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Baker College Class Session Lesson Plan

Title of Lesson:
Personality Theories

Psych 201: Introduction to General Psychology

Student Learning Goal(s):

SLO-Analyze and explain the major theories of personality
SLO-Apply principles of personality theories to a case study
SLO-Distinguish between the different theories and traits

Blooms Taxonomy:

I expect students to be able to use all levels of Blooms Taxonomy. The activity should
help them not only remember the material but how to apply the information using
evaluation and analysis of the different theories of personality. The lecture should help
them understand the material and the students will be creative as they find ways to make
the Grinchs personality fit in with their assigned personality theory.


Will use one minute paper answers and a Socrative quiz at the end of class to assess
students knowledge.

Procedures/Lesson Sequence:

Students will start with the question: What makes you behave/think as you do?
Students will think-pair-share their answer to this question
PowerPoint lecture on Personality Theories broken into mini lectures with one minute
papers as the transition
Students will share one idea from their one minute paper without repetition
Students will watch a short clip on how the Grinch Stole Christmas
Students will break up into groups and using their assigned personality theory explain
what that theorist would say on the Grinchs personality.


Handouts with the different personality theories written in a grid.

Video of How the Grinch Stole Christmas
PowerPoint Lecture


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I will use computer for PowerPoint, Socrative and videos. Students will use either their
laptops or cellphones to interact with Socrative.


Reflection (to be completed after the lesson is taught):

1. What went well?

Students seemed engaged in the video activity. Their think-share-pair ideas was
very interesting to hear.

2. How effectively did the students accomplish the objective(s)?

Very well.

3. What evidence of understanding do you have?

They did well on the Socrative quiz overall and seemed engaged in the activities.
Their one minute paper answers seemed reflective of the lecture given.

4. What would you do differently the next time you teach this lesson?

The video goes really well for fall semester because of the timing of the holidays
however, I may try to find another video for a spring/summer semester.

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