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How Students Learn Study Skills for Exams

B3 Group Ellery Rehovsky, Corinne Kurpakus, Joseph Alexis

EDT 180B

Mr. Lewallen

18 April 2017

B3 Group
How Students Learn Study Skills For Exams

The topic we decided to research was how students learn study skills for exams. The

questions asked in this poll were: What is your gender, what year are you expected to graduate,

what college are you enrolled in, who among these choices taught you specific study techniques

you use today, is the faculty doing enough to effectively teach you studying skills, do you use

resources provided by the campus to help you study, and lastly what is your GPA? To collect the

data we used a Google Doc Form shared with students. We received 126 responses overall to our


For our first graph, the data compares both female and male sum of responses. It is

visible that we had a greater number of females respond to the survey. We had 94 females and 32

male responses equaling a total of 126 responses overall.

In our second graph, we compared the current year of study (grade) the female or male

student was enrolled in. Our data showed the amount of students, either female or male, in each

B3 Group
How Students Learn Study Skills For Exams

year of study. It is evident that we had a higher amount of responses from the female senior


Our third graph showcases whether or not our surveyed participants believe the school

faculty helps when it comes to student studying. If they answered yes, we asked them to provide

how faculty specifically have helped. If they believe the faculty have not contributed to helping

them study, we asked them to answer no. The graph below displays that there were more yes

answers than no answers when it came to if faculty helped or not.

B3 Group
How Students Learn Study Skills For Exams

Our fourth graph displays the average of all surveyed students who actually utilize study

resources. It compares all of the above we discussed meaning includes gender, grade, and their

response to our question of whether or not they use study resources provided by the campus.

48.4% answered no to using resources provided by ASU to help them study while 42.1%

answered yes.

B3 Group
How Students Learn Study Skills For Exams

Our fifth graph displays which college the respondents are currently enrolled in. There

are 18 different colleges at Arizona State University. It is obvious to see that most of our

respondents are enrolled in the Teachers College/education programs. Following was Liberal

Arts and Social Sciences college. Third was Public Service College.

B3 Group
How Students Learn Study Skills For Exams

Our last graph was based on the respondents overall GPA. This graph concludes that

most of our respondents have a good GPA. There were more students with a higher GPA than

ones with a lower GPA. This graph also shows that females seemed to have a higher GPA than

males. If we could change something in the future, it would be to find out if there is an actual

correlation between utilizing study resources and GPA.

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