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Journal of Materials Research and Technology

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Estimating Viscosities in Iron and Steelmaking

Slags in the CaO-Al2O3-MgO-SiO2-(TiO2) System with
Basis on a Thermodynamic Model
Andr Costa e Silva1,*
EEIMVR, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Volta Redonda, Brazil.

Manuscript received May 13, 2012; in revised form September 6, 2012.

Slags are critical components in several iron and steelmaking processes. In steelmaking, different slags with various properties are used
in the different processing steps from melting and rening to continuous casting. Thermodynamic properties, viscosity and surface
tension are among the most important properties considered in the design of slag compositions for steel processing. A brief literature
review of the approaches at modeling viscosities shows that viscosity correlations with chemical composition, basicity (both chemical
and optical), and more recently with slag constitution have been attempted with different degrees of success. In this work, a model
based on the Riboud viscosity model combined with the thermodynamic Kappor-Frohberg-Gaye cell model is described and presented as
a potential alternative to obtaining slag viscosity estimates directly from computational thermodynamics software. The rst results of
the adjustment and application of the model to the CaO-Al2O3-MgO-SiO2 system are presented. The quality of the adjustment is discussed
as well as its current limitations. Future steps in the model development involve its extension to include FeO, TiO2, and CaF2.

KEY WORDS: Viscosity; Slag; Computational thermodynamics; Steelmaking.

2012 Brazilian Metallurgical, Materials and Mining Association. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction phosphides, and uorides) have very complex structures,

and their properties, in particular viscosity, can vary in a
Slags have a fundamental role in all steelmaking processes, wide range of values. These facts make predicting or model-
from primary rening to continuous casting. Further to its ing slag viscosities a challenge[4]. As the capacity to properly
chemical behavior, normally dened by the slag thermody- designing slags with basis on their desired thermodynamic
namic properties, some physical properties are also of par- behavior improves, the capacity of being able to predict its
amount importance for the adequate performance of the viscosity to properly adjust this property to the envisage
slag in different processes[13]. Among the physical proper- process becomes even more important.
ties, viscosity and surface tension are specially important. In the present work, the state-of-the-art in viscosity
However, oxide based slags (and those including suldes, modeling is briey reviewed and a new model is presented.
This model is developed by introducing data from slag con-
*Corresponding author. stitution, calculated by a thermodynamic model that is sup-
E-mail address: (A. Costa e Silva) ported by a physico-chemical structural model in an empiri-

2012 Brazilian Metallurgical, Materials and Mining Association. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

J. Mater. Res. Technol. 2012; 1(3):154-160

Estimating Viscosities in Iron and Steelmaking Slags in the
CaO-Al2O3-MgO-SiO2-(TiO2) System with Basis on a Thermodynamic Model 155

cal equation traditionally used to predict viscosity based on the slag chemical composition, without taking in consider-
the slag chemical composition. The results of the applica- ation the species present in the slag, only its constituent
tion of this proposed model to a system of great interest to compounds. In an attempt to consider the behavior of the
steel processing slags (CaO-Al2O3-MgO-SiO2) are presented various slag forming compounds, Urbain and other authors[4]
and discussed. have proposed the grouping of the slag forming oxides in:
glass forming, modiers, and amphoteric. Silica (SiO2) is a
2. Models for Slag Viscosity Prediction and glass forming oxide. Silica is characterized by strong bond-
their Relations to Structure and Temperature ing, polymerization (chains of tetrahedral), and high viscos-
ities. Modiers are oxides containing Na+, K+, Ca2+, Fe2+, and
Sridhar[5] has recently reviewed the most relevant models Mg2+ ions that modify the polymeric glass structure breaking
for describing the viscosity of slags and liquid metals. In this the strong bonds (or chains) and decreasing the viscosity.
context, the usual denition for viscosity as the ability of Oxides such as Al2O3 or Cr2O3 can display both behaviors,
a uid to resist shearing forces is used. Most slag systems depending on their concentrations and the other oxides
are Newtonian uids, where viscosity does not depend on present in the slag[4]. This approach is very similar to the
the shear rate, thus: simplied description of steelmaking slags, based on basic-
ity concepts[6]. In this approach[3], A and EA in Eqs. (1) and
dv (2) are expressed as shown in Eqs. (3) and (4).
where W is the shear stress [Pa], is the uid viscosity (a
In Aw A0  AX
i i

