Leb-Initial Budget-2100-065-1ali-9 30 16

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Expense Budget 90 Summary 2 |nttp:/fmprd39/webapp/F MPRD/Advantage,jsessionid~O000PhMP. lof! Expense Budget 90 Summary 2 Browse Cleat BFY : 9999 Fund : 263, Sub Fund: LEB, & gyeolas ? ‘Sub Unit: 065 object : Sub Object ‘State Year: Program Sub Program : 141) Detail: BEY Fund SEnd Fune Dept Apor Unit SUnt Obj SObj SIYr Pra SPrq CurrBud Enc 2S Unoblig vy 9099 263 LEB 2100 085 1ALI $10,001.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,001.00 Fst Prev Next Last Act BEY Fund Sod fume Oop! Appr Unt Sunt Oj SOK itr Pog stig SU ene AC Und - sass tes venataor 2100 068 ‘nus 5648000 $000 $000 948000 oom 263 ee 1820s 2100 88 TAL 855100 $900 8000 sstt00 Fi Pres Ht La bet ain Pane [oly 9/30/2016 11:48 AM Expense Budget 90 Summary 2 |ttp:/imprd39 webapp/F MPRD/Advantage:jsessionid-0000PhMP. Exponse Budget 90 Summary 2 ze BEY Fund $Fnd Func Dept Appr Unit SUnt Ob| SOI St¥r Pra SPrq CurrBud Ene ActExp Unobiig 9009 253. LEB 2100 1ALI_$300000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $209,690.73 Fist Prev Next Last Act SEY Fund Sfnd Func Dept Appr Unt SUnt Obj SOB| SIYr Pry $Prg CurrBud Ene AC! _Unobig ¥ 9999 263 LEB LeB21001 2100 ALI $25000000 $0.00 $0.00 $250,000.00 9099 263 LEB LeB21003 2100 1ALI_ $60,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $49,60072 First Prev Newt Last urdget Inquiry Page apa lof 9/30/2016 11:48 AM AISD Expense lofl 1 0f5|© view Al Document submited successful '8GE80 -090-0830160000000004880'- 1-New. Final 3% Bay % By % BD %e 3% By 3% BR % BB Insert New Line Insert Copied Line BFY Fund SFnd 999 090 099 999 99998 909 09 263 283 263 263 263 269 283 [AISD Exponse Lovel 2 Men ‘Action Event Type Name ‘Start Date End Dato Dollar Amount Increase/Decroase Les Les Les Leb Leb Lee ue Moaity 8603 " " " " " " " 2 $9,480.00 Decrease a a 000 000 000 0 00 000 00 Fune Dept Appr Unit, LeB21001 2100 LeB21001 2100 LLeB21001 2100 LeB21001 2100 LeB21001 2100 \Lee21003 2100 1Le821003 2100 Fest Prev GoTo Next Last Perform Budget Roluo Smart Budget Rolup Load Existing Links |ttp://fmprd39/webapp/F MPRD/Advantage;jsessionid=0000yDDA. ‘Sunt 0b) SOB) oor 6119 04 65 6119 04 065 6141 00 065 6142 00 085 6148 00 0016309 00 055 6309 09 ser Prg 7 3 7 2 7 3 7 2 1 1 2% Choose Revenue Line(s) Reservation Type 2 Budget FY: 0900 Flaca Year: 2017 Period: 3 Fund: 253 SubFund: (es Function 4 * Department: 900 ApprUnit: LeRzi001 an: 2500 SubUnt: 99) Object: cr19 SubObject: 4 suteYear:7 Program: 25 Sub Program: sa.) Contact: a contact Namo: Description : House Bil Number: 25 sPrg 1a 1a tau 1a 1A tau 1a je 3) Dollar Dollar ncreasefDocroase 150,450.00 Decrease 150,450.00 Increase $0.00 Increase $0.00 Increase $0.00 Increase $551.00 Decrease $551.00 Increase 9/30/2016 11:48 AM Expense Budget 90 Summary 2 http://fmprd39/webapp/F MPR D/ Advantage jsessionid=0000PhMP. Expense Budget 99 Summary 2 Menu Browse Clear BFY: 9909 Fund : 263, Sub Fund: LEB Function Department ‘Appr Unit unit: 2100 ‘Sub Unit: object: Sub Objoct : ‘State Year Program : ‘Sub Program: 4411 Detail BEY Fund SFnd Func Dept Appr Unit SUnt Od| SOb| StYr Pra SPrq CurrBud Ene ActExp Unobilg v 9900 263. LEB 2100 TALI $300,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 