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Uncle Silas Book 1 Chapter 1: A Tale of


(setting: Mauds bedroom, Maud is trying to film his

first vlog for the very first time but hes very

Maud: Right is this thing on? Alright, hmm I havent

really done this beforeSo uumm, Hi Im Maud,
Maud Ruthyn. I go to Bartram-Haugh University
andshit, for fuck sake Maud this isnt a bloody job
interview just make it natural. So if it wasnt
obvious, Im a creampuff like a creamiest of
creamy-no no no Im going into cringe territory

(Austin knocks and sheepishly enters in)

Austin: Hello Maud? Am I alright to come in?

Maud: oh! Give me a minute!

(Maud takes a glance at the camera on whether or

not to switch it off but decides to leave it on)

Maud: Youre okay

Austin: Hey there, I just wanted to see just how you

are settling in, are you getting on with anything?

Maud: Im fine thanks dad, Im just trying film for

this vlog project, I what I usually forget once I turn
it on, it pretty much becomes a staring.eye.

Austin: Oh! Maybe you could talk about something

that popular, like I dont knowhashbrowns,
dabbling, maiming. Im not expert either, do you
have any ideas

Maud: I was going to investigate the mystery

surrounding my Uncle.

Austin: oh. Errm, Maud I dont think that would be

healthy, shouldnt you be focusing on your work?

Maud: This is my work.

Austin: Oh right, maybe you could choose another

mystery, I mean there are hundreds of mysteries
surrounding Bartram Haugh, there was the room in
the dragon Volant, The Watcher citings, The purce-I
mean you could even do one on Jack the ri-

(Austin looks at Maud, Maud gives a look like hes

already made up his mind)

Austin(contd): No-no, I know how much Silas

meant to you

Maud: Do you believe Silas was innocent?

Austin: why of course, sure he was a little bit

eccentric but he was no murderer. I mean legally
he was pronounced Not Guilty.

Maud: then why did he commit suicide?

Austin: not a day goes by; where I dont ask that

question myself.

Maud: please I want to make sure he didnt die in

Austin: Alrightjust. please be careful of what
you might find

Maud: I just want to find the truth, for better or


Austin: As you should! Well I must be getting going,

I let you settle in and I should be getting back to
the office.

Maud: by the way what do I call you again? Mr.

Ruthyn? Chancellor Ruthyn? Austin?

Austin: awwh Maud you can just call me dad.

(Maud looks a little embarrassed)

Austin(contd): just call me Lord Chancellor, itll be

less embarrassing that way, bye sweetie

Maud: bye dad.

(Austin Exists)

Maud(contd): Im sorry you had to see that but

you were actually listening and not cringing, you
would have heard about the Mystery surrounding
my Uncle..Ill tell you what Ill give you more
details as soon as I get my shit together.

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