Discipline Plan

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Discipline Plan

Miss Edmonds

The following steps will be used in the classroom to manage student behavior.

Step 1Private Signal

The look, proxemics, and pointing are all examples of private signals used
to let a student know his/her behavior is unacceptable.

Step 2Verbal Warning

A short mention of the student name or mention of activity the student is
supposed to be doing, followed by any of the private signals.

Step 3-- Quick Conference

This may occur quietly at the students desk, or privately in the hallway or
teachers desk.
I will inform the student that the misbehavior is not acceptable, receive
feedback from the student, and inform him/her of the next step.

Step 4Reflection Card/Lunch Detention

Student will be instructed to fill-out a Reflection card answering the following
1. What was I doing that was inappropriate?
2. Why was this action inappropriate?
3. What are the consequences of my behavior?
4. What can I do better/change next time?
The card will be turned in when completed. The students will complete this
silently at his/her desk.
If student is asked to fill out reflection form, he/she may also be assigned to
one day of lunch detention.

Step 5Parent Phone call/Scheduled Conference

I will call home for Repeat offenders in step 4 for one or more instance of

Step 6Office Referral

Administrative involvement.

Step 7Plan Development

Parents, student, and teacher will develop a plan of action for the student
during a scheduled conference. This plan will relate directly to student
behavior. Administration may also be involved to develop this plan further.

The above steps are intended to be implemented as a hierarchy of responses to

student behavior. However, in extreme circumstances, I may deviate from this
hierarchy. In any case, parents will be notified when a childs behavior
demonstrates cause of concern. I hold high expectations for all students, and all
students will be held accountable for their actions.

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