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5) How did you attract/address your

For a modern indie rock magazine, I had to make sure my audience would find
both the cover and the content were appealing for my typical audience. I made
sure I have done this by both using the typical conventions for an indie rock
magazine but also altering the layout format to create a unique take on how I
would depict the music magazine. I have chosen to vary some layout icons
because I thought having a slightly newer and
different format would create a better selling
point as it is more likely to stand out. My BULLETPRO
magazine appeals to my target audience as the
conventions give the correct connotations towards the typical audience whilst I
also feel the slight changes I have made by using a more diverse font also
extends my audience. The use of Bauhaus 93, as a font, keeps an indie rock
atmosphere as it could be seen as slightly retro (a typical connotation for indie
rock) but the new variation also allows for a more diverse feel. This is because
the font can be interpreted as childish. As a result, my font choice could attract a
younger audience because they may find the cover more appealing. Another way
I have attracted my audience is using a specific colour scheme. The colour
scheme I have used involves a fusion of colours from
both indie rock and indie music magazines. I have
chosen to use this style because it allows me to
increase my audience spectrum even further. The
colour scheme is one of the most important factors
when forming the aesthetics; therefore, the front
cover needs to capture the interior content in the
correct way in order to provide what the audience
want to see from the magazine stories. I found it hard capturing the audience
whilst keeping the slightly grungy feel that indie rock brings. As a result, I have
used the colours of reds and whites in order to still keep the connotations but
lighten up the cover. This provides an eye-catching colour scheme in order to
grab the audiences attention. This minor attempt to grab the audiences
attention continues on the contents page and double page spread as a theme
whereby I have mixed red with grey. The magazine is relevant for my audience.
This is due to the masthead idea. This shows both a relevant name towards the
genre. In addition, the logo contains an aesthetic layout, which dominates the
top left third so the magazine is more likely to attract and provide for my chosen
audience, as they are more likely to prefer the brand name and its identity that
follows. I tried to convey the certain message to my chosen audience to make it
relatable to indie rock by making it have an informal yet professional mode of
address so the magazine is relatable yet retains its professional theme. The
message is a unique and modern magazine, which would be more likely to sell as
it has more to offer than just music but also includes common associations with
the modern genre. If my magazine had a moral message, it would be the
importance of how extreme sports helps to evolve the genre and how modern
indie rock improves the style of extreme sports.

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