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Green Composites: An Overview

Elisa Zini, Mariastella Scandola

University of Bologna, Chemistry Department, G. Ciamician and INSTM, UdR Bologna, 40126 Bologna, Italy

The use of natural bers to reinforce polymers is a upon incineration of the composite, for example, glass
well-established practice, and biocomposites are bers (typically present up to 50% by volume) remain as
increasingly used in sectors such as automotive and unburned residues.
construction. Green composites are a specic class of
biocomposites, where a bio-based polymer matrix is Vegetable bers, extensively explored since 1990 by
reinforced by natural bers, and they represent an research institutions and automotive companies as an
emerging area in polymer science. This work discusses environmentally friendly alternative to traditional glass
the environmental benets deriving from the use of ber reinforcement, are characterized by low density
natural bers in polymer composites and from substi-
tution of oil-derived polymers by bio-based polymers
(1.5 g/cm3) and they burn if incinerated. Moreover, they
as matrix material. New trends in the selection of natu- are low cost, and they are intrinsically biodegradable. At
ral bers, that is, from waste rather than from valuable the beginning of this century, after intense research stud-
crops are described. Recently developed thermoplastic ies, polymers reinforced with natural bers (NFC), com-
and thermosetting bio-based polymers are reviewed, monly named biocomposites, started to be industrially
and commercially available green composites obtained
thereof are discussed. POLYM. COMPOS., 32:19051915, applied not only in the automotive and building sectors,
2011. 2011 Society of Plastics Engineers but also in the broad area of consumer goods. A recent
work by La Mantia et al. [3] comprehensively reviewed
such type of NFCs with particular emphasis on strategies
INTRODUCTION to overcome composite processability problems and
improving composite performance. The polymers consti-
As early as in 1908, the rst natural-ber-based poly- tuting the matrix in such new materials were mainly oil-
mer composites, constituted of phenol or melamine-form- derived polyolens. Nowadays, however, public concern
aldehyde resins reinforced with cotton or paper, appeared about the environment and the availability of limited fos-
[1]. Reinforced plastics, especially those reinforced with sil fuel resources has forced governments, companies, and
glass bers (GRP), reached the commodity status in the scientists to nd alternatives to crude oil and to develop
1940s due to their low cost and are largely diffused nowa- sustainable materials from renewable resources. Hence the
days [2] in a variety of sectors, that is, automotive, con-
latest innovation in the eld of biocomposites is the sub-
struction, electro/electronics, and sports (Fig. 1). In tech-
stitution of oil-derived polymers with polymers from
nologically demanding applications, such as aviation,
renewable resources (bio-based polymers) as the matrix
wind power, and sports, glass bers are often substituted
component. Such materials are named green compo-
by highly performing, higher cost bers, such as carbon
sites [1, 4], a term that indicates that the composite as a
or polymeric bers (aramids).
whole (both matrix and reinforcement) originates from
A problem associated with the use of glass bers in
renewable resources. Worth pointing out is that some
composites for the transport sector is the high density of
Authors label as green composites all NFCs [3], irre-
glass (2.5 g/cm3) that signicantly increases the specic
spective of the nature of the polymeric matrix (both bio-
weight of the polymer matrix, leading to materials that, in
automotive applications, have a negative environmental and oil-based). In this work, we use the term green com-
impact in terms of energy consumption. Another draw- posites onlyand specicallyfor wholly bio-based
back of GRPs is associated with their end-life disposal: composites, that is, both bers and matrix from renewable
In an economic situation, such as the present one,
Correspondence to: Mariastella Scandola; e-mail: mariastella.scandola@ where oil price increases, the use of green composites is advantageous not only for the environment but also from
Contract grant sponsors: INSTM, MIUR (Ministero Istruzione, Universita`,
an economical viewpoint.
DOI 10.1002/pc.21224
This work aims at providing an updated overview on
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( green composites, with attention both to their commercial
C 2011 Society of Plastics Engineers availability and to the latest research activities mainly