coefcient given [Pas]) and dv is the velocity (v) gradient oxides i

dy (3)
normal to the shear stress [s1].
EW E0  Ei X i
oxides i
2.1 Temperature Dependence of Viscosity
where A is expressed in Pa.s.K-1 and E in K.
As shear should involve the relative movement of layers of (4)
atoms, ions or molecules (or species) in a structure, and
that should depend on their bonding strength, it is reason- Aw exp[ A0  Amod ( X CaO  X MnO  X MgO  X FeO ) 
able to assume that this force should follow an Arrhenius
type relation with temperature. This is assumed by several  A fluoride X CaF2  Aalkaline mod ( X Na2O  X K 2O )  AamphXXAl2O3 ]
authors[3,5]. So, viscosity could be described as:
EW E0  Emod ( X CaO  X MnO  X MgO  X FeO )
K A exp A (1)  E fluoride X CaF2  Ealkaline mod ( X Na2O  X K 2O )  EamphXXAl2O3
where A is a pre-exponential coefcient and EA is the ac- Eq. (4) is just a regrouping of terms of Eq. (3) for com-
tivation energy for the phenomenon. However, due to the pounds with the same approximate behavior[3].
complex nature of the species present in the slag and due to More advanced models try to correlate viscosity with
the fact that the slag constitution (i.e. the species present) structural characteristics or parameters of the slag. Thus,
may also vary with temperature[4,6], Eq. (2) has also been viscosity has been correlated to optical basicity, for in-
proposed for the description of slag viscosity by Urbain[3,7] stance[4,8]. Kondatriev and Jak[9], on the other hand, have
based on the Weymann-Frenkel kinetic theory of liquids. attempted a correlation between viscosity and the concen-
tration of species in the slag, given as the fraction of spe-
E cies in the quasi-chemical thermodynamic model for the
K A T exp A (2) slag. These authors have adopted an intermediate tempera-
RT ture dependence as given in Eq. (5):

2.2 Chemical Composition Dependency of Viscosity E

K AT 3 / 2 exp A (5)
Due to the complexity of slag structure and hence the spe-
cies present in the slag as a function of chemical compo- Using the quasi-chemical model in FACTSAGE software
sition, many different ways of incorporating the effect and slag databases they adjusted the coefcients A and E
of chemical composition in viscosity models have been as a function of species concentration obtained from ther-
proposed. The simplest approach, classied as empirical modynamic calculation.
models by Kondratiev et al.[7], has been to t polynomial
descriptions to the relation between viscosity, tempera- 3. The Present Model
ture, and composition, not even considering Eqs. (1) or (2).
These models have only been successful for interpolation 3.1 Model Formulation
(and minor extrapolations) in limited ranges of composi-
tion and temperature. On the other hand, both Eqs. (1) and In the present work, a model based on Eq. (2) and in a mod-
(2) can have their A and E coefcients tted directly to ication of Eq. (3) to consider the concentration of cells

