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Psychology in Business
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Psychology in the field of business.

Psychology can simply be defined as the science of behavior and the mind including the
embracing of all aspects of human conscious and unconscious experience and as well as
thoughts. The field of psychology goes back to the early 1870s and is well known of the founders
being Wilhelm Wundts who is credited as the founder of psychology (Hockenbury, 2014, p. B3).
In business, various companies use psychology to increase success since psychologists play the
role of developing, maintaining and inspiring the corporate world to create a healthy working
environment. They perform various operations like selection and replacements. For instance, in
the case of work samples, there is a need for situational exercise since the job entails
manipulation of objects. Professional skills are required, and so there is a need for selection.
Psychology instills various concepts in the peoples lives to help create a sustaining
environment. In business, one can attain the concept of work diversity since there is need to
understand the demographics of the changing workforce. One is able to understand that diverse
employees have different interests, expectations, and needs. Psychology will help one to embrace
the spirit of tolerance and acceptance.
There are different theories that are used in the field of psychology that clearly defines
the human behavior and their actions. These theories are part of the great factors affecting the
outcome of the employees in any given organization. In the field of business, there is the need to
improve and make great use of these theories in that they highly affect the results of either the
employees within the business or the entire environment of the business. Therefore, it is very
important to take note of the positivity of the theories and the changes that they can create in
business. The examples of these theories include learning theory, cognitive theory, among others.
The use of theories in the business highly affects the business environment making great
changes in all the activities that surrounds the business. Considering an example of the theories,
the learning theory, this is a theory that is associated with the participants and mainly the
environment within a given place. In our case, considering the business environment, the
learning theory can be administered to the clients and customers of the business. This theory is
responsible to the teaching of the means of conduct for all the human beings. This theory
therefore insists on the human behaviors and the adaptations of the environmental influence. In
the business, this theory can be used to mobilizing and creation of a permanent relationship of
the clients and the business owner or the business managers. Influencing and changing the
human behavior to soot the required or personal desires can be used to enhance business
(Hockenbury, 2014, p. B7).
Psychology has various impressive aspects that contribute positively to peoples lives.
These aspects rely on the emotional response of the people. They include suffering emotions that
bring empathy, sympathy, and compassion and praising emotions that can lead to elevation,
gratitude, and admiration. However, there are some undesirable aspects of psychology like the
condemning emotions that lead to anger, contempt and disgust and self-conscious that leads to
guilt, shame, and embarrassment. In business, the important aspect of psychology I admire is its
ability to facilitate the success of a company. Through this, it will help in undertaking
performance appraisal, ergonomics, quality of work life and finally training and development. I
conclude by giving tribute to the developing aspects of psychology since they improve the
peoples lives (Hockenbury, 2014, p. B4).
Making the employees have a settled mind in one working environment with minimal or
no conflict issues among themselves or with the management, calls for a good control and
qualified management skills. This goes hand in hand with the ability to control the mind of the

many employees that are in the business. A great role is also played by the psychology to control
the many clients that a business has in order to outstanding the pressure from the other
competitors and retaining the clients. Psychology is, therefore, a very important aspect of the
business that any business owner or business managers should be equipped with, for proper and
easy management of the business including its success.
It can seem to be a very easy thing to apply and utilize the psychology in business but as
a matter of fact it is not a very simple and easy way to go by the control. It takes too much of the
time to study and understand the people that one is involved with and that are around us in all the
time. This is because that there is some of the people without a constant pattern of the behaviors
changing regularly and this can make it very hard to handle in a business. However, it is the only
clean and easy means to keep a strong and very reliable business environment with the reliable
workers and clients.
It is very true to say that the environment in which the business practice are held may be
more controlled than the others due to the fact that the business owners take great care to
managing and controlling their business. There is situations that the managements may make to
manage and for effective business control that may end up hurting the people around the
business. In a good example, there may be a client need base assessment that may led the
assessment back to the employees, this may give the employees a very hard time to expressing or
to understanding the needs of the clients. At this point the management takes over the initiative
of the entire business and highly controls the human behavior that is employees. Despite the fact
that psychology is an important aspect in the business, there is one of the ugly side of it. In the
case where the management misses the role of psychology and uses it to harass the employees.
This makes it hard for the employees in a business to clearly understand if they should still
remain in the working environment or they should leave. This is just the only negative thing that
happens in psychology that I dont like. Just the fact that psychology can be used to harass

In conclusion, psychology is a very wide area that any one interest in making studies in
any of the fields has to select the areas that they are interested to handle. One may pursue the
general psychology or may be interested in making the specific study about something.
Personally I would like to pursue psychology in the aspect of human response in the field of
business. This will enable me to assess the customer complaints or even the customer

Works Cited
Hockenbury. (2014). Discovering psychology. New York: Worth Publishers .

Mowrer, O. (1960). Learning theory and behavior.

Mitchell, T. R. (1982). People in organizations: An introduction to organizational behavior. New
York: McGraw-Hill.

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