larly suitable as glass ber substitutes for applications in
the automotive sector, where an equivalent ber loading
corresponds to an overall weight reduction of the compos-
ite. When ber mechanical properties are compared (Ta-
ble 1), it is clear that those of natural bers are lower
than those of glass, carbon, and aramid bers. However,
if the different density is taken into account, the specic
mechanical properties of natural bers come closer to
those of synthetic bers, and, in particular, the specic
tensile strength of ax bers is comparable with that of
glass bers. Additional advantages of the use of natural
bers in composites are their renewability, biodegradabil-
FIG. 1. Industrial application sectors of glass ber-reinforced compo- ity, nontoxicity, good insulation properties, low machine
sites in Europe (year 2010) [2]. wear, etc. A broad variety of bers with different thermal
and mechanical properties are abundantly synthesized in
oriented to mechanical properties optimization and to nature and are available for the development of high-per-
exploring the potential of alternative natural ber resour- formance biocomposites.
ces. The waste management options of green composites
will be also described, and the environmental benets will Vegetable Fibers
be specically pointed out. Bio-derived reinforcements
other than natural bers (cellulose whiskers, etc.) are A number of reviews about the properties of natural
intentionally excluded from this work. bers and their use in polymeric composites can be found
in the literature [1, 5, 7, 13, 14]. Most studies are focused
on vegetable bers and in particular on bast bers (ax,
hemp, jute, and kenaf). This choice is dictated by their
superior mechanical properties (Table 1) and by the possi-
Natural bers can be classied into plant-based and bility to easily separate clean bers from the cementing
animal-based bers as shown in Figure 2. Vegetable bers substances in the bast. However, unlike synthetic bers,
are mainly constituted of polysaccharides while animal vegetable bers have signicantly greater variability in
bers are proteins. To be used as reinforcement, pure their mechanical properties (Table 1) as a consequence of
bers need to be extracted and separated from all cement- age of the plant, geographical and climatic growth condi-
ing substances that are present in the natural plant or ani- tions, harvesting methods, purication technology, etc.
mal raw material (hemicelluloses, lignin, wax, proteins, Moreover, availability of large quantities of a specic
etc.). Wood, that is, a brous composite in itself is com- type of bast ber depends on the geographical area of cul-
monly used in the form of wood pulp. tivation: in temperate regions, ax and hemp are domi-
Table 1 compares some important physical properties nant, whereas, in tropical regions, the use of jute and
of the most extensively studied bers for polymer com- kenaf prevails [13]. Primary problems that must be over-
posite applications. It is evident from the density data in come for a sound industrial application of cellulosic bers
Table 1 that all natural bers possess lower density than in biocomposites are variability of ber quality and
glass bers. This property makes natural bers particu- changing seasonal and geographical availability. Another

FIG. 2. Classication of natural bers.

1906 POLYMER COMPOSITES-2011 DOI 10.1002/pc

TABLE 1. Physical properties of some natural and synthetic bers.

Density Elongation Youngs Tensile Specic tensile Water

Fiber (g/cm3) (%) modulus (GPa) strength (MPa) strength absorption (%) References

E-glass 2.5 2.5 70 20003500 8001400 5

Aramide 1.4 3.33.7 6367 30003150 21402250 5, 6
Carbon 1.4 1.41.8 230240 4000 2860 5
Flax 1.5 1.23.2 2780 3451500 2301000 7 4, 5
Cotton 1.51.6 3.010.0 5.512.6 287800 190530 825 46
Jute 1.31.5 1.51.8 1055 393800 300610 12 46
Hemp 1.5 1.6 70 550900 370600 8 4
Sisal 1.31.5 2.02.5 9.428 511635 390490 11 46
Ramie 1.5 2.03.8 44128 400938 270620 1217 4, 5
Coir 1.2 1530 46 131220 110180 10 46
Soft wood kraft 1.5 40 1000 670 5
Chicken feathers 0.89 310 100200 112220 7, 8
Silkworm silk 1.31.4 15 0.5 8 9-11

