutions;
Professional courtesy (not threats);
First letter- always begin with an introduction of who you are;
State relevant facts
Solutions set deadline for response

Ending statement in a letter:

We trust that you shall give this matter your urgent and preferential
If you have any questions on the foregoing, do not hesitate to contact
No threats!
We hope that we sufficiently answered all your queries. Should you
have any more questions or wish to discuss further, please do not
hesitate to let us know.

Study if complaint is meritorious
Consult client!!
Generally conciliatory tone
IF complaint is meritorious, propose a solution
Otherwise, lay down defense.
There is always a solution under the law!

o Explain
o Evaluation of strength and weaknesses
o Recommendations
E.g. Senior partner asking junior partner to do something
o To court: convince
o To client: expository
Give advise to clients
Answer clients queries in a way that client understands;
Restrict the opinion to specific set of facts
Cite laws, records, documents relied upon (Do not cite all,
If opinion is unfavorable, give alternatives
Send out promptly (Rule of thumb: Do not overpromise)
Other Tips:
o Be professional, not emotional
o Label drafts as privileged and confidential
o Indicate date/time of draft
o If email is urgent, mark it as such
o If a deadline has to be met, indicate deadline
o Always cite your source!

File name: LEACHON Memorandum 28 April 2017

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