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Tr ade Unio n I nf orm at ion Bul le t in Yea r 9 n 207 A pr il 18 , 20 17

April 28:

Inside this number: UGT calls the general strike

Patah summons everyone to the General Strike: No right less
UGT calls the
general strike 01
The Unio Geral dos Trabalhadores - UGT through its national president,
Ricardo Patah, called on all affiliated institutions to suspend their activities on
CONTEC against
reforms 02 April 28 and to participate in the street demonstrations, which aim to fight the
proposals of the Federal government related to the Social Security and labor
Temer reform, as well as the law on outsourcing.
guarantees the 02
"This is an important moment in the
trade union tax
history of the struggle of workers and
UGT gets ready
of the Brazilian population. Let us
for the 106th ILO defend our achieved rights. Reforms
conference are necessary, but first it is necessary
to make a tax and political reform.
Workgroup on Then, together, we will manage to
hemispheric 03
perform a social security and labor
reforms," Patah said.
UGT fighting
against racism 04 This way, union workers are being called to participate in the street
demonstrations, which aim to fight against the Federal government's proposals
Southern Region for social security and labor reforms, as well as the outsourcing law, sanctioned
launches Decent 04 by President Michel Temer.
Observatory "We cannot lower our guard now, because this government serves the interests
of powerful groups. Reforms are necessary, but first we have to do tax and
4 4th Industrial
04 political reforms, then we can work together on social security and labor
Revolution at
May Day Seminar reforms," he explains.
In Salvador, Bahia, Patah attended the 4th plenary session of UGTs State branch
of Bahia (UGT-BA) and reinforced the convening of the general strike. Magno
Lavigne, president of UGT-BA, presided the meeting, which was attended by an
audience composed of more than 100 trade union officers, who spontaneously
shout out loud the cry "General Strike on April 28!" Patah reinforced the chorus
and announced that all unions and categories affiliated to UGT will close their
doors on April 28 and join the strike.
Luiz Carlos Motta, president of UGTs State branch of So Paulo, aligned
with the national position of the trade union center, called all affiliated unions of
the State to stop their activities on April 28. "We cannot allow them to advance
in the removal of labor rights, despise the consolidation of labor laws, stir our
retirement plan and affect millions of workers through outsourcing of all the
activities of the company, which will convert into precarious employment,
Reforma da
Previdncia: Nenhum
generate instability in the labor relations and worsen unemployment, a topic that
Direito a Menos plagues more than 13 million Brazilians," said Motta, who is also president of
Throughout Brazil, State branches are mobilized for April 28.

UGT Global 01
CONTEC against reforms
The reason why we are against the Labor and Social Security Reforms
CONTECs Board of Executives
The trade union movement has been struggling for decades to secure workers' rights.
Nowadays, this combative struggle is focused on trying to stop the projects of labor and
social security reforms that are being discussed in the National Congress. This happens
because we are sure that they are unjust, inopportune and unnecessary texts that only
remove workers rights and in no way contribute to the development of our society.
The Labor Reform, for example, intends to establish the predominance of the negotiated
over the legislated. This is clearly unnecessary, because today the trade union movement
responds to the demands of the workers through direct negotiations and the celebrations
of Collective Conventions and Agreements, which already constitute laws between the
parties. So what is the point of having the negotiated part over the legislated?

Although there are

hundreds of amendments
from congressmen to Bill
6787/2016, CONTEC, an
institution affiliated with
UGT, and other
Confederations of the FST
are fighting for the
rejection of this matter, in a
work of convincing and
pressure on each

As for the Social Security Reform (Bill 287/2016), it is inappropriate and unfair because it
comes at a wrong time, when no one else trusts the figures presented by the federal
government. Still in the past management, Social Security was reformed by means of the
institution of the factor 85/95. This measure solved the Social Security Factor and other
evils of our Social Security.

