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Answer with a full sentence

April Fool's Day is celebrated on 1st April. It is also called All Fool's
Day. The beginning of this tradition was in France in 1582. Nowadays,
it is celebrated simultaneously in several countries. Moreover, it
coincides with the first day of spring.
April Fool's Day is a "for-fun-only" observance. People dont buy gifts
or to take their family members out to eat in a restaurant. Nobody gets
off work or school. It's simply a fun little holiday, but a holiday on
which one must remain forever vigilant.
Jokes are a common practice on April Fool's Day. Sometimes, jokes
are played on friends or relatives that last the entire day. April Fools'
tricks include putting salt in sugar bowls and sugar in salt shakers,
putting toothpaste between two slices of bread,getting up during the
night and setting every clock in the house ahead one hour. In France,
children put a picture of a fish on their friends backs.When the
friends discover the fish, the children call them poison dAvril (
April Fish)
Comprehension Questions
A. Read the text and answer these questions :
1)- When is April Fool's Day celebrated ?
April Fool's Day is celebrated on 1st April
2) Where did this celebration begin ?
The beginning of this tradition was in France in 1582
3) What do people do on April Fool's Day ?
B.Read the text and say true or false. Justify :
1)- People around the world celebrate April Fool's Day on different dates .
False. it is celebrated simultaneously in several countries
2)- April Fool's Day is a day when people get off work .
False. Nobody gets off work or school.
3)- People usually play tricks on their friends on this day

Write a short paragraph about your favorite celebration.

Innocents day is a special date similar to the one celebrated

in france. It is celebrated on 28 December.
Everyone must be alert due to some people play tricks or
jokes during this day.
Its a not day off. Its just a day where it is permitted to
play any kind of tricks and jokes without any problem.

Some newspaper write enormous headings on the main page

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