potential drawback of vegetable bers is their tendency to sile, impact, and exural properties of the soy-based resin
absorb water (moisture content between 5 and 10% by were signicantly enhanced.
weight, Table 1) due to the high hydroxyl content of cel-
lulose. As a consequence, particular attention must be
paid during composite processing (i.e., through careful Animal Fibers
predrying) in order to avoid absorbed water evaporation
Recently, animal-based bers have attracted increasing
that leads to porous products. Moreover, the presence of
attention as potential high performance reinforcing bers.
hydrophilic groups at the ber surface does not favor
Animal-based bers that are traditionally used for the
compatibility between natural bers and typically hydro-
manufacture of garments (wool [17] and silk [9, 18])
phobic polymer matrices; hence, natural bers tend to
have been tested as reinforcements for biocomposites.
form aggregates during composite processing and attain a
Wool keratin bers, for example, are characterized by sur-
poor degree of dispersion. Notwithstanding the above-
face toughness, exibility, high aspect ratio, and are less
mentioned problems, the drawing force to the successful
hydrophilic than cellulose bers. Interestingly, feather
use of vegetable bers in polymer composites is their
keratin bers possess a hollow structure, so that a given
availability in large quantities at low cost, their good me-
volume of bers contains a signicant volume of air,
chanical properties, and a number of well-assessed proc-
resulting in a very low density (0.9 g/cm3) and low-
essing protocols.
dielectric constant (k 1.7) that suggests their use in com-
In addition to the widely used bast bers, increasing
posites for electronic applications [19]. Cocoons of silk-
interest is presently directed toward other vegetable rein-
worm silk are made of a single continuous silk strand
forcements that may substitute valuable crops as ber raw
with length in the range of 10001500 m, where the -
materials (some of them are included in Fig. 2). In view
broin laments are cemented by sericin. Mechanical prop-
of better land saving, for example, perennial grasses such
erties of silk vary considerably with animal species and
as Indiangrass or switchgrass have been investigated as
with spinning conditions. The silkworm, for example, pro-
reinforcing agents. Switchgrass, which grows on marginal
duces stronger and more brittle bers at high spinning
lands, is a self-seeding crop, which requires low amounts
speeds, whereas when the spinning velocity decreases, the
of fertilizers. Switchgrass stems were studied to reinforce
produced bers are weaker and more extensible [10].
PP for industrial applications in the area of automotive
Thermal stability of silk bers is relatively low (\1408C),
interiors [15], and it was found that, compared to a jute-
but they resist oxidation and they display antibacterial
PP composite of the same density, the composite rein-
and UV-resistant properties. Biocomposites reinforced
forced by switchgrass stems had higher modulus, higher
with silk bers have been investigated in view of bioen-
exural strength, higher impact resistance, and similar
gineering applications such as scaffolds for tissue engi-
sound absorption properties. Another example is Indian-
neering and bone xators [4].
grass, a perennial native grass of North America that
readily invades sites with bare soil such as old abandoned
farm elds, reclaimed lands, and roadsides. Indiangrass
Fibers from Waste
was tested as reinforcement of a polymer matrix made of
a soy-based aliphaticaromatic copolyester [16], and it In the area of polymer composites reinforced with veg-
was found that, although raw Indiangrass improved tensile etable bers, an interesting approach to land preservation
and exural properties but not impact strength, by pre- is the extraction of bers from agricultural waste.
treating Indiangrass bers with an alkali solution, the ten- Attempts have been made to use sunower stalk [20], ba-

