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Fear part-2: 2nd installment of the fear series

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One important and funny fact about fear is that it is not bound in the sands of
time (OK! I admit it͛s not funny).These scary experiences which are bestowed
upon us by our respectable elderly are sometimes spiced up with some folklore
also. But now, when I am not a silly teenager (but still I can͛t call myself a grown
up exactly͙I mean come on I am just 21),I can easily scoff these ideas and can
count them as my elders͛ effort to become a hero in a child͛s view. So, I
mentioned that ghosts don͛t visit you after checking the calendars. However, I
thought that being scary is in fashion because we see so much of LADY GAGA
these days. My aunt Vanessa shared an unforgettable encounter with the

In her young days, she used to look quite pretty. She was a sort of beauty and
(some) brains and got herself enrolled in a nursing institute. Nursing profession
was well respected in those days. I think like that because there are not many
websites which may provide an old sex video under the category of nursing.

It was her first day at the hospital and its hostel and she was completing the
official procedures. Coming out of the office in lunch time, she saw a handsome,
well built man named Jose. After a brief introduction he said he was waiting for
her cousin Betty Lawson who was a nursing student and stayed in that same
hostel. He said͟ You know it has been long that I have seen her. I have come a
long way to meet her and to take her to a marriage procession. I want we should
leave by tonight͛s train. It would be kind of you if you can search for her in the
hostel and convey her message. As for now I can͛t wait here anymore because I
got to make few preps for our departure.͟

Though being unknown to everyone, Vanessa accepted his request with a broad
smile͙you know why͙because that guy was looking his sexiest best in that quaint
suit of his. I now agree that my mom say she used to be quite like I am in her
younger days. The guy moved away from the hospital area and my aunt too came

to the room which was allotted by the hostel authority. She was very much
looking forward to meet her room mates, namely Mary and Jenna, and other
people on the floor. She quickly became amicable with Jenna. Jenna had an elder
sister who was a pass out from the same institute and was serving as a faculty
there only. Being closer to faculty any how would give her a good grades and
references for job too. (I told ya ..she was just like me).After a fair round of brief
introduction(means sharing names, Bf͛ names, home town, school grades
,favorite actor, favorite actress, favorite movie, fav subject, fav Tv serial, fav
beauty brands, other normal things), they found themselves similar in more than
one way. Due to this conclusion they were of common opinion finally that they
are going to rock their bachelor life at hostel. In the course of this introductory
talk (of about 1-2 hrs.) Vanessa told everyone about the guy who met her in the
afternoon. She was still talking to that man in her fantasies. She asked everyone
available if they knew someone by the name of Betty in hostel. They denied.

This name, Betty, made Jenna share a strange rumor that had been doing rounds
among the hostellers..Batch by batch. She told them that there was a student
named Betty only who was her sister͛s classmate. Many people were of opinion
that she was undoubtedly a fascinating beauty of her time. People also talked
behind her back, about her carefree fling with many doctors at the same hospital.
But just a few months before her completion of the course the warden found her
sitting on her room͛s desk, struggling with death. White foam was erupting from
her lips and all what she could say in her last moments was͟ It͛s not fair͙it͛s not
correct͙͟.Doctors declared her brought dead and the reason of death was
toxicities of the respiratory system. Sometime later, her classmates became
aware of the fact that one of her relatives who had started visiting her frantically
few weeks before her death died in an accident with his parents.

This revelation made all the girls along with my aunt too scared to speak
anything. No one can accept being chickenshit on the first day of college so they
mutually decided to go off sleeping. Vanessa and her room mates too retired to
their respective beds. Around 1:30 PM my aunt got up from her bed to breathe in
some fresh air as was not able to adjust to the strange smell flowing through the
room and the corridor. She came to the window which was facing the corridor.
Few minutes later she saw a young girl coming towards her. She had a gentle but
apologetic smile on her face. She had an expression as if she had been on a
thinking mode for quite some time and hadn͛t slept in few days. With a soft voice
she exchanged pleasantries with my aunt and introduced herself as Betty Lawson.
Betty told that she got t know about her through Mary. She asked about who had
come to visit her from her home and what did he say. She also said that there has
been actually a long time that she met her parents and the assignments were too
killing in the final year.

At the mention of Jose͛s name her tone grew bitter and sort of shouting. She
warned my aunt not to convey any message of his in case he visits the hostel
again. But my aunt had got a huge crush on him so she started arguing about why
Betty was being so partial to him. Vanessa explained the cumbersome efforts
which he was making in the scorching heat just to meet Betty. At this statement
of her, Betty got into a fit of anger .She gave my aunt a small dialogue after which
she found herself in the hospital directly ( I mean before her regular college
schedule, getting treated for acute weakness).Betty roared͟ I didn͛t come to meet
him on my last day and I won͛t come on any other day in future. Killing your
parents to forcefully profess your love for a cousin is not a good idea͙You know
Vanessa it doesn͛t feels good killing yourself for a stupid man͛s attempt to hunt
you. If You meet him again, tell him to kill himself every time on that aisle which
he had decorated for my wedding to him ͙and tell him that his love is unethical
and dead anyways͙and you know what MISS VANESSA͙..HE IS NOT AS SEXXY AS
YOU THINK!!!!!!!!͟.May be Betty would have gone into her favorite doctor͛s cabin


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