We know that Private Pension does not present deficit. Public welfare is the problem, but
the government is the one to solve its deficit, which is large, without burdening the
workers. May the government cut spending, work better in the fight against corruption,
close the taps of waste! Workers cannot pay for poor public administration and lack of
proper control of government management!

For all these reasons, we call on all trade unions to work together. Convince your
congressmen to vote against both issues, developing a wide process of talks, mobilizations
Selic Rate: There
and pressures on State Representatives, Mayors and Councilors, to pass along to Federal
was lack of
courage to cut Deputies the fair need to reject the Labor and Social Security Reforms.
CONTEC maintains Gladir Antonio Basso, its Legislative Affairs Director, full time in the
Chamber of Deputies, thanking the votes that are favorable to workers and seeking to
convince congressmen who support the Government to vote in favor of the majority of the
Brazilian society, that is, workers.

Temer guarantees that he will keep the trade union tax

"The goal of the Labor Reform is to establish a balance in collective bargaining and, in
order for this to happen, we must have strong unions and strong employers." This
statement is from President Michel Temer, in a meeting he had with Ricardo Patah,
President of UGT, assuring that he will keep the trade union tax in the Labor Reform.

President Temer also assured that it would be contradictory to want to strengthen the
collective bargaining and weaken the unions, putting an end to the union contribution.

According to Ricardo Patah, the statement of President Michel Temer is a sign that the
first obstacle has been overcome and that UGT and the other trade union centers are
determined to ensure that the Labor Reform will not remove any workers' rights.

President Temer also assured UGT that it is not the intention of the Government to bring
injury to the workers.

UGT Global . 02
UGT gets ready for the 106th ILO conference
Patah attendsin UGT seminar at CONTEC on the 106th ILO conference
On April 11, Ricardo Patah, president of UGT, was at CONTEC's head office in Braslia, DF,
during a seminar promoted by UGT to prepare and train leaders to participate in the 106th
Conference of the International Labor Organization-ILO, which will take place in Geneva,

The panel was attended by Dr. Dominique

Rocha Mattos, Head of the Division of
International Organizations of the Ministry of
Labor and Employment, Dr. Claudia Campos
Braga Patah, from UGTs Legal Department,
Loureno Prado, Secretary of International
Relations, Wagner Jos De Souza 1st
Assistant Secretary of International Relations
and Ricardo Patah, UGTs National
President, who emphasized the issue of
Decent Work.

Patah recalled that back in the 1990s he had already been a delegate of the Brazilian
Workers' Bank and, on that occasion, in his speech at the Palais des Nations (UN), he
brought up this topic, stating that Brazil needed to implement public policies that sought
to resolve this issue.
"We are living an important moment, especially because of the changes observed in the
world, not only in the field of labor, but also in relation to human rights," said Loureno
Prado, president of CONTEC and also UGTs Secretary of International Relations. He will
compose the Brazilian bench that will travel to the conference, which is also composed of
members of the Government and Businessmen in a tripartite manner.

On that occasion, Dr. Dominique Rocha Mattos, an advisor on the International area of the
Ministry of Labor, made a speech on Standards Committee; Labor migration; Employment
and decent work for peace and resilience; Revision of recommendation number 7, 1944
(rulemaking, second discussion); and Exemption from ILOs Conventions 4, 15, 28, 41, 60
and 67.

Several leaders from UGT and from trade union were at the event. Among them, there
were: Sergio Luiz da Costa, president of the Trade Union of Bank Workers of Gois;
Rumiko Tanaka, Finance Director of CONTEC; lvaro Weiler Jnior, president of ADVOCEF;
and representatives of other confederations of workers.

Workgroup on hemispheric integration

TUCA held a meeting on economic development in Latin America

The Trade Union Confederation of the Americas (TUCA) held a meeting of the Work
Group on Hemispheric Development and Integration (GTDIH) on April 4-5, in So

The meeting brought together trade union leaders from several countries in Latin America
and the Caribbean, aiming to broaden a debate on the political situation of these regions
and assess the main challenges that the working class needs to overcome.