DOI 10.1002/pc POLYMER COMPOSITES-2011 1907

gasse [20], rice husk [21], wheat straw [22, 23], soy stalk only 10% of that required for production of glass bers
[23], and cornhusk [24] as sources of cellulosic bers to [29]. A study by Corbiere-Nicollier et al. [30] reports the
be used as reinforcement in biocomposites. Cellulose life cycle assessment (LCA) of transport pallets made of
bers having properties intermediate between those of polypropylene (PP) reinforced with china reed ber in
cotton and ax were successfully extracted from cornhusk comparison with the LCA of the same PP pallets rein-
[24], a by-product of corn production that is worldwide forced with glass bers. The LCA study took into account
available and has limited commercial value. In addition, PP and glass ber production, china reed cultivation and
modied and unmodied rice husk bers were investi- ber extraction, compatibilizer production, intermediate
gated by Favaro et al. [21] as reinforcement of postcon- transport, pallet fabrication, use, and end of life disposal
sumer high-density polyethylene (PE), while Habibi et al. through incineration. The comparison was made between
[25] used lignocellulosic bers extracted from Egyptian pallets with analogous mechanical properties in terms of
agricultural residues (mainly cotton stalk, rice straw, ba- elastic modulus, that is, between a pallet containing 53%
gasse, and banana plant waste) to reinforce PE. The by weight of china reed and another containing 42% by
results available to date suggest that the use of agricul- weight of glass bers. Overall, the natural ber-reinforced
tural by-products as a source of natural bers, by saving (NFR) pallet resulted in signicantly lower environmental
land and natural resources required to grow new bers, is impacts compared to the glass ber-reinforced (GFR) pal-
benecial to agriculture and food production, and, in addi- let, except for nitrate and phosphate emissions in water
tion, it contributes solving the problem of agricultural associated with china reed cultivation. The study was con-
waste disposal. ducted under different scenarios (recycling at various per-
Alternative potential sources of waste bers are some centages, pallet life, plastic content, and changes in trans-
animal-derived protein wastes, such as by-products from port distances), and the conclusion was that the NFR pal-
the wool textile industry (poor quality raw wools not suit- let was always environmentally superior, provided that
able for spinning), hair, and feather. In particular, chicken the pallet had a lifetime of at least 3 years. In case of
feather bers can be obtained from the over four million shorter lifetime, a higher number of pallets is required,
tons of waste generated by poultry industry worldwide ev- and the environmental advantages of the NFR pallet are
ery year. The use of chicken feather bers (keratin bers) lost.
as reinforcement in PE and in poly(lactic acid) (PLA) is Another comparative study by Pervaiz et al. [31]
reported by Barone et al. [8] and by Cheng et al. [26], reports the environmental impacts evaluation, in particu-
respectively. The hollow structure of keratin bers, as lar, the carbon storage potential, of a specic molded
mentioned earlier, leads to an extremely low ber density component for the automotive industry made of polypro-
that can be exploited, for example, to obtain light-weight pylene reinforced with either hemp or glass bers. The
materials for automotive applications. Another potential study shows a net energy saving of 50,000 MJ (3 ton of
application eld was explored by Hong and Wool who CO2 emissions) per ton of composite when 30% by
developed a low-k dielectric composite, suitable for elec- weight of glass bers are replaced with 65% of hemp
tronic applications, taking advantage of the low dielectric bers. For automotive applications, another important as-
constant of chicken feather bers (k 1.7) and using a pect is the overall reduction in vehicle weight that results
soybean-based resin as the polymer matrix [19]. Waste in fuel saving. For the mentioned component, a 21%
wool bers were used in another study [27], where they weight reduction was calculated (PP/hemp vs. PP/glass
were successfully embedded in a polymeric lm-forming ber). This study estimated that 3.07 million ton of CO2
matrix of cellulose acetate, obtaining a new composite emissions (4.3% of total US industrial emissions) and
material, suitable for lm production, and lament spin- 1.19 million cubic meter of crude oil could be saved if
ning with potential applications as compostable packag- natural ber composites would substitute 50% of the ber
ing, agricultural lm, textile ber, etc. glass plastics used in North America for automotive appli-
Overall, the use of bers from waste (either agricul- cations. In conclusion, the available data indicate that nat-
tural by-products or avian feathers) as reinforcement in ural bers have a tremendous potential as a means not
biocomposites offers a low cost and environmentally only to save nonrenewable resources but also to control
friendly solution to waste disposal and a possibility for greenhouse gas emissions.
farmers or poultry producers to gain a prot from waste. However, the environmental advantages in term of
energy and CO2 balances illustrated earlier are partially
counterbalanced by problems associated with the produc-
Environmental Sustainability
tion of the most widely used bers in composites, that is,
Few studies are available in the literature concerning bast bers. Indeed, fertilizers used to grow the crops have
the environmental advantages associated with the substitu- a negative impact associated with the accumulation of
tion of glass bers with natural bers that were reviewed phosphate and nitrate in water. Moreover, the production
in an early study by Joshi et al. [28]. An interesting result of such bers requires land and water, and it steals
in this area concerns the cumulated energy demand that, resources for agricultural food production. For these rea-
in the case of hemp ber production, was shown to be sons, increasing interest is presently addressed, as men-

1908 POLYMER COMPOSITES-2011 DOI 10.1002/pc

TABLE 2. Commercially available (or expected) bio-based polymers.

Polymer Biobased polymer fraction Biobased content (%)a Status

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) Whole polymer 100 Commercial

Polylactic acid (PLA) L-Lactic acid up to 100b Commercial
Polytrimethylene terephthalate (PTT) 1,3-Propanediol 30 Commercial
Polyacrylic acid 3-Hydroxypropionic acid 100 Expected
Polyethylene (PE) Ethanol 100 Commercial
Polybutylene succinate (PBS) Succinic acid 54 Pilot scale
Polyvinylchloride (PVC) Ethanol 100 Expected 2011
Polyamide 11 (PA11) Ricinoleic acid 100 Commercial
Cellulosics Cellulose Up to 100c Commercial
Thermoplastic starch (TPS) and Starch Up to 100 Commercial
starch derivatives
Polyisoprene Isoprene 100 Expected 2012
Aliphatic polyesters 1,3-Propanediol, succinic acid, Up to 100d Commercial
fatty acids
Polyethers 1,3-Propanediol, fatty acids Up to 100d Commercial
Polyurethane (PU) Fatty acids Up to 70 Commercial
Epoxy resins Triglycerides Up to 100d Commercial
Furan resins Xylose Up to 100 Commercial
Polyamide 6/10 Ricinoleic acid 66 Commercial