s299830.73, First Prev Next Last FY Fund fod Fune Oept ABBE Unk Unt Oj SOB) site Pig Sig cureud Ene AS Unobig oomp 269 LEB Lebet00t 2100 aul 525000000 5000 $000 25000000 coo 263 1.68 Leseice3 2100 TAL) 86000000 5000 $900 $49.85073 First Prev Next Last Budget Inquiry Page ae api’ lof! 9/30/2016 11:44 AM. Use this section for Estimating Costs $27.00 [Hrly Rate (Incl. Benefits) aHrs/Day 50|# Days of Program 7] # OF HOT Staff $ 9,450 |Projected cost Estimated Cost of Program Number of Teachers] 7, ; Total Payroll $ 3,450.00] \) 0) fll chart paper for anchor charts] $230.98 folders| $164.95 (399-00 Fil notebooks to record responses to writing activities) _ $139.32 pencils| $15.79 430 ly “Total Supplies and Materials $551 Totals| $ 10,001, Title Hl, Part A 2016-17 Parker Intermediate 065 Tampa [ZZ certity my acceptance and compliance with all he General and Fiscal Guidelines set forth by the Federal Government for use of Title Il, Part A funds certify my acceptance and compliance with all Program Guidelines as found in ‘Aldine ISD’s application for the Title Ill, Part A funds Principal ( Date Submitted 723] fb ny ON \K, W/ Program Dates (range):[October 2016 - April 2017 Schedule: [October 20i6-Apri 2037; Every Tuesday rom 430-510; academic ED held on Wed] Thurs; Begins October Lh| GradeS Grade 6 TOTALS How many students willbe served? 38 23] 1071 How many teachers will you require? 4] 3] | 7| Ratio 5 15 #DIV/Ol #DIV/O! _#DIV/O! Describe services to be provided: [Feachers will provide explicit English language instruciton in phonics and spelling, Students will receive laccelerated language instruction utilizing the imagine Learning program. List materials & resources needed [Chart paper for anchor charts to reinforce skills learned via Imagine Learning, Notebooks for journaling land reflection. Folders for students to maintain their extended learning opportunity documents. Important Notice: 11 This program is funded through the NCLB Title il, Part A grant. 2 The supplement, not supplant provision applies. Programs and activities must be supplemental to all other federal, state and local fund sources, 3 Expenditures must meet the TEA Guidelines for Specific Costs. 4 Expenditures must meet the reasonable, necessary, allocable and legal expectations for 5 Expenditures must meet the standards of the federal cost principles. quaunsedog yend4)10V stoe-stoz Ca ¥ z v ene105 eAepuebg ¢ co «2 v oo ezopuanl § ws cme 7 wor 20H § ws T D2 T wae z2do1's ws [2 = aaeeF uuer s os rae z a PIAA § oe z T z med ZOPURUIH § oo ps % Buen ZOpURLIOH § 00 te T ‘coun ZOPUBWIOH ws aa 7% wopuem ——_ZapULIOH § we 72 € Tao OPUBUIBH § wr * pz ® wellZn5 wor z @ € © ewZng § os we fete uewzn9 ¢ wr ede earnest | 7aIe2WO9 & os zfe}ele 79187009 & oor z pe)! |e 7OUN09 § ony 7fe,e]e eipaea ¢ or ml -l? eDIeD s os 7 fete _epie9 5 i ov 7 [:): oe BR opieie9 § on epee] Beh “ezveIsUOD 7210 ¢ wor cpep. te ined “@UOW eIEABD oo 7fe2fee alen 210 OWS) cor ope pee au 529 5 ov 7. pe pe TOPE EOIDO OURIISED § 009) é z € € ‘Hoven ~_mued g oo e fe. fp? eaiow NOR ¢ oor zie aeajr ete ee soues Wop asog | wero Tron] Tapes] weer] soomssn usa) auol ml af | __] Wi ser] 99895] 521035 SYTHE W808! 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