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156 Costa e Silva

(species) in the Gaye-Kapoor-Frohberg[1012] thermodynamic cies on the cell concentrations calculated according to this
model for the slag was developed. This way, no correla- model. Thus, if yij is the concentration of cell (in cell frac-
tion with the slag forming components (composition) was tion or mole fraction of cell) i-O-j in slag (where i and j are
attempted. This stems from the observation most models cations), the viscosity coefcients in Eq. (2) become:
that try to correlate composition and viscosity has limited
success. It is the assumption of the present work that this Aw exp( A0  y ij Aij )
limitation is due to the deviations between slag constitu- i j ti
tion and composition as discussed above. Ew E 0  y ij Eij
The thermodynamic model used in the present viscosity i j ti
modeling was developed by Gaye et al.[10,11] based on the
Kapoor-Frohberg[12] proposal. In this model, liquid oxides In the present case, the yij are calculated using Thermo-
are described as symmetric (i-O-i) and asymmetric (i-O-j) calc[14] and the Gaye-Kapoor-Frohberg model as implement-
cells. Other cations can also be considered in an extension ed in the database SLAG3[15] with basis on Gayes assess-
of the model[11]. The model considers the cell formation en- ments[10,11].
ergies as well as the energies of interactions between cells. Access to structural information of the slag constituents,
The Gibbs energy of symmetric cells corresponds to that of however, is very limited. The insight proposed by Richard-
the equivalent pure oxide. Thus, for instance: son in 1954, that there must exist three types of oxygen in
slag, namely those bonded to two silicon atoms (O0), those
bonded to one silicon atom (O-1), and those unattached to
G Al:O : Al N 0G Al2O3 (6) silicon (O-2)[16] has paved the way for several slag structure
models[17,18] (including the Kapoor-Frohberg approach) ap-
where the factor adjusts for the number of oxygen atoms plied to steelmaking slags. The concentration of these dif-
in the cell and in the oxide formula. ferent types of oxygen can be directly measured by X-ray
Asymmetric cells have their Gibbs energies given as: photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) if one assumes that oxygen
bonds are preserved when a liquid slag is quenched to a vit-
reous sample[19]. Comparison of the measured concentrations
Gi:O: j Wij  N i 0 GixO y  N j 0 G j xO y (7)
of O0, O1, and O2 should, thus, give interesting insights on
slag structure and adequacy of thermodynamic models. For
where Wij can be composition-dependent. Further- this reason, the measurements of Park and Rhee[19] in CaO-
more, the model has dened rules for the cell interaction SiO2 mixtures were compared with the results of the thermo-
energies: dynamic model discussed above. Fig. 1 compares their mea-
a) All interactions between similar cells are considered surement results, their calculated concentrations obtaining
as part of their Gibbs energy; by tting the degree of dissociation of CaO to the XPS results
b) Interaction between different cells obey the follow- and using Toops data with the calculated concentrations (Y) of
ing additivity rules:

Eii  jj 2 Eij ii (8a)

1 0.10
Si-O-Si, Si-O-Ca, O-, O0 concentration (mole fraction)

0.9 0.09
Eij  kk Eik  kk  E jk  kk (8b)

Ca-O-Ca and O-2 concentration (mole fraction)

0.8 0.08

The Eij factor can be dependent on the concentration of 0.7 0.07

the highest cation charge concentration. 0.6 0.06
Thus, the Gibbs energy of the liquid slag can be calcu-
lated as: 0.5 0.05

0.4 0.04

x G
i i
ii i  o i  xij Gi o  j 0.3 0.03

(9) 0.2 0.02

 N i  j Eij  RT xij lnxij 0.1 0.01

i j i j ti
0 0.00
0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7
where the x coefcients are the cell concentrations. Their Mole fraction SiO2
variation is limited by the concentration of the oxides form-
ing the slag and determined through the minimization of Y(Si-O-Si) Oo calc.[19] Y(Ca-O-Ca)
the Gibbs energy of the liquid phase for a given slag com- Y(Si-O-Ca) O- exp.[19] O-2 calc.[19]
O- calc.[19] Oo exp.[19] O-2 exp.[19]
position. The coefcients Ni-j are related to the number of
interacting pairs of cells and are determined in the same
way. Despite their different formulations, according to Pel- Fig. 1 Concentrations of O0 (), O-1(), and O-2 () experimentally
ton[13], this model and the quasi-chemical model are for- measured by XPS at 1,873 K, together with their calculated concentrations
tted to the data by Park and Rhee (see original reference for further
mally similar. discussion[19]). Also presented are the cell concentrations (mole fraction) of
It is then possible to describe viscosity by adapting Ca-O-Ca, Si-O-Si, and Si-O-Ca cells calculated using Thermo-calc and the
Eq. (2) with A and E factors that have linear dependen- SLAG3 database, in the CaO-SiO2 system

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Estimating Viscosities in Iron and Steelmaking Slags in the
CaO-Al2O3-MgO-SiO2-(TiO2) System with Basis on a Thermodynamic Model 157

Ca-O-Ca, Si-O-Si, and Si-O-Ca cells using the above thermo- 2.5
dynamic model. It is evident that the model describes quite
well the concentration of the different types of oxygen via 2.0
the cell concentration. Furthermore, this can give important

Calculated values of log ( in Pa.s)

insights on the relevant cells for the viscosity modeling, as
discussed in the next section.