Calculated according to ASTM D6866.
Depends on D-lactic acid monomer content.
Depends on type of substituent and degree of substitution.
Depends on composition.

tioned earlier, to bers such as indiangrass or switchgrass derived polymers. The report shows, however, that with a
as well as to bers from agricultural and animal wastes. global average annual growth rate of 38% (from 2003 to
the end of 2007), the market of bio-based plastics has
experienced a rapid growth.
BIO-BASED POLYMERS Although a number of economic and technical aspects
must still be optimized to achieve a massive substitution
As stated in the Introduction section, a green compos- of oil-based plastics with bio-based polymers, it is worth
ite is a natural-ber-reinforced biocomposite in which the pointing out that geopolitical developments strongly affect
matrix is a bio-based polymer. Bio-based polymers have affordability and supply of fossil fuels, and they conse-
been dened as man-made or man-processed organic mac- quentially inuence the price of crude oil, of natural gas,
romolecules derived from biological resources for plastic and of oil-derived polymers. A recent study on bioplastics
and ber applications [32]. All bio-based materials con- suggests [33] that the bioroute may become economically
tain a certain amount of bio-based carbon that can be cal- advantageous with respect to the oil-route if oil prices
culated, as weight percent of the total C-content, from the continue raising and that bio-based polymers have the
relative amount of isotope 14C in the material according potential not only to replace existing polymers in a num-
to the standard method ASTM D6866. A material fully ber of applications, but also to provide new combinations
based on fossil carbon does not contain the 14C isotope, of properties for new applications.
whereas materials partially or entirely based on renewable At present, only a few bio-based polymers among
resources have a measurable 14C content. Today, many those developed have been studied and applied as the ma-
bio-based thermosetting and thermoplastic polymers have trix in green composites (reviewed in the following sec-
been developed. Table 2 collects presently commercially tion). However, the broad range of bio-based polymers
available bio-based polymers as well as products close to that are commercially available (Table 2) is expected to
commercialization. The polymers reported in the table stimulate further investigations on their potential use as
spread a broad range of macromolecular compounds, matrices in green composites.
including polyesters, polysaccharide derivatives, polyur-
ethanes, and a variety of thermosetting resins with a car-
bon content that may cover wide intervals, up to 100%.
The global capacity by the end of 2007 of bio-based
plastics (comprising cellulose polymers and nonfood Green composites are biocomposites where both matrix
starch) was estimated by the PRO-BIP 2009 Report [32] and reinforcement derive from renewable resources.
at 20 Mt (million metric tons), that is, at 20% of the Selection of a suitable ber, among those available in na-
worldwide production of plastics that is dominated by oil- ture, as reinforcement for a given polymer is guided by

