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Symptoms of inattentiveness include a childs (1) failure to pay attention to detail,

(2) tendency to make careless errors in schoolwork, (3) inability to follow

instructions or complete tasks with ease, (4) seeming not to listen when spoken to,
(5) having apparent difficulty keeping attention on the subject at hand, (6)
frequently losing things necessary for schoolwork or play, and (7) being easily
distracted by sights or sounds.

Symptoms of hyperactivity include a childs (1) inability to sit still, (2) running
around or climbing when expected to remain seated, (3) excessive talking, and (4)
difficulty playing or performing activities quietly. Symptoms of impulsive behavior in
social situations include (1) blurting out answers before questions are completed,
(2) difficulty waiting for ones turn, and (3) interrupting others

Treatment usually involves psychological counseling, behavior modification,

providing structured settings and controls, and giving the child frequent praise and
rewards for completing tasks and controlling behavior.

Treatment with medication is sometimes effective in relieving symptoms of ADHD.

The drugs Ritalin and Dexedrine, which are stimulants, have shown remarkable
success in temporarily improving a child or an adults ability to focus in up to 90
percent of cases. These drugs are effective only in the short-term

ADHD is characterized by an inability to concentrate on tasks, hyperactivity (an

abnormally high level of physical activity), and unpredictable behavior

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that is characterized

by a persons inability to focus attention.
"Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)." UXL Encyclopedia of Science,
edited by Amy Hackney Blackwell and Elizabeth Manar, 3rd ed., UXL, 2015. Student
Resources in Context,
u=tel_k_hardinhs&xid=2b5690de. Accessed 24 Mar. 2017.
"Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder." Sick!, UXL, 2007. Student Resources in Context,
Accessed 24 Mar. 2017.
ADHD is a highly genetic, brain-based syndrome that has to do with the regulation of a
particular set of brain functions and related behaviors.
DSM-5, breaks Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder into three subtypes: Predominantly
Inattentive Presentation, Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive Presentation, and Combined
Presentation, to more accurately reflect the most common forms of the condition.
Frank, Michelle, Psy.D. "ADHD: The Facts." ADDA - Attention Deficit Disorder Association.
Attentin Defict Disorder Assoation, 1998. Web. 24 Mar. 2017. <>.

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