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were mm TL g Quezon, ot Lint [Question to consider whilst reading or hearing the story Whats Mason2] ‘Maacion woke and climbed out ofhecbox. She was performer and really enjoyed the feling ofbeing on stage and giving people joy She was.a comedian and logh- Sr cuTENcy Marion worked with 2 haod poppet called Pippa She fl somry for Pippa becuse Pippa was nother oun person She ony came ave when someone puttherband inside her empty body and move her. Pippa was not very happy because she was made todo a performance she didnt want to do Ske explained to Marion that she ‘was ‘eal actor and that she should be doing Shakespeare, but each night she was, ‘made todo sly vandevilin comedy is beneath me! she protested [Although Macion was very bappy doing comedy, she stil felt soury for Pippa for ‘not being able to make her own decisions and for not being able to do what she really wanted odo Sb old Pippa this Pippa looked at Marion wth an angry glare inher eyes (Pippa poppet-ace abuayshad an angry glare, but right now twas the corect fice to bavel). "Do you think that you are any diferent? she said to Marion Macion was in a very diferent situation to Pippa — there was no hand controlling her decisions, bot she thoughtitinsesite to says, Pippa continued ‘Are you able to choose whatyor do?” “Marion felthat she should respond Ofcourse lean, love myjob and would still choose my jab even if conld do anything ese” “But could you realy choose to do anything esa” asked Pippa ‘The Philosopty Shop “Yes” replied Marion, it’ just tha dan choose to do anything else because Tove ‘what I do! She paused before continuing, ‘I don't have @ hand in me controling wy every move! She regretted saying these words the moment he had said them. ‘Thocghipps face was unable tn changeit seemed thatthe angerin he grehad increased, “You may not have a hand contelling you but you should take a closer \ look around you!” Clearly upset, Pippa left Marion in a state of bewilderment. & ‘What could Pippa have meant? on Orr Pee ‘That night, duing her performance ~ a performance she had ram hundreds ‘oftimes perhaps thousands ~ she remembered Pippa ard tht she shoul & ose look around her, There was a glint of light fom ine to time Unt che caught out of the comer of her eye. Now that she ‘tought about i, che gint had always been there! but she hada‘ really hought about it before, What was that glint? ‘There twas again! It was the same glint that spider's webs sometimes ate passages in the light And again itlocked ike asingle line of thread vey ne ie ps head Then tere were more of them, Threadsal around bec When ct ey () of lead? They came from above and ended ..athechands and smn ae leg! ine, |, ‘most ivisible thrash tld only one story: Maion eed with hevorther she was notso diffrent from Pippa afer all Mepis: Fredo ‘The cause of Pippas movements was easy to see — « deadly visble hand and arm ~ but the cause of Marion's moyements wasless easy o see Now that she had seen ‘them, however she couldnt believe that he hada‘t seen them before. Now that she ‘nad seem the threads that guided her arms and legs chey seemed j ike coarse ropes

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