DOI 10.1002/pc POLYMER COMPOSITES-2011 1909

the values of composite stiffness and strength required. izer playing the role of adhesion promoter. This approach
Besides intrinsic properties of each component (bers and has been widely used in NFCs with polyolen matrices
matrix), the mechanical properties of the composite are [3] and is been currently investigated in the eld of green
expected to depend on ber aspect ratio, volume fraction composites. For example, Wong et al. [57] showed that
and orientation, and on adhesion at the ber-matrix inter- hydrogen-bonding additives, such as glycerol triacetate
face [34]. and 4,4-thiodiphenol, improve interfacial adhesion of ax
Softwood bers have generally a length of 1.55.0 bers with PLA or PHB, respectively.
mm, a diameter comprised between 15 and 80 lm and an
aspect ratio of around 100, while the aspect ratio of indi-
Thermosetting Green Composites
vidual bast ber cells is in the region of 10001200 [35].
Feather keratin bers have average diameter of 5 lm [8], It is known that resins from natural oils (soybean, cas-
while silkworm silk bers have a diameter of 1015 lm tor, linseed, etc.) can be used in substitution of petrochemi-
[9]. The latter are commercially available in a continuous cal-derived thermosetting resins such as unsaturated poly-
lament, so that they potentially have extremely high as- esters, vinyl esters, and epoxy resins [58]. Natural oils are
pect ratio. cheap, abundant, and renewable. They are based on triglyc-
Fiber aspect ratio is inuenced by the way in which erides of fatty acids, and they can polymerize when chemi-
bers are extracted and processed. Moreover, composite cal functionalities are added on their active sites (double
manufacturing may strongly inuence both the aspect ra- bonds, allylic carbons, ester groups, and carbons alpha to
tio and ber orientation, so that the mechanical properties the ester group). Epoxidation, ring opening reaction with
of the composite are accordingly affected. However, a haloacids or alcohols, ozonolysis, and hydration are some
crucial issue for high performance composites is good of the methods used to functionalize unsaturated plant oils
interfacial ber/matrix adhesion that promotes good stress [58]. Newly developed oil-based plastics are being eval-
transfer from the continuous phase to the bers that must uated and tested by end-users and converters for high-vol-
carry the load. ume reinforced applications in agricultural equipment,
In general, hydrophilicity of natural bers does not automotive components, civil infrastructure (bridges and
promote adhesion to the essentially hydrophobic polymers highway components), marine structures (pipes and off-
used as composite matrix, so that during processing, poor shore equipment), rail infrastructure (carriages, box cars,
ber wetting causes a nonuniform distribution of bers in and grain hoppers), and construction industry (particle
the matrix and void formation. Many different ap- board, ceilings, and engineered lumber).
proaches, reported in a number of reviews [3, 5, 12, 36 Table 3 lists recent studies appeared in the literature
40], have been explored to improve ber/matrix interface. on green composites based on seed-oil derived thermoset-
They include ber modication before composite manu- ting resins. A broad range of bers and ber loadings (5
facture via chemical (esterication [4146], etherication 90%) have been investigated. The most used resins are
[41, 45, 46], treatment with silane [12, 36, 47], or isocya- epoxidized natural oil, cross linked with anhydrides, and
nates [48, 49]) or physical means (plasma [12, 37, 50, 51] polyurethanes made from natural polyols and diisocya-
or corona treatments [50, 52]) as well as modication of nates from petrochemical feedstock. Lee et al. [48], for
the polymer matrix [53, 54]. example, used a polyol from castor oil in a mixture with
In particular, chemical modications of ber surface polycaprolactone diol to prepare castor oil-based polyur-
through substitution of polar hydroxyls with apolar groups ethanes with controlled mechanical properties. Hemp
have been demonstrated to be a successful route for bers modied with isocyanate were used to reinforce the
improving mechanical properties of natural ber compo- polyurethane biocomposites [48]. Epoxidized natural oils
sites. Among them, chemical grafting involves attaching can be modied by the reaction of acrylic acid to form
to the surface of the ber a suitable polymer with a solu- acrylate epoxidized oils that in turn are used for the prep-
bility parameter similar to that of the polymer matrix. aration of composites. Hong and Wool [19] prepared
Such polymer acts as an interfacial agent and improves composites from avian bers and an acrylate epoxidized
adhesion between ber and continuous phase. An example soybean oil resin and obtained a low-k dielectric material
is PE glycol grafted on ax bers that improves the me- that can be applied in modern high-speed microelec-
chanical properties of ax ber-reinforced PLA compo- tronics. Manufacturing techniques of thermoset biocompo-
sites [45]. Extensive studies have also been performed on sites are generally the same closed mold" techniques
graft copolymerization of vinyl monomers such as methyl (e.g., resin transfer molding, vacuum infusion, and com-
methacrylate and acrylates, on both vegetable and animal pression molding) as in the traditional composite industry
bers [55, 56]. In all cases, where a ber modication is [34]. The resin formulation is rst infused into the ber
performed, it is essential that the reaction is conned to mats in a mold. Then, the curing of the matrix is per-
the surface layer in order avoid loss of ber mechanical formed at selected temperature by compression molding
properties. or alternatively by applying a vacuum. These composite
An alternative strategy to improve ber-matrix adhe- manufacturing techniques allow high ber loading; thanks
sion and ber dispersion is the addition of a compatibil- to the low-viscosity of resin formulation before curing.

1910 POLYMER COMPOSITES-2011 DOI 10.1002/pc

TABLE 3. Recently developed green composites based on natural oil derived thermosetting resins.

Composite manufacturing Fiber weight

process Fiber Matrix content References

Vacuum-assisted resin Chicken feather Acrylated epoxidized soybean oil styrene 520% 19
transfer molding
Vacuum-assisted resin Chicken feather Soybean oil pentaerythritol glyceride maleates 520% 19
transfer molding
Resin transfer molding Hemp Castor oil PCL diphenylmethane 5% 48
Sheet molding compound Luffa Cylindrica Castor oil diphenylmethane diisocyanate 10% 59
Compression molding Flax Metacrylated soybean oil styrene 60% 60
Compression molding Jute Polyurethane and epoxy resins from 50% 61
Mesua Ferrea seed oil
Compression molding Hemp Epoxidized linseed oil methyl 065% 62
tetrahydrophthalic anhydride
Compression molding Wheat straw Linseed oil, maleic anhydride, and 5090% 22
Compression molding Flax Epoxidized soybean oil 015% 63
Compression molding Coconut, sisal Castor oil diphenylmethane diisocyanate 1430% 64
Resin transfer molding Kenaf Epoxidized soybean oil maleic anhydride 10% 47
Resin transfer molding Flax Acrylated epoxidized soybean oil styrene 2040% 65