4. Results and Discussion 1.0

4.1 First Stage of Modeling 0.5

The rst stage of modeling was focused on conrming the 0

viability of the PARROT (Parameter Optimization) routine of
Thermo-calc[14] in optimizing through least-squares, non-ther-
modynamic data, and viscosity in the present case. In that
stage[20] data concerning viscosities in the SiO2-Al2O3-MgO-CaO
system were collected from various sources (for binaries, -1.0
mostly from Kondratiev and Jak[9] and for ternaries data from
Toplis and Dingwell[21]). Data with log 2 has been elimi- -1.5
nated since the viscosity for these glasses frequently require -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
two step dependence on temperature.
Data for the quaternary system from Shankar et al.[22] as Experimental values of log ( in Pa.s)
well as Nakamoto et al.[23] were used. Overall, the data were
Fig. 2 Calculated values of logarithm of viscosities [log K (K in Pa.s)]
in the following approximate range of compositions: 7%80% compared to experimental values of the same variable. Calculation
SiO2, 0%70% Al2O3, 0%16.5% MgO, and 8%70% CaO. The performed using the rst attempt at modeling viscosity given by Eq. (11)
range of temperatures in the data set was 16232273 K. (see text) in the CaO-MgO-SiO2-Al2O3 system[20]
Thus, the equations to be adjusted were:
4.2 Second Stage of Modeling
A A0  yij Aij A0  y SiSi ASiSi  y SiCa ASiCa  y SiAl ASiAl
i j ti As the optimizing strategy has been proved adequate in the
rst stage of modeling, the second stage expanded the num-
 y SiMg ASiMg  yCaCa ACaCa  yCaAl ACaAl  yCaMg ACaMg 
ber of experimental data and attempted to introduce an ad-
ditional oxide, TiO2 in the viscosity model. Additional data
y AlAl AAlAl  y AlMg AAlMg  y MgMg AMgMg
were selected from Shankar et al.[22], Nakamoto et al.[23],
and Saito et al.[24]. Special care was taken to eliminate data
Ew E0  yij Eij E0  y SiSi ESiSi  y SiCa E SiCa  in which a solid phase could be present. This was done via
i j ti
the equilibrium calculation for the bulk slag composition
y SiAl ESiAl  y SiMg ESiMg  yCaCa ECaCa  yCaAl ECaAl  and temperature in Thermo-calc. This is specially impor-
tant since the effect of the presence of solid particles on
the apparent viscosity is well known[25].
yCaMg ECaMg  y AlAl E AlAl  y AlMg E AlMg  y MgMg EMgMg Fig. 3 presents the results of the new optimization for
the quaternary system[26]. In this optimization no term
on y Si O  Si was used.
4.1.1 Results at the rst stage of modeling The results in Fig. 3 were obtained with 16 adjustable
variables. As at least four of them have low correlation, as
The strategy for the optimization of the various parameters indicated in Parrot, it should be possible to achieve similar
is discussed elsewhere[20]. It should be noted, however, that results with only 12 adjustable variables.
the model has only 2x3 adjustable parameters per binary
system and no higher order parameter. It is hence expected 4.2.1 Slags containing TiO2
that optimization should converge to consistent param-
eters. In the rst stage of modeling A and E coefcients In order to extend the model to slags containing TiO2, a rst
depending on y2Si-O-Si were introduced and only 8 variables attempt was made to identify which cells containing Ti+y ions
were actually used. For the range of MgO contents present would be more relevant. Ti-O-Ca and Si-O-Ti, for the range
in the data only coefcients for ySi-O-Mg were used. The re- of slags explored, were the Ti containing cells with higher
sults of this stage of optimization of the model coefcients concentration. Coefcients for these cells were included in
are summarized in Fig. 2. Aw and Ew [Eq. (10)]. Fig. 4(a) shows that the adjustment of
The results of the optimization of the coefcients shown the model was not good. The deviations were concentrated
in Fig. 2 indicate that deviation exists for the adjustment in the titanium containing slags. Examining the constitution
of some experimental values but the overall agreement of these slags, two important facts were observed: (a) the
is good for a wide range of viscosity values, associated to concentration of the Ti containing cells is never high, in the
temperature and composition variations. range of TiO2 contents of 0%10% mass; and (b) the addition

