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Synthetic pesticides

were first developed

in the 1930s.
DDT is the most
infamous synthetic
pesticide and is
known to cause
cancer, developmental
and learning
disorders, and death.
The most common
pesticides used in the
home include bug
spray, weed killers,
fungicides, rat poison,
antibacterial soap, and
Most antibacterial

How many pesticides have

soaps were banned by
the FDA at the end of
last year after
YOU encountered today? companies failed to
prove they were any
more effective than
Pesticides include any substance designed regular soap.
Antibiotics are
to kill inconvenient organisms, including completely ineffective
against colds,
plants, animals, bacteria, and other single- influenza, sore throats
celled organisms. not caused by strep,
and most ear
The overuse of
antibiotics may lead to
super bugs that are
resistant to antibiotics.
Overuse of pesticides
in America causes
significant detrimental
effects such as many
forms of cancer,
developmental and
learning disorders,
antibiotic resistant
bacteria, and other
consequences that we
may not have
discovered yet.
How many have
you used today?

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