Notwithstanding the high scientic interest in this area, resin embeds waste bers such as recycled newsprint,
demonstrated by the data in Table 3, thermosetting green wheat straw, and sunower hulls. The biocomposites are
composites have not yet gained signicant production vol- commercialized in the form of light-weight panels for
umes due to the scarcity of suitable bio-based thermosets nonstructural indoor applications.
in the market. Among those available, green composites
containing soybean oil-based resin have recently appeared
Thermoplastic Green Composites
on the market. Jakob Winter (Germany), for example, has
developed Green LinE, a line of products made with ax One of the most studied and broadly commercialized
and hemp bers embedded in epoxidized natural-oil res- bio-based thermoplastic polymer is PLA, whose monomer
ins. The composites are manufactured by soaking natural derives from starch fermentation. A number of studies
ber eeces in the resin followed by compression mold- have shown the suitability of PLA to act as the matrix in
ing. According to the manufacturer, these biocomposites NFCs, and the work on PLA green composites has been
can be varnished and laminated. Environ biocomposites recently reviewed by Graupner et al. [66]. Table 4 sum-
Mfg (USA) sells different product lines, where a soy-bean marizes recent studies on thermoplastic green composites

TABLE 4. Recently developed green composites based on bio-based thermoplastic resins.

Manufacturing processing Kind of ber matrix Fiber mass proportion Reference

Compression molding ax PHB, thermoplastic starch, PLA 2030 v/v% 67

Injection molding Wood our PHB 030 w/w% 68
Compression molding Pineapple leaf PHBV 030 w/w% 69
Injection molding Wood PHBV 1040 w/w% 70
Injection molding Wood Thermoplastic starch 1030 w/w% 71
Melt mixing Wood our Thermoplastic starch blend 1560 w/w% 72
Injection molding Flax PHBH 25 v/v% 46
Compression molding and ax PHB, PHBV 840 v/v% 73
injection molding
Injection molding Straw PHB 050 w/w% 74
Injection molding Wood PHB, PHBV 2040 w/w% 75
Injection molding Flax, ramie, jute, PHBV, Thermoplastic 1025 w/w% 76
cellulose ber, starch blends,
and oil palm ber cellulose acetate
Injection molding Corn straw, wheat PHBV 1040 w/w% 23
straw, soy stalk
Injection molding Wood Thermoplastic starch 030 w/w% 71
Solution casting Wool Cellulose acetate 520 w/w% 27
Compression molding and Hemp Cellulose acetate 030 w/w% 77
injection molding

