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Article appeared Friday, April 28th, 2017 in The News Today, Bangladesh

The Revelation (474) yousuf mahbubul Islam, PhD

Do we ever wonder about the qualities of God? And also, how these qualities relate to us as
temporary human beings on earth? Can we find the qualities of God documented anywhere?
One place to look would be the Holy Scriptures. In the Scriptures, one of the most common
attributes mentioned is that He has no beginning, nor does He have an end, i.e., He is eternal.
Eternity is a difficult concept to visualize. It has something to do with the concept of time. If we,
therefore, take into consideration the fact that God has also created time, the concept of eternity
may be easier to grasp. If we say that He is therefore not bounded by the limitations or the
framework of time, would the words no beginning and no end make better sense?

What exactly does, for example, the Bible, say about God being eternal? In a number of places
in the Bible we will find the following salutation,
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever you had formed the earth and the
world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. [Psalm 90; Deuteronomy 33:27;
Jeremiah 10:10] {1}

What does everlasting to everlasting mean? In the Qur'an, the 112th chapter is dedicated to His
fundamental Qualities or Attributes. We are asked to share the basic facts about Him,
Say, He is God, the One and Only; God, the Eternal Absolute; He neither begets nor is
He born; and there is none like Him. [112.1 112.4]

As He was not born, can we logically workout why God, our Creator, must eternally exist and be
uncreated? If we assume that before any existence, there was nothing. If God came into
existence at a point, then nothing brought about His existence. However, can this statement be
supported logically? Is it possible for nothing to bring something into existence? Therefore,
God must have been in existence always.

God is eternal, but we know from practical experience that His created beings have a physical
existence only for a few numbered years. A relevant question would therefore be: would an
eternal Being make humans only for a limited time? Turning to the Bible for answers, we find,
For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to
come. [NLT, Hebrews 13:14] {2}

And relevant Verses from the Quran give some detail,

Every soul shall have a taste of death: in the end to Us shall you be brought back. But
those who believe and work deeds of righteousness to them shall We give a Home in
Heaven, lofty mansions beneath which flow rivers to dwell there forever; an excellent
reward for those who do (good)! [29.57 29.58]

The permanent home is sometime after our death, life preceding is temporary in the middle
each of us will die. Death will be the entrance to the permanent home.
What is the life of this world but amusement and play? But verily the Home in the
Hereafter that is life indeed if they but knew. [29.64]

The sojourn on earth is to prove our acceptance of God and individual allegiance to Him.
And who does more wrong than he who invents a lie against God or rejects the Truth
when it reaches Him? Is there not a home in Hell for those who reject Faith? [29.68]

The type or quality of life after death will be determined by our loyalty towards God, for bringing
us into existence from nothing and for the myriad blessings, i.e., the degree of priority we accord
Him practically demonstrate the value we give Him.
And those who strive in Our (Cause) We will certainly guide them to Our Paths: for
verily God is with those who do right. [29.69]

Towards God, what could the right conduct be? How can we prove our faith? Chapter 112 of the
Quran (quoted above) gives an example of how to strive in His Cause. Do we adore Him for the
individual blessings He gives and do we share the news of these blessings? We have to attach
ourselves completely to Him as He is the only One who Decides and only He can Grant
forgiveness on the Day of Judgment only He can protect from the consequences of our deeds.

18.44 There the (only) protection comes from God the True One. He is the Best to
reward and the Best to grant success.
The only recourse is to seek the pleasure of God by doing things for Him in this temporary life.
Whoever submits his whole self to God and is a doer of good has grasped indeed the
most trustworthy hand-hold: and with God rests the End and the Decision of (all) affairs.

As part of pleasing Him we should share the temporary nature and reality of the current world.

18.45 And present to them the nature of the life of this world: it is like the (brief)
rain which We send down from the sky: the earth's vegetation absorbs it but one
day it (the vegetation) becomes dry stubble which the winds do scatter: it is
(only) God Who is ever, over all things, competent and perfect in Ability.
Is there anything on earth that is permanent? Is there no lesson for us in the temporary nature
of all things on earth? God gives the following example.

18.46 Wealth and children are allurements of the life of this world: but the
enduring good deeds are best in the sight of your Lord as rewards and best as
(the foundation for) hopes (for the life to come).
Wealth and children are not only blessings God tests us through the Blessings that He gives
us. For example, do we have options to use our wealth in the service of God? Should we
educate our children to give value to Him? Do we spend any time trying to please God, or just in
pursuits to please ourselves without being grateful to Him? Just like the garden that dries up,
what we see on earth will disappear it is temporary. What deeds are likely to please God?

18.47 And (warn of) the Day that We shall remove the mountains and you will see
the earth as a level stretch and We shall gather them all together nor shall We
leave out any one of them.

18.48 And all will be presented before your Lord in rows (and He will say), "You
have certainly come to Us (bare, just) as We created you the first time: and you
thought We would not keep the appointment (to meet Us on this Day)!"

18.49 And the Book (of your Deeds) will be placed open (for judgment); and you
will see the sinful in great terror because of what is (documented) there; they will
say, "Ah! Woe to us! What book is this; it leaves nothing out, great or small but
shows each deed clearly!" They will find all that they did before them: and not
one will your Lord treat with injustice.

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