Among the main points, there were actions to confront multinational companies. "We,
from UGT, have an important job with these companies, because when it comes to
employment and income generation in the poorest countries of the region many of these
multinationals hide serious violations of human rights, often promoting acts that are
similar to slavery, evasion of foreign exchange, among other irregularities," says Ricardo
Patah, UGTs national president.

Another topic addressed at the meeting was related to the 17 Sustainable Development
Goals (SDG) and the Agenda 2030, which is a global plan of action to achieve sustainable
development by the year 2030.

To Gustavo de Padua, UGTs Youth Secretary, this meeting was good and showed that
TUCA is seeing the SDGs with relevant and strategic aspects for the trade union

UGT Global 03
UGT fighting against racism
UGT-RJ receives award for its fight against racism and intolerance
Nilson Duarte Costa, president of UGTs State branch of Rio de Janeiro (UGT-RJ)
was one of those contemplated with the "Cedine Prize March 21 on the Fight Against
Racism". This event took place on April 11 and brought together trade union leaders,
parliamentarians and government representatives who somehow stood out in appreciating
the fight against racism and intolerance.

Ana Cristina dos Santos, UGTs Secretary of

Human Diversity, represented Nilson in the event
that was promoted by the State Council of Black
People Rights (Cedine).
Marta Rocha, State Representative, Valter Martins,
Sindimestres Brazil, Alzira Pereira, Sinder RJ,
Ubiratan Jos, Sindiserj, among others attended the
"It is very important that we, from UGT-RJ, receive a prize like this, because it is the
recognition of the work we are doing to combat racism, prejudice and any kind of
intolerance," Ana explained. (Fbio Ramalho - UGT Press)

Southern Region launches Decent Work Observatory

On April 10, several representatives and union leaders from the southern region of Brazil
had a meeting in Joinville, Santa Catarina, to launch the Decent Work Observatory.
UGTs Southern Region observatory includes
the states of Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul
and Paran. In addition to representatives of
UGTs state branches, such as Norton (RS),
Mazinho (SC) Eder (PR), it comprises UGT
national secretaries Leocides Fornazza (UGTs
National Secretary of Anti-unionist Practices
and Labor Relations), Gustavo de Pdua (Youth
secretary), Avelino Garcia (Secretary General
2nd Assistant), among other expressive union

4th Industrial Revolution at UGTs May Day Seminar

"Industry 4.0 to the 4th Industrial Revolution" will be one of the topics of UGTs May Day
After mechanization and mass production, the digital revolution now brings information
technology. Brazil and the 4th Industrial Revolution: Social and Economic Impacts will be
one of the topics that will be discussed during the May Day Seminar: 10 years of UGT. In
order to talk about this issue and its effects on the world of work, the event will feature a
lecture by Professor Marcos Cordeiro Pires.
According to Professor Marcos Cordeiro, "the organization of a seminar that addresses
topics such as those being proposed by UGT is extremely important, especially at a time
when Brazil and the world are in a deep crisis." It is particularly relevant in Brazil, where
the working class has suffered major setbacks with recent reforms in progress (social
security and labor).
The seminar "10 years of UGT's fight and challenges to overcome the political and
economic crisis in Brazil" will be held at the Hotel Holliday Inn in So Paulo on April 24 and
25, bringing together trade unionists, politicians, researchers, professors and
Desafios para representatives of the government and civil society.
Indstria 4.0
<<< To increase your information on this issue, read the study of the National
no Brasil
Confederation of Industry.

The UGT Global is the Newsletter of International Information of the Unio Geral dos
The UGT union is an organization formed to defend the Brazilian workers across a broad trade
union movement, national, ethical, supportive, independent, democratic and innovative.
Communications Director: Marcos Afonso de Oliveira
Publisher: Mauro Ramos

UGT Global 05

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