DOI 10.1002/pc POLYMER COMPOSITES-2011 1911

having different combinations of bio-based polymers and the key to successful commercialization of green compo-
natural bers. Composites using PLA as matrix polymer sites.
are purposely not included in the table (for PLA-biocom- Historically, it was in 2003 that the rst green compos-
posites refer to Ref. 66). It is clear from the data in Table ite appeared in a commercial product, that is, on the spare
4 that, having excluded PLA-biocomposites, most studies tire cover of a car, the Toyota Raum. The bioplastic used
focus on the use of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) as was Toyotas PLA Eco-Plastic reinforced with kenaf
matrices. A recent work by Barkoula et al. [73] offers a bers. Automotive applications represent the best opportu-
review on earlier work on PHA-biocomposites. nity for natural ber-reinforced plastics, because their low
By comparing Tables 3 and 4, it is evident that, unlike density allows production of light-weight materials with
thermosetting composites, thermoplastic green composites the advantage of fuel and cost saving. Compared to the
can be obtained only with limited ber loading (maximum glass bers, natural bers provide better crash absorbance
50%w/w). This is due to techniques available for thermo- and better acoustic and heat insulation, which are impor-
plastic composite manufacturing that hinder good ber tant properties in the automotive sector. Potential applica-
dispersion in a high viscosity matrix when the ber con- tions in this eld are interior structures (seatback lining,
tent is higher than 50%. Interestingly, thermoplastic green package shelves, seat bottoms, seatback cushions, head
composites can be processed by means of the standard restraints, under-oor body panels, door panel inserts, arm
and economic equipments used for plastic manufacturing rests, etc.).
such as compounding and injection molding. However, Thermoplastic green composites can also nd applica-
these techniques have the limitation that only relatively tions in a range of widely different elds such as toys, fu-
short bers (which impart limited reinforcing effect) can neral articles, packaging (boxes), musical instruments, and
be used. If longer bers are to be included, compression cases for electronic devices. An example of the latter was
molding methods need to be used. In the automotive a mobile phone made of PLA reinforced with kenaf bers
industry, for example, long natural bers are generally launched in 2006 by NEC Corporation, using a modied
mingled together with bers of the thermoplastic polymer PLA developed by UNITIKA LTD. The composite
to form a nonwoven eece, which is subsequently hot applied in the mobile phone production achieved a bio-
pressed in order to promote melting of the thermoplastic based content of around 90%.
bers [35]. Building is an important and expanding application
To date, a number of composite manufacturers have eld for thermoset green composites, especially those
introduced in their product range PLA composites rein- containing wood as reinforcement (WPCs) [29]: terrace
forced with natural bers, as illustrated by the following ooring, outdoor decking, window and door frames, pan-
examples. Jakob Winter (Germany) produces Green LinE els for both indoor and outdoor uses, and a number of
ax/hemp ber composites based on PLA by using com- structural parts in buildings. A signicant increment in
pression-molding techniques. FKuR (Germany) has devel- the use of WPCs is also expected in the furniture indus-
oped wood-reinforced PLA compounds (FIBROLON1), try, where some important companies such as IKEA al-
which can be injection molded into complex proles, pan- ready commercialize chairs and shelves made of WPC
els, and hollow proles and/or into components for auto- [29, 35].
motive interiors. Kareline1 PLMS is a biodegradable
ber-reinforced PLA composite developed by Kareline
End-Life Disposal
Oy (Finland). Granules from injection moulded wood or
natural ber-reinforced PLA are produced by GreenGran As concerns the end-of-life disposal of green compo-
BV (Germany). The company FASAL WOOD KG (Aus- sites, it is worth pointing out that a bio-based material is
tria) develops and markets granulates from PLA and not by denition biodegradable, that is, bio-based and bio-
wood waste for injection molding under the brand name degradable are independent properties. The bio-based con-
Fasal1. Products of wood and biodegradable polyesters cept refers to the environmentally friendly origin of the
are also developed by FuturaMat (France) under the trade- material, while biodegradability is a nal property dened
name BioFibra1 in grades suitable for injection, extru- by a number of international norms such as EN 13432
sion, or thermoforming. that indicate the requisites that plastic products must pos-
sess to be biodegradable and compostable. Hence,
although in green composites the natural ber component
is intrinsically biodegradable, the bio-based polymer ma-
trix can be either biodegradable or not, as schematically
Notwithstanding the intense research at the academic illustrated for some exemplary polymers in Figure 3.
level, large-scale commercialization of green composites Green composites with a biodegradable matrix (either
is still at its early stage compared to the large volume of bio-based or not) can be disposed of, in principle, via
biocomposites containing oil-derived polymers, mainly composting thus contributing to mitigate waste disposal
due to the higher costs of bio-based matrices. Implemen- problems typical of industrialized countries. Conversely,
tation of fast and efcient processing procedures might be when the matrix of a green composite is nonbiodegrad-

1912 POLYMER COMPOSITES-2011 DOI 10.1002/pc

FIG. 3. Biodegradability of oil-based, bio-based, and partially bio-based polymers (a limited number of
polymers are listed for exemplication purposes).

able, the composite disposal options are restricted to that also enforce the producer pays" principle requiring
incineration or landlling. Biodegradability is a property manufacturers to the take responsibility for their products
that is not always required in green composites, as, for throughout their whole life cycle. Several actions, such as
example, in long-lasting building applications where dura- the end-of-life vehicles EU-Directive 2000/53 [78] for the
ble composites are needed. automotive sector and the 2009 International Maritime
Policies to encourage the use of recycled and/or bio- Organizations Convention for the Safe and Environmen-
based products are active in many developed countries tally Sound Recycling of Ships [79] for the marine sector

FIG. 4. Prototypes of completely green products containing green composites: (a) WorldFirst Formula 3
racing car (from:; (b) a kayak made
from PLA and ax bers (from:
[Color gure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

DOI 10.1002/pc POLYMER COMPOSITES-2011 1913

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