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White Paper

Selecting Feedback Devices

Content contributed by Motor Consultants, LLC

Worldwide applications use feedback for speed choices are 2.0 V/Krpm and 19.5 V/Krpm and the
and/or position control. Feedbacks important applications speed will be 100 rpm, then the output
role in the machine is to make sure that the voltage read will be 0.2 volts (ie 0.100 x 2.5) and 1.95
machine delivers performance, precision, and volts respectively. Obviously the lower the speed, the
accuracy. The following presents guidelines on higher voltage constant would be preferable as it makes
how to select feedback for an application. it easier to regulate thus accurately controlling speed;
and for higher speed applications a low tach voltage
will be preferable so as not to saturate circuitry.
A feedback sensor must be capably of measuring the
correct control variable ie speed, direction, position, The analog signal provided by the DC tach is mostly
with sufficient resolution. In general, guidelines suggest used with analog controls, and since most modern
resolution 10 times higher than the specified accuracy controls are digital, DC tachs for speed feedback is
of the variable being monitored. Feedback is usually becoming less common.
mounted on the motor; however some applications
use feedback directly on the load. This introduces For tight speed control, especially at low speed, a high
mechanical play and dead times. A high quality control pulse count encoder with a digital control can be used.
should be used to allow for compensation of these To measure speed each millisecond to an accuracy of
potential situations. rpm, the encoder resolution can be determined by:

SPEED FEEDBACK R = (1/rpm) x (60,000/4)

For applications needing only speed control, one of Where R = resolution, encoder counts per revolution
the least expensive feedback devices is the tachometer. (cpr)
And the most popular, universally accepted, tach is the rpm = accuracy of revolutions per minute
permanent magnet design, which provides an output 60,000 = milliseconds per minute
voltage directly proportional to speed with polarity 4 = quadcounts per square pulse
indicating direction of rotation. The DC tach provides
output voltage according to: As an example, if desired accuracy would be 5 rpm, this
results in:
V=S x Ke
R = (1/5) x (60,000/4) = 3000
Where V = output voltage generated (volts)
S = speed at which tach is rotated (Krpm) And an encoder with resolution of 3000 counts per
Ke = tach voltage constant (volts/Krpm) revolution would be necessary

The DC tach has wide capability and if operated within POSITION FEEDBACK
its rated speed range it provides linear behavior. Above
rated speed (usually above 6000 rpm), aerodynamic lift, In selecting the proper feedback device for a positioning
brush bounce or commutator run-out will cause a drop application, the requirements that need to be identified
in the linear characteristic. However for most speed include: homing strategy and accuracy requirements.
control applications this speed range is acceptable.
The tach voltage constant selected for the application
depends upon operating speed. For example if the The first step is to determine if the application/machine
can move the motor/load to a switch closure/point to
determine a reference or starting or home position. If M = 2 (5) (+/- 0.0008)
this is not the case, then an absolute feedback device is = +/- 0.02512 radians
required. Either parallel absolute or serial synchronous
interface (SSI) feedback would be selected depending Converting radians to degrees:
on the applications positioner and its capability.
X = 0.02512 x 360 deg/2
For applications that can move to a reference point = +/- 1.4 degrees
to identify the start position, then an incremental
feedback device can be used, such as: The minimum number of counts per revolution (cpr)
that the feedback device must be capable of providing
Resolver is:
cpr = 360 / 1.4 = 250 counts/revolution (cpr)
Using the rule-of-thumb that the resolution be 10 times
The next step is to determine what accuracy is needed this figure, therefore the goal would be for a count of
at the load, and how this compares against the accuracy 2500 cpr or better for resolution.
and resolution that the feedback device can provide.
Considering the feedback devices from figure 1 above,
The variety of feedback devices that will be used for the conclusions are: 1) the 500 ppr encoder will provide
this example are displayed in figure 1, along with their a resolution of 2000 cpr this does not meet the need
resolution. For this example, the encoders have 1000 as determined; 2) the 1000 ppr encoder will provide
and 2500 pulses per revolution (ppr) with channels resolution of 4000 cpr will meet the specified accuracy;
A and B and since the control will read positive and 3) the resolver and SSI provide resolution of 16,384 cpr
negative transitions, thus the resolution or counts per both of which meet the specification.
revolution (cpr) is 4 times the number of pulses.

Feedback Pulse/Revolution Counts/Revolution There is a parameter to consider especially when
Device (PPR) (CPR) (Resolution) encountering high speeds, or rather high number of
counts per time. Bandwidth is the maximum rate at
Encoder 500 2000 which an electric system can change state - - reacting
Encoder 1000 4000 to pulses require a certain amount of time for the
Resolver 4096 16,384 circuits to switch from high to low. In other words,
at high input rate, or high frequencies, the encoder
SSI 4096 16,384
no longer switches properly between the two states.
Every encoder has a maximum frequency at which it
Figure 1 Pulse and Counts per revolution for various feedback devices
can output a signal. This limit is termed the maximum
operating frequency of the encoder. Consider a 2000
ppr encoder with a maximum bandwidth of 100,000
As an example, if an application required +/- 0.0008
Hertz (Hz). Divide bandwidth by ppr and the result is
accuracy using a ball screw (pitch = 5 rev/in) the resolution
maximum speed which the encoder can electrically run.
requirement would be determined as follows:
The answer for this example is 50 revolutions per second
or 3000 rpm.
M = 2 P X
The other consideration is the bandwidth of the control
where M = displacement at the motor shaft (radians) receiving the encoder signals. As encoders have limits,
P = ball screw pitch (revolution/inch) so do control systems (counters, motor controls, PLCs).
X = linear displacement accuracy (inches). However many modern controls have dedicated circuitry
This leads to a rotary accuracy of: with high bandwidth for encoders.
Figure 2 summaries and compares the various feedback devices for output, pulse/revolution and accuracy. Note since
accuracy is +/- count, the higher the ppr, the higher the accuracy is for the applications. The tradeoff can be cost.

Halls (3 located 120 Incremental Absolute

Tachometer Resolver
apart) Encoder Encoder

Speed Electronic Relative Position, Absolute Position,

Use For Relative Position
Measurement Commutation Commutation Speed Commutation Speed

Digital, Serial /
Voltage Proportional
Output Digital Digital Parallel Sinusoidal
To Speed

Accuracy +1 / -1% Set Speed 60 Degrees + / - count + / - count + / - 10 count

500 x 4 = 2000
Output ppr None 6 SSI = 16,384 16,384
1000 x 4 = 4000

No Internal
Very Long Life, No Observe Shock, Observe Shock, Electronics, Can
Comments Long Life
Parts to Wear Vibration, Dust Vibration, Dust Handle Higher

Figure 2 Summary of feedback devices capability and accuracy

In general another requirement to review for applications and selection of feedback devices would be environmental
conditions. Verify that the feedback device can handle any shock, vibration and temperature that the application will be
subjected to. For example high or low ambient temperatures, extremes are usually found in automotive, space, cryogenic,
aeronautical and some other applications.

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