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158 Costa e Silva

of TiO2 causes important changes in the concentration of y ij y ij

A A0  Aij Ew E 0  Eij
other more relevant cells, as shown in Fig. 5. i j ti yT i j ti yT
For this reason, a change was introduced in the model
and the concentration of Ti containing cells was not consid- where:
ered, while the concentration of the cells already included (12)
in the model were normalized to consider the elimination
of the Ti containing cells, as shown in Eq. (12). Thus, the yT ySiSi  ySiCa  ySiAl  ySiMg  yCaCa  yCaAl 
direct effect of the concentration of Ti containing cells was
not considered in the model. yCaMg  y AlAl  y AlMg  yMgMg

Fig. 4b shows the improved adjustment of the calcu-
lated values when compared to Fig. 4a. This indicates that
2.0 the most relevant aspect of the structure of the slag (in
what concerns viscosity) is probably the concentration of
Calculated values of log ( in Pa.s)

1.5 the main types of oxygen ions. This apparently conrms

the proposal of other authors[27] that the lower concentra-
1.0 tion oxides in a slag (such as TiO2, in the present case) may
have a strong inuence of the fraction of bridging and
0.5 non-bridging oxygen ions and thus affect the slag prop-
erties. While the agreement between calculated cell con-
centration and the measured concentrations of the differ-
ent oxygen types in slags in Fig. 5 is not very good, the
trends displayed by the results of thermodynamic model
-0.5 are consistent with the data and the effect of TiO2 addition
on the concentration of Si-O-Si and Si-O-Ca cells is quite
-1.0 evident. One must speculate how would the concentration
of other cells such as Al-O-Al and Si-O-Mg contribute to the
-1.5 concentration of the different oxygen types measured
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 via XPS.
Experimental values of log ( in Pa.s)
5. Conclusions
Fig. 3 Calculated values of logarithm of viscosities [log K (K in Pa.s)]
compared to experimental values of the same variable. Calculation A model for the calculation of viscosity of slags based on
performed using Eq. (10) adjusted via optimization using 325 experimental the slag constitution calculated by the cells thermody-
data points

(a) 2.5 (b) 2.5

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5
Calculated values
Calculated values

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0 0

-0.5 -0.5

-1.0 -1.0

-1.5 -1.5
-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Experimental values Experimental values
Fig. 4 (a) Calculated values of logarithm of viscosities [(log K (K in Pa.s)] compared to experimental values of the same variable. Calculations performed using
the parameters in Eq. (3) for various temperatures and compositions in the CaO-MgO-SiO2-Al2O3-TiO2 including cells containing Ti+y ions in the model description;
(b) calculated values of logarithm of viscosities [log K (K in Pa.s)] compared to experimental values of the same variable. Calculations performed using the
parameters in Eq. (4) (see text for discussion) in the CaO-MgO-SiO2-Al2O3-TiO2. Improved adjustment of the results when compared to Fig. 4a

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Estimating Viscosities in Iron and Steelmaking Slags in the
CaO-Al2O3-MgO-SiO2-(TiO2) System with Basis on a Thermodynamic Model 159

(a) 0.45 (b) 0.38

O0 0.36 O-

Species concentration
Species concentration

0.28 Y(Si-O-Si)
0.20 Y(Si-O-Si) 0.26

0.15 Y(Si-O-Mg) 0.24

0.10 0.22
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Mole percent TiO2 Mole percent TiO2

Fig. 5 (a) Calculated cell concentrations using Thermo-calc compared to measured[27] O and O0 concentration in a slag with B = 1.2 (CaO/SiO2), 17%Al2O3,
and 10% MgO, as a function of the SiO, as a function of the TiO2 content; (b) calculated cell concentrations using Thermo-calc compared to measured[27]
O and O0 concentration in a slag with B = 0.8 (CaO/SiO2), 17% Al2O3, and 10% MgO, as a function of the SiO, as a function of